Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday's Fave Five #227

Holey Toledo, it's Friday already.  Now seriously, who fast forwarded that week.  I didn't post once.  Ah, life.  But if nothing else I want to look for my favorite blessings from the week.  I'll not lie.  It has been another toughie!  On top of everything else going on I've gone and injured my knee, the ligament that runs on the inside of my knee actually, so it's been a very painful, frustrating couple of weeks.  And I got handed the news from the doc I can forget about the gym for 6 weeks.  6 weeks!  That is so frustrating, just when I was making progress.  Arrrgh.   But there is good things in the midst of it.  Things that lift me up and help me keep chugging along.  Please join me and look for those things that have made your world a little better and a little more joyful.  The guidelines link is in the sidebar if you've never done one before.

1.  Fun times with a little fella.  One of my dayhome kidlets and I have just been having a great time lately.   Once in awhile because of scheduling I get a few hours with him on my own.  This gives us a chance to do crafts, baking or games, just me and him.  It's really allowed his fun loving personality to come out and he's given me lots of laughter and smiles.  Laughter is really the best medicine and it's helped me forget the stupid knee pain for small chunks of time.  Love that little duffer.

2.  A helpful hubby who volunteered to do a Costco run for me.  The thought of hitting that huge store was pretty daunting with my knee and I knew I was going to pay for it during and after.  I was so grateful that without even me hinting for it, he offered to go.  Now grocery shopping is not his forte, so I was doubly grateful for his offer.

3.  Lots of reading time.  Because I haven't been going anywhere, I've had lots of evening reading time.  It's been difficult to blog, I somehow tend to close up, to go inward, when life gets overwhelming and I'm not able to formulate the sentences I want, but oh, can I escape into a great story!  So reading I have done!

4.  Tea in the evening.  I've really been enjoying this tea the past few weeks.  Spicy tasting and delicious smelling, it's like a herbal version of a chai tea.  Love it. 

 My other tea of choice has been one I got for Christmas which is Coconut Vanilla loose tea from a local shop.  Oh. my. goodness.  It is wonderful.

5.  Sleeping through the night.  In spite of painful days, when I get to bed and off my knee I do sleep without pain and through the night.  For this I am very, very grateful.

Well, I for one am thankful it's the weekend.  I plan on doing a whole lot of nothing and keeping this knee up.  Hope you all have a great restful weekend too.  What were your blessings from the past week?



nikkipolani said...

Ouch -- I'm sorry about that knee. It's great you found some blessing in the midst of it all: lovely help from your thoughtful husband and reading time with tea for you. Get better soon!

Ingrid said...

That's awful that your knee is still hurting that much ! I always close my computer at 6 pm and then we watch TV together have supper and then TV and reading ! I love tea too !

LivingforGod said...

I hope and pray that your knee will be completely healed soon. Take care and enjoy your reading. We like buying stuff at Costco but we don't like the amount we have to pay each time :).

Faith said...

Oh Susanne!! i feel your pain about not being able to work out for 6 wks!! I can relate since I had to wait 3 months before hiking or power walking with back issue. I will definitely be praying for you!! I think that coconut vanilla tea would be one I would enjoy! Yay for hubbies who voluntarily help us out and yay for special times with children! sounds like you had a good week despite the knee pain, friend!!

Melissa said...

I'm sorry to hear about your knee injury. I know how limiting that can be, and will pray for quick healing!

The tea looks yummy!

snowbird said...

Oh you POOR thing, I'm so sorry about your knee, I really hope it get's better soon and you can get back to the gym.
Really pleased you are able to sleep though and have the Little Duffer to cheer you up!xxxxx

Mom24 said...

So sorry about your knee! Hope it's better soon. I can imagine how difficult that is. Take care of yourself and how wonderful that your hubby would volunteer to help out. What a blessing.

I love freshly washed sheets and bedding as well. Bliss.

Kathie said...

Oh dear Susanne - I'm sorry about your knee. I hope you're able to get it up often so that it will heal quickly. Lots of storytimes and cuddles with the little ones, if you can. So glad you can sleep - that makes such a difference. I'm sending a bit hug and prayers for pain relief and quick recovery. What a sweet hubby to do your Costco run for you. We don't have one on the Island but I've been in them in Moncton - they're huge! There's talk of a Superwalmart coming here - I think they're similar. I would probably get lost. :)

Hoping you have a very restful weekend. Sending love! xo kathie

Kathie said...

Oops that's a BIG hug :)

Lynette said...

So sorry about your knee and rugged week. Thank goodness for books, tea and husband.

Willow said...

Susanne, I can so relate to the going inward and closing up when we're in pain and overwhelmed. I hope your knee heals quickly! Hurray for a hubby who helps so much. I can't even imagine a trip to Costco if I had an injured knee. The health regime you've set up of tea, more tea, books and more books sounds just right.

JoannaTopazT said...

Hope your knee feels better soon. And I love Bengal Spice tea!

Jerralea said...

I always learn about teas at your blog! I really want to be on the lookout for Coconut Vanilla - sounds like something I would love.

Sorry you've had another tough week. Reading has definitely always been a great escape for me when life is overwhelming. Hoping your are enjoying some awesome reads!

ellen b. said...

So sorry your in pain with your injured knee! Hope your down time this weekend speeds the healing. Another Friday of not joining in with Faves since my giveaway is going on till Saturday night. Praying right now that God will speed the healing of your knee...

Barbara H. said...

I'm so sorry about the knee injury and pain! But I'm glad it has allowed for more reading time and hasn't impacted your sleep. That was great of your husband to go to the store for you. If he is at all like mine, he comes back with some...interesting things. :-) Thankfully texting allows him to confirm what I want when he's not sure.

Ann said...

Sleeping through the night is a great blessing!! Much more so than I realized when younger!!

Annette Whipple said...

So glad your husband is supportive and helpful while you recover!

Enjoy your cozy reading time with your tea! God bless!

Schotzy said...

Nothing like a good night's sleep.;.... here's hoping this is the beginning of great nights from here on!!!

Mountain Mama said...

I'm sure sorry about your knee. I can imagine how painful that must be. I pray it will heal fast. It's sweet of your husband to shop for you especially Costco. Of course yours may not be as crowded as the one here. I don't even go there anymore.
I haven't done much blogging lately so have missed a lot. Think I will scroll down your's and catch up!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Ooh, an herbal version of chai? That sounds good -- no caffeine! I'll have to look for that.

So sorry to hear about your knee. I do love hearing, though, about how you've found blessings in the midst of it. (Reminds me of my quote this week...)

Here's to thoughtful hubbies! Susanne, enjoy those books and taking it easy and get better!

Heather said...

I'm sorry about your knee! That was very nice of your husband to offer to go the the store for you.

I like Sleepy Time Vanilla tea!

Sleeping through the night is always wonderful!!!!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I am glad you are feeling better at least in the night...I will have to try this tea. Right now I am working my way through some Republic of Tea black ginger peach which is delicious...and I don't normally like fruity teas.

Carrie said...

Quite sorry to hear about your knee. :(

I've seen that tea around and wasn't quite sure what it was. But you've sold me on it. I'll have to check it out!