Friday, July 24, 2015

Friday's Fave Five #338

Hi everyone...welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  I hope you're having a lazy dazy summer so far.  I know this week definitely has been like that for me.  On Monday, I had carpal tunnel surgery so I've been doing pretty much nothing the whole week.  I also tell you that to say that I might not make it 5 favourites because I don't know how long my hand will hold up.  It tires and gets achy quite quickly so we shall see how long I can type.  And one handed typing, especially one handed/left handed typing is for the birds.  So no more intro, let's get right to it!

1.  Biking date and lunch.  So, because we knew the surgery would sideline me for a little bit hubby and I fit quite a bit of bike riding into the weekend.  It was so wonderful.  We rode city trails all over the west side of the city and then we went to the golf course located in the river bottom for lunch.  We sat on the patio and just enjoyed the view.  It was a perfect date with the perfect guy on a perfectly gorgeous day.  The only downfall was those golfers and their language.  Yowzers, they turned the air blue.  But the sunset totally made up for that and gave me a beautiful ending to a beautiful day

2.  Really great church service where everything  was good from worship to offering to message.  Everything just seemed to flow that day.  I love when that happens.

3.  Book Haul arrived.  My daughter got me onto this site  (American site is here) that is an outlet store for books and goodness me, I think I am quite addicted.  I had my order arrive last week just in time for my week of recuperation and staycation.  Am I excited much?  Oh yeah!  I got all these books for under $50 Canadian, which means it would be even less for you Americans!, and that included shipping and handling and our GST and 2 of them were hardcovers.  Sigh, I'm going to have to really control myself because they have new arrivals every day!

4.  Helpful Hubby.  So thankful for my hubby for all his help and indulgence this week.  Because my dominant hand up till now has been a pretty much out of commission he's done pretty much everything.  Without a word of complaint or impatience.  He's kept my coffee cup filled, taken me for lunch to get me out of the house, taken me to the lake so I could just sit and read, and that was his idea at that!, and not even breathed a word of frustration with my pillows that my hand has rested on during the night taking up way more than half the bed.  He truly deserves a medal this week!

view from my chair

5.  Sweet card and Starbucks gift card left in my mailbox by one of my dayhome parents, telling me to put my feet up and relax.  What a blessing that was!  And yes, I've already used it.  Tried their Shaken Mango Black Tea Lemonade.  Yum, yum.

Whew I made it through!  And now I think I'll go sit outside and watch all the aircraft arriving for the Air Show in town this weekend.  I love watching those planes coming in and even though I've seen them many times,  I still get thrilled every single time the Canadian Forces Snowbirds whiz by over top of the house!

What were your favourites this week?


nikkipolani said...

Wow, I can't believe you've done all that typing so soon after surgery.

I'm a little afraid to click that link in #3. Much too much temptation -- but oh, what a fun way to spend book browsing ;-)

What a wonderful helper your husband was with all the extra TLC for you while you recovered. Blessings on him!

Ingrid said...

I too am surprised that you manage the keyboard so well ! Looks as if despite of your hand you had a nice week !

Faith said...

Praying for a quick and good recovery for you!! love the sunset photo and yay for Starbucks gift card!! my oldest just surprised me with one..."just because" now I can go to Dunks OR $Starbucks :) Of course I'm adding money to both!! :) Love the book site!! But due to my new philosophy of purging and getting my life down to the most important 100 things, I am going to stop buying books and just borrow from the town library. I'm thankful I live in a town with a good, large one!! Happy weekend!!!

Barbara H. said...

No lazy summer days here, I am afraid! At least not for a little while. We're helping our kids move tomorrow.

I can't imagine having my dominant hand out of commission, but it sounds like you're doing well.

I will have to take a look at that site - sounds very tempting!

It's wonderful that your dayhome parents are so supportive and encouraging. And wonderful as well that your hubby is so helpful and caring.

The church service sounds just lovely. It's really neat when everything comes together like that in a service.

Karen said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery, Susanne! I guess if there's a good thing about the surgery, it's that it does force you to slow down. Your hubby sure takes good care of you! You have a real gem there. We didn't get out on our bikes this week, but your ride makes me want to plan something soon. Have a great weekend.

Susan said...

I hope your healing is quick, thorough and takes care of the issue. How awesome that your husband has been over-the-top helpful and has such a loving attitude. Both things sure aid in the healing process.

Wow - that was a great "catch" of books. How many did you get through this week? I don't know whether I should have a look at that site or not. Yikes - it is soooooo tempting.

I hope you have another great week and that is is also an "easy" one on your body.

Willow said...

I don't dare follow the link to that book outlet! So many books, so little time!
I hope your hand is healing quickly. Kudos to your hubby for all his help. I know you're looking forward to the time when you can get back on your bike :)

ellen b said...

Hope you heal quickly and have good relief. Sounds like you prepared well with some fun outings. Hats off to your hubby who is taking care of things for you.

Jerralea said...

I'm late coming to the party but wanted to wish you well in your healing journey!

As always, it sounds like your hubby has been so helpful and thoughtful.

I always get a kick out of your drink choices - you are so adventurous ... and I am so humdrum...