Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday's Fave Five #226

It's been a really tough week here for me at Living to Tell.  People I know are going through some really hard things.  Marriages struggling, families hurting, people with major health issues, jobs lost.  My heart just breaks for all of them.  Emotions have gone through the wringer, lots of prayers have gone to the Lord for them.  It's so difficult watching others whether family, friends, church members or acquaintances have such hard struggles.  But just when it all seems to pile too high along comes Friday and a chance to look for the blessings.  Please join me in searching for the blessings in life whether it was a good week and they are easy to find or a really difficult week and you have to dig and maybe can only come up with one.

1.  Brown paper packages wrapped up with ... tape?  No string.   But Faith from Gold in the Clouds sent me a lovely little package wrapped in brown paper and it arrived in the mail this week.  I had won a sampler of her special Fudge and she added a few little extra goodies in it.  So thoughtful.  And it came at a perfect time when a pick me up was needed.  Thanks, Faith!

2.  A Christmas movie or two.  In January.   Yes.  January.  Two movies I had put on hold at the library finally came in.  Of course after Christmas when everyone else is done with them.  Oh well, they were still enjoyable and provided for a couple evenings worth of escape with heartwarming stories.

3.  Fresh air.  A few days this week it has been nice enough to crack a couple windows open for a little bit and get some fresh air into the house.  Gotta love a burst of fresh air.

4.  Clean bedding straight out of the dryer.  Love the smell and the feeling of just washed bedding.

5.  Wonderful smelling body washes.  Whether it's a bright, eye opening scent in the morning or a soothing warm smell at night I love that there is such a plethora a different scented body washes out there.  Some for every mood.

What were your favorite blessings from the week?  Were they big and obvious or  small and almost unnoticeable if you weren't specifically looking?  Whichever they were they are there to lift our spirits and show that God loves us.  I hope you took a moment to find them, whether you share them with us or not.

Have a great weekend everyone!


nikkipolani said...

It has been a roller coaster ride over here, too. It's so good to have our Sovereign Lord near. Congrats on the win and just-in-time package. Hurray for warmer weather and an influx of fresh air.

Gattina said...

I open the windows wide each morning, even in temperatures like - 9°, what we have actually, let some fresh air in and then close them again. Brrrr !
My heart goes to the homeless in this cold. Brussels City has created 1500 beds in different places for them, and also the stations let them sleep inside now. Poor people !

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Oh, Susanne -- glad you can see the blessings amidst the "stuff" of this life. Praying for you!

I think we're actually going to have some cold weather today...Different for us, and welcome. "Brown paper packages" - I like that. I say "Eat some fudge and carry on!" Have a good week.

Faith said...

Oh Susanne!! I know just what you mean about friends/family/acquaintances going through hard issues....been there done that and still doing that in some situations :) But GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME and it's good that you can find little blessings throughout your week. I'm so glad you received the package and I sure hope the fudge wasn't too dried out!! (wish we lived closer so i could deliver in person!!). Enjoy the weekend.

Ann said...

Christmas movies are just as good after Christmas. :-)

Annette Whipple said...

Your chicken recipe is one I think I will try if I ever remember to buy a lemon. :)

That fudge package in brown paper sounds delightful!! Sorry it's been a difficult week, but thankful you can count the blessings!

Lynette said...

Clean sheets and body washes, 2 of my favorite items too.
I sorry it's been a difficult week and blessings have been made evident in small tangible ways.

Barbara H. said...

It seems like it has been a difficult week all over.

Freshly washed and dried sheets and pillows are among my favoritest things.

I like getting packages in the mail -- that one sounds especially good!

The Christmas movies sound fun!

Sandra said...

I think Christmas movies are good year round, right? :)

I also love fresh bedding out of the dryer, nothing like it.

Hope you have a great Friday Susanne.

Jerralea said...

Isn't it great that you know where to go when your friends' lives are falling apart? I'm sure your prayers are helping, right now.

I'm glad you found little joys this week. Sometimes that is all there is - but it's enough!

Fresh clean bedding makes me feel better, too. I wish I had time to clean them everyday!

Willow said...

Getting little packages in the mail is always so much fun! And I think watching Christmas movies in January is just fine. These things really do help when you're having a hard week.

JoannaTopazT said...

Sorry you have had a tough week. I have been reading for a while, but can't remember if I have commented before (I found you through one of the reading challenges). I'm participating in Friday's Fave Five for the first time this week.

snowbird said...

Ahhhhh, I'm sorry the week has seen so much suffering, I wish all those you mention all the very best and hope their fortunes change.

But some lovely blessing there to compensate! xxxxx

ellen b. said...

My sheets are in the washer as I type. I love fresh sheets, too.
No fresh air here yet but that would be nice. Life really is hard on this earth so glad there are always blessing, too, along the way to sustain us and those around us!!

Kathie said...

So sorry it's been a tough week Susanne - but very glad to know that we can take it to the Lord. He makes all the difference! I'm praying right now for all the cares that you're bringing to Him. May His love and peace sustain you and those you love.

The little things are lovely pick-me-ups aren't they! A sweet gift from a friend, fresh sheets, fresh air, a relaxing bath and a good movie. Some of my favourite things too.

Thanks for setting such a good example of finding the bright spots in the tough times. We're thankful for you and for FFF.

love and prayers

Karen said...

I'm sorry it's been such a long week for you, Susanne. I hope you have a restful weekend. Thank you for continuing to host this. It's a gift to everyone who participates, and I always feel uplifted when I do!

susan said...

I love watching Christmas movies all year long. They are almost guaranteed to be family friendly and have a "hope" ending.

Praying that this week is a much better one!