Friday, June 12, 2015

Friday's Fave Five #333

It's Friday!  Time to look back over the last week and take note of the blessings and good things in our life.  Thanks for coming around again this week and joining me!  Guidelines are linked in the sidebar if you are new to Friday's Fave Five.

So in no particular order here are some good things that stood out for me:

1.  Dinner out with Hubby's sister and brother in law.  We went to the river bottom's golf course where they put on a delicious buffet.  Sitting out on the patio the view is gorgeous.  It was a lovely sunny, warm evening with NO wind.  The food was excellent and don't tell but I think we ate our weight in ribs.  It was really nice catching up with his sis and her hubby whom we just don't see that often even though we live in the same city.

2.  Day trip to my happy place...the mountains.  Waterton Park is such a short distance away and yet the scenery is so different from where we live.  It's a blessing being that close to the mountains and to such a lovely mountain town.  It's definitely a place that makes me happy to be in and we try to make the trip at least once a year.   A hot dog roast, a walk around town or a small hike, coffee at one of the restaurants and it makes for a gorgeous, relaxed day making me one very happy girl!

Oh, hello bear!

Cameron Lake
(no idea who the black and white dog is)

3.  Coffee delivered with a smile from a dayhome parent.  It's really a nice treat when a dayhome parent texts me in the morning to ask if I would like a coffee from the Starbuck's or Tim Horton's and then brings it when they drop the kids off.  It's a special treat and makes me feel really special.

4.  Fresh painted doors.  Hubby has spray painted the front and back outside doors and what a difference.  It looks like we have brand new doors. It freshens up the entries with such a small amount of effort.

5.  The smell of fresh cut grass.  I was out with the kids after Hubby  had mowed the lawn and I realized how much I loved that fresh cut smell.  It was wonderful just being out there savoring it the moment.  A small thing but it made me smile all the same.

What were your favorite blessings this week?


Willow said...

The smell of fresh mown grass, the aroma of honeysuckle, the odor of a bonfire--all wonderful smells of summer!
I'm going to look up that town--it sounds like a great place!
And having coffee delivered? Priceless!

Willow said...

Oh, and I'm having trouble with some of the commenting formats too :( I always read and try to comment...

Ingrid said...

I also love mountains, what a beautiful landscape ! Fresh mowed grass indeed smells so good ! With new painted doors the house looks new too !

Faith said...

well you KNOW i love,ountains!! 😀 it IS a blessing to be surrounded by mountains! ( well at least on 3 sides of us!). how fun to see the bear ambling down the road.....better there than on a hiking trail. I love going out for dinners on a deck or patio and am happy for you regarding the weather! yay!! double yay for delivered coffee! enjoy the weekend and all that it holds.

Monica said...

How cool to live in area where you can get different sceneries. I always enjoy pictures of place folks visit. Or, even just their area. I live in central Missouri, north of the Ozark Mountains, and don't see much. Except for the vacation we just came back from.
How nice that a parent thought of you. Sweet person!

Hope you have a great weekend! :)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

love the doggy photo bomb! a coffee treat is always nice.

Barbara H. said...

I'm afraid fresh-cut grass makes my sinuses fill up posthaste. Even if my son stops to talk to me after cutting the grass before taking his shower, I get sneezy. :-/ At least it gets me out of that job. :-)

I love what fresh coat of paint does for a room or any part of it!

Your excursions sound like fun! How sweet of one of your parents to think of you and bring coffee.

nikkipolani said...

Your week was full of fresh fun with wonderful things for the senses! That vista is just gorgeous. Fresh coffee, fresh paint, fresh cut grass -- what a great start to your summer!

Kathie said...

Such lovely summery things!The mountains are so lovely. I haven't seen mountains for way too long.

I have a question about the doors - are they steel or wooden? I'm thinking of painting our steel doors but not sure whether they would turn out nicely. Thanks Susanne!

It's good to finally get a fff up!!

Happy weekend!

Dianna said...

I was blessed to read about the dayhome parent who brought you coffee. I understand why that blesses you so much.

I enjoyed so much all of your beautiful pictures. You have awesome scenery around you. The black bear looks so at home in the picture!

Many times it is the small things that cause us to be the most thankful. I know I don't always take the time to look for them, but they are always there when I do.

Have a lovely weekend, Susanne.

ellen b said...

Wonderful favorites! Glad you could get a way for a day! So refreshing. Have a wonderful weekend!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Beautiful views of your trip to the mountains! Looks like a wonderful park to visit. That is so nice that you were able to get together with your sister for dinner. Also so nice of that day home parent to bring you coffee. It is always nice to be appreciated. Enjoy your Sunday!