Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday's Fave Five #285

Hello everyone!  Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  It's time to look back on the week and find some things that made our weeks.  They could be small things, they could be huge happenings but in our day to day lives they were something that made us smile.  They were a blessing.

I'm putting the linky up and I'll be back in just a bit with my own list.  It was that kind of week and I'm just running a bit behind.  

Whew, back again.  I've had a crazy kind of week but I'm never wanting to miss pausing and looking back, remembering and being grateful for blessings.  It reminds me helps me to look for those "God moments" in the midst of the chaos, heartache or just plain busyness that sometimes happens in my life.

1.  Dinner out with Dad for his birthday.  My Dad's birthday usually falls within a couple of days of Mother's Day and because my Mom and Dad are not together celebrating the two occasions as one unit just doesn't work.  Add to that the fact that my Dad considers his birthday just another day, well, his celebrations are more than likely very low key.  In year's past, we've always just had a bbq and had him over.  This year, though, I really, really had it on my heart to take him to one of my favorite restaurants which serves one of his favorite meals, liver and onions, and does it really well.  (If you're a regular reader here you all know where that link is gonna go!)  In fact, it is one of their best sellers on their menu.  When I mentioned dinner out he bucked the idea big time, until I mentioned the liver and onions and then he changed his tune real quick.  It was quite amusing actually.  So we took him on Saturday and what an enjoyable time it was.  It was a blessing to watch him tuck into his meal and totally enjoy it and eat every bite.  It blessed me to bless him.

2.  Mother's Day.  It was a lovely day spent with my little family.  As usual, on this day I really missed K who just lives way too far away to come home for the day, but it was a blessing that my other two, J and T, were here.  We went to church as a family which I love, I got some lovely cards, my hubby treated the family out to Cora's for brunch, where I had the April 89 crepe.  This picture was from last Thanksgiving weekend but I swear I had the same reaction when they set it in front of me.  

Hubby also blessed me with a couple of hanging baskets of flowers and my son bought me a gift card to purchase a new novel from one of my favorite authors.  T washed some walls for me which was a HUGE blessing.   The later afternoon was spent with my Mom over at my sister's place.  A most enjoyable, relaxing day.  Thank you, family! 

3.  Backstreet Boys concert with T.  I know, I know, but I've always wanted to see them.  I've always enjoyed their songs and when it was announced that they were coming to my city, I couldn't resist actually seeing them live.  I nabbed two tickets without even knowing who I would eventually go with. Well I had to pleasure of taking my youngest and what a good time we had.   It was so much fun and worth the price of my ears hearing as if through a pillow for hours afterwards.  

4.  Attending "God's Not Dead" with my ladies group.  One of the thing's I love about my ladies group is that not only do we have great bible studies together but we also do fun things together.  We decided we wanted to attend this movie and it was a great evening together.  One of the ladies brought her teenage daughter who is quite resistant to Christianity and struggling with questions such as if God is God why do bad things happen and this movie answered so many of those questions for her.  It was exciting to listen to her afterwards.  I thought it was a great movie, not blockbuster quality, of course, but it made me understand apologetics a lot more.  Although it did have some cheesy moments there was lots to take away from it.  My two biggest take-aways for sharing my faith or things to think about from the show was a quote:  "Don't try to be clever, just speak the truth" and that persons who may be angry or combative or uncaring may be that way because they have experienced very deep hurt.  Doesn't matter who they are or what position they hold in life be it professor, professional, student, or one's children, huge hurts can come and may very well shape them into the person they are or thoughts, beliefs and attitudes they have.  It made for great discussion with the ladies afterward. 

5.  A long weekend starting at 3:15 for me today.  Monday is Victoria Day here in Canada and I am so looking forward to this long weekend.  It's been a very busy couple of weeks, there have been some situations that were exhausting to deal with at work, and just the busyness of all that went on in work and personal life.  So I'm looking forward to getting some things done around the house, maybe a bike ride or two providing these clouds disappear, and I'm looking forward to getting my bedding out plants.  These things to look forward to are going to sustain me to get through this work day!  It's a blessing to have things to look forward to.

 What have been your favorite things from the week?  


Barbara H. said...

I'll be back to check in with your faves later on today. Thanks once again for hosting this!

nikkipolani said...

Looking forward to catching up with you later today :-)

Willow said...

Those are great faves, Susanne. I loved the little story of your dad changing his mind so quickly when you mentioned 'liver and onions'. Your Mother's Day sounds like it was so much fun too.
Have a happy sun filled flower planting weekend!

Monica said...

Sounds like you had a great mother's day. That Crepe is insanely large! :)
Enjoy your 3 day weekend and get some much needed rest!

ellen b. said...

Oh that's right it's a long weekend for our neighbors to the north. Our long weekend is next weekend. Have fun. Looks like you had a nice week leading up the weekend.

Hazel said...

Backstreet Boys - I'm jealous! Your Dad sounds a lot of fun changing his mind at the mention of his fave dish :)

Jerralea said...

You're right, it is so much fun looking forward to a long weekend with exciting things planned. Hope you have a lovely one.

I'm definitely wanting to go see God's Not Dead. And I've found it really is true ... hurting people hurt people. So that gruff atheist might really just be someone who has suffered a huge disappointment.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

A long weekend? That's the greatest! Sounds like you had a lovely Mother's Day. Enjoy your time off and have a great week ahead.

Faith said...

A long weekend for US is NEXT weekend..I'm so looking forward to it. Was a rough week here. Thank you for remembering to keep my husband's cousin's family in your prayers..and us too as we are still in shock. It is good to count our blessings, though. Your mother's day sounds lovely and how what a special thing you did for your dad!! YAY for mother daughter concerts although mine tend to be classical or ballet :)enjoy the weekend!

Ingrid said...

Wow, watching the Backstreet Boys life ! Great ! Had to laugh about your father, that's so typical for old men ! Interest go mostly through the stomach

Karen said...

I hope you had a good weekend, Susanne, and enjoyed your holiday. I love that you and your daughter went to the Backstreet Boys together. What a great thing to share and a great memory you made!

The movie sounds interesting, I'm wondering if my group would be interested in doing that together.

Barbara H. said...

Had to smile about your dad changing his tune. :-)

That is a huge crepe!

I'd like to see that movie some time. It's great that your Bible study group has some fun outings as well.

nikkipolani said...

I loved that photo of you and your gigantic crepe -- nice to see it again :-)

What a full and wonderful week with great moments of celebration and contemplation, too.