Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday's Fave Five #286

It's Fridays Fave 5 time!  Are you ready to take note of the blessings that touched you life this last week?  
Join us as we choose 5 of them to share.  I had quite a busy week with some unexpected surprises thrown in.

1.  Unexpected meeting with friends.  Last Friday I was off a little bit early and so was hubby so we decided to get a chore off the list and go grocery shopping rather than putting it off.  Afterward a quick bite to eat at a fast food restaurant so I wouldn't have to cook.  While standing in line in walk our friends who, coincidentally were grabbing a bite before they hit the grocery store themselves.  It was a fun unexpected visit with good company.  

2.  Unexpected dinner and show invitations.  Saturday night brought another blessing of good company in the form of a dinner invite to a great restaurant and then to a ABBA tribute show.  My friend and her husband treated us to both.  It was a lovely evening and nice to get to know her hubby a bit better, too.  I like having another couple that we can go out with once in awhile.    

3.  Long weekend.  I always love the May long weekend.  It's sorta the unofficial kick-off to summer.   It's a weekend of relaxation, some yard work, bikes rides and just enjoying the weather and that extra time off.  Well, this year the weather wasn't sunny and nice so yard work fell by the wayside but it was still nice to relax and get caught up on a few other things.

4.  Extra help for those "spring" chores that pile up.  Since T. has been home from bible school she's been trying to apply and look for a job.  Well she's been hired on at a couple but it takes a bit of time to get that first pay check and in the interim, she had a couple of expenses and needed to fill her gas tank.  So in exchange for helping her out with some of that she has offered to work around the house.  Lots of my walls and baseboards are now fresh and clean thanks to her efforts.  And it's a load off my mind because sometimes it just seems hard enough to get the weekly chores done around here never mind the extra stuff.  And I can rest knowing she's not going to be running out of gas by herself somewhere.

5.  A summer type of day.  After some rainy and cooler days last week we've had a lovely couple of days that culminated in a wonderful summer type of day yesterday with sunshine and temperatures reaching 28*C (82*F).  It was awesome to spend almost the whole day outdoors with the kids soaking up that sunshine and Vitamin D!  Hopefully it will go on into the weekend and I can actually get that bike ride in!

What were your favorite blessings from the week?

Well we'll be off to finally buy my bedding out plants this weekend and hopefully I can get them in the ground!  Hope you have a wonderful week!


Willow said...

I hope your weather cooperates this weekend so you can get your flowers planted.
Those unexpected little blessings are such a treat. 'Chance' meetings, dinners and concerts-sounds like a great week!

Ingrid said...

I have seen an ABBA show here too was great ! For the moment my scores are rather in the garden (sigh) !

Faith said...

Oh I do hope you have a. Ice weekend!, I love a good bike ride and was able to enjoy one last weekend...and forgot to include it in my fave fives!, oops. I will say a prayer for your girl to land the perfect summer job. Enjoy your weekend!!

Hazel said...

"A summer type of day" I just love the sound of it!

Hootin Anni said...

I added my link to 5 favs...this is the first time. Has nothing to do with 'summer' tho. I don't care for's too hot and hurricane season for us here in South 5 favs is all about purple facts.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Dinner and a show? That's great! And unexpected time with friends is always great. Hope you get those plants out this weekend. That's always a nice way to kick off the summer. Have a great week ahead, Susanne.

nikkipolani said...

Hints of non-winter-ish things happening in your neck of the woods -- can it really be true? I hope so!

Love those blessings of impromptu gatherings.

Karen said...

Another great concert for you! Chance meetings with friends are always a treat. And exchanging chores for gas money sounds like a winning situation for everyone involved. Loving the spring weather here, too!

Barbara H. said...

The unexpected get-togethers sound like a lot of fun!

Our long weekend is upcoming one, and I'm looking forward to it. It's the same here that it feels like the kick-off for summer.

Hope the weather cooperates with your planting plans!

ellen b. said...

We had a sunny day yesterday but are having a good round of rain today. Glad I did my yard work yesterday. Sounds like a great week filled with good things. Have a great weekend.

Jerralea said...

What a fun week you had!

Too bad T. lives so far away from me. My baseboards would love to see her ;) I'd gladly donate to the gas fund to keep myself from doing it.

I'm hoping to plant some bedding plants this weekend, too.

Snowbird said...

You just can't beat good company and laughter! How lovely to have daughter helping you out, another pair of hands go a long way. I hope you get your plants and a bike ride in!xxx

LivingforGod said...

Sounds like you had a lovely week! I always welcome "unexpected blessings" :).

Have a blessed weekend in the Lord!

Ann said...

Curious to know how you get hubs to go grocery shopping with you?!! :-)

Susanne said...

LOL, Ann, it's a very rare occurence!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Sounds like you had a very nice weekend planned. Enjoy! P.S. My hubby has gone grocery shopping with me nearly every week since we got married and that will be 35 years in June!