Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday's Fave Five #327

Good Morning everyone!  It's Friday so that means it's already time to look back over another week and find those good things that were in our lives this week.  The week has gone by crazy fast for me.  The FFF from last week was my last post!  Yikes.  I just don't know where the week went.  Perfect time to take a breath and think about those good things so that I take note of them.

1.  Friends who help out.  Hubby and I needed help with some official type of papers that we weren't sure we were reading right.  Long story short:  our friends son, whom we know well, stepped right up and offered his help.  It was a generous and thoughtful thing to do and we very muchly appreciate it.  

2.  1st BBQ of the season!  We love to bbq.  At least that's what it's called here but more accurately it's probably grilling.  Whatever the case, we love bbq food.  Sunday was the first grill of the season and burgers made the menu.  Yum.  It just screams warm weather and tasted so good.  Along with a salad it made the perfect Sunday after church lunch.

3.  Sour cream lemon pie.  My mom brought this pie over for dessert after the aforementioned lunch on Sunday.  Yummmmy.  Such a nice smooth flavor.  It's now one of my favorite pies.

4.  Great reading.  I'm in the second book of a series I'm really enjoying.  It's been hard to put it down and may or may not have contributed to no posts on the blog this week.  But I'll never tell.  I love when I hit upon a series that really hooks me and I just want to read them all in a row.  I've heard there is a 3rd in the series but unfortunately I don't think it's in stores yet.  Bummer.  I'll do reviews on the 2 as soon as I finish it.  They are the 2 books by Michael Landon, Jr. (yes, the Michael Landon's son) and Cindy Kelley listed in my sidebar "In the Book Bag"

5.  Go Flames Go!  I usually don't watch too many hockey games on tv but come play off time it's always fun to jump on the bandwagon and get behind a team.  Calgary hasn't had a playoff run in a while so the fever has really hit Calgary and has spread it's way down into Southern Alberta.  Flames car flags, jerseys and posters are everywhere. It's fun to watch the games and see the total "sea of red" dominating the Saddledome on tv.  There was a funny moment in the game the other day that actually made news and set twitter ablaze and that was the guy in the yellow shirt who stuck out like a sore thumb amidst the red.  So much so that another fan gave him a red jersey and the mascot literally pulled that yellow shirt over his head so he could put on the red.  Turns out it was a father and son from Edmonton who drove down for the game.  Their family always wore yellow when going to big public events so they could easily find each other.  Oops, faux pax much?  LOL.

(photo courtesy of CBCnews Calgary)
Funny how all the players seem to be looking at the guy in yellow in this pic

What were your favorite blessings from your week?


Ingrid said...

Sometimes you really need help to understand official papers they make it so complicated ! I think I have never seen a hockey game, no wonder I don't watch games, lol !

Faith said...

I'm definitely not a sports fan, other than watching Equestrian jumping or dressage up in Saratoga in the summer months, but I'm with ya on the other faves! An occasional piece of pie is yummy!! and how thoughtful of your young friend to guide you through your paperwork. I enjoy good books that are series too. I think the last "series" i thoroughly enjoyed were The Hunger Games. Happy weekend, Susanne!

Monica said...

We love to "grill" also. It's so easy and you can do so much great stuff on the grill. That pie looked like banana cream! Sour cream lemon? I would have never guessed. Do you have a recipe for it. Sounds like something my hubby would enjoy.
I've only been to one hocky game in my life. It was way more fun than watching it on television!
Hope you have lots of great time to read your series!

nikkipolani said...

You are celebrating warm weather in style! BBQ and pie sounds delish.

I smiled at that hockey story -- sometimes the best intentions....

Glad you're enjoying some leisurely reading this week. Nothing like being in a good series!

Barbara H. said...

It's great when you can find someone to help you decipher official papers, especially someone you know and trust. Very nice of him to do that.

You're making me crave burgers! I might suggest that for this weekend. We've had one grilling session so far with chicken and pork.

I would never have thought of putting sour cream and lemon together. Sounds intriguing!

Love being captivated by a good book series.

That's hilarious about the yellow shirt at the hockey game. I'm not a sports fan at all and didn't know people dressed in game colors (knew some people did, but not that it was a thing for everybody to) until I saw a photo of the UT stadium and a sea of orange, and then one game they tried to make a checkerboard pattern but having people in different sections wear either white or orange.

ellen b said...

Friday's have been hit and miss for me and I'm happy that I have a quiet weekend and can participate in Fave Fives this week. Woohoo the first barbecue of the season! Glad you got the help you needed and that your hockey team is doing well. That is funny yellow shirt story! Have a wonderful weekend Susanne.

Kathie said...

Haha!! that's so funny about that guy in the yellow shirt. He really stood out.

That sour cream lemon pie looks so amazing. Doe your mom have a recipe to share?

Glad you got some help for the paperwork - I find paperwork stressful at the best of times.

I forgot mention our first bbq of the season too - we also had burgers. but we're having our first family bbq this weekend for John's bday - so that will make it to next weeks' FFF!

Hope you have a great weekend Susanne! Thank again for hosting! xo

Kathie said...

oops - you may have noticed - my "s" key is sticking!!

Willow said...

Ha! Funny story about the yellow shirt! I'm not much of a sports fan, but even I notice the Dodger Blue caps and shirts.
Hurray for people who step in and help with official documents. It can be so overwhelming.
Have a great weekend!