Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday's Fave Five #173

Welcome to the 173rd edition of Friday's Fave Five.  Please join in as week to week we look for the good things we have been blessed with in our lives.  In the good and the hard weeks, we look for those things that have uplifted us, made us smile, gave us a blessing.  

1.  Heating Pad.  Hubby surprised me with a Dr. Clark Far Infrared Heating Pad for Christmas because of my ongoing tight shoulder blade and neck muscles.  And boy oh boy, I've been making good use of it.  It was a really thoughtful gift, one I hadn't ask for, and was a complete surprise.  But one that is most appreciated and this week has been a favorite!
2.  A good massage.  Along the same lines as #1.  With my crazy tight muscles a good massage with my therapist who knows how to get right in there and break up those knots in invaluable.  And bonus, she lets me sit in her massage chair for half an hour before my appointment even begins.  So good.

3.  Chocolate Mint Truffle Coffee Cream.   The new limited edition flavor around my area.  Yummy.  I only let myself have a cup as a treat a couple times a week because I could so get addicted.  But those two cups are really looked forward to!

4.  A day without wind.  It was so nice yesterday to have a day with wind blowing or howling.  So thankful for that.

5.  New Jammies.  There is something about a new pair of jammies.  Soft and comfortable.  Not all stretched out and faded.  Fitting just right.

What are you thankful for this week?  Join in and share by linking your specific post onto the Mr. Linky.



Willow said...

Oh I think I'd like to borrow that heating pad...and your massage therapist! Sounds wonderful!

Have a great weekend, Susanne.

nikkipolani said...

How lovely to have some comfort when you've been so uncomfortable! We had some gusts last weekend and it reminded me of your chinooks. Glad you have a bit of a break. Here's to a comfy weekend!

Jientje said...

Flavored coffee milk does not exist yet in Belgium, not to my knowledge anyway. But it sure sounds delicious!
It's been very windy here the last couple of days as well. It's a good thing I have a very good heavy duty umbrella, I think I should mention it in my fave's sometime! Have a great weekend Susanne!

Marg said...

I like the massage..I'm with you..just the smells bring on such a relaxing atmosphere.
I have not had new Jammies in years...Might need to do something.

Ingrid said...

My compliments you did what all women should do spoil yourself and being spoiled ! Can imagine that heating pad does good especially when it's cold and humid outside !

Hope said...

Those are great favorites!! I'm not usually a fan of flavoured coffee, but that chocolate mint one sounds wonderful. Will have to look for it here in my area. I have tight neck muscles, too. A message sounds terrific! Glad you had such a great week!

Faith said...

Oh YUMMY! notice how I zeroed in on the fave dealing with that beverage! lol...sounds yummy...i'm gonna look for that one! I love a good chiropractor use to give me a bonus one! and yay for special gifts! have a great weekend!

Kathie said...

A massage is one of my all time favourite things. I get tight in the same place as a result of surgery long ago. My therapist sounds like yours - terrific with knots. Hurts but feels good at the same time.

Glad the wind is dying down for you. We had our fist storm last night but it's already changing to rain - strange weather.

I'm heading into town - and I know where there are some pjs on sale. You've inspired me to get a new pair :)

Happy weekend Susanne!

Kari said...

Hi Susanne, Happy new Year!
That heating pad sounds great I might have too look into one of those. I totally understand the day without wind now. It's cold enough here and when the wind blows it hurts!
I like your five.

Happy Weekend.

Karyn said...

Such a thoughtful gift!

The coffee creamer sounds yummy - almost good enough to get me to drink coffee. Almost.

Glad you got a windless day!

Susan@FruitfulWords said...

I've never heard of such a heating pad. I am going to see if I can find one for myself.

I have new jammies too and I feel the same way about them. I love "Jammies Days" where I get to stay home, in my my jammies, puttering.

Have a great week, Susanne.

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Oh your fives are so cozy!!!! heating pads are great! I've never had that type of cremora but I'm definately going to try some. Happy weekend!

Annette W. said...

Sounds so comfortable and cozy!

Barbara H. said...

I had to break out my 35 y.o. heating pad several weeks ago and was thinking I ought to get a new one before this shorts out while in use! That was indeed a very thoughtful and helpful gift.

I'm not a fan of mint but I think my d-i-l would love that creamer.

I can imagine a day without the winds you've been describing would be so peaceful. And I love new jammies, too.

Susanne said...

Jientje: No flavored coffee creamer? Oh girl! You should have filled a suitcase full and taken it back with you when you came to the States on holiday! My sympathies to you! ;v)

Jerralea said...

Susanne, I see that you wrote about creature comforts this week just as I did! What blessings they are in our lives!

Ok, now I'm going to be looking for that coffee creamer. I hope it's not too late to find it!

ellen b. said...

Lots of good favorites Susanne. Boy I am overdo for a massage for sure. I'm glad you have a therapist who knows your needs. That heating pad looks interesting. Ahh the pleasure of new jammies. My flannel bottoms have developed a rip so I need to get out and get a new pair!
Have a great weekend.

Catherine said...

Susanne, that heating pad looks amazing! I hope that it, along with your massage is helping to relieve your pain. I have a plug in throw blanket that is like a giant heating pad, but seems to be on it's last legs. It doesn't heat up nearly as well as it used to.

The thought of cozy jammies and a special flavored coffee to enjoy while the winds blow outdoors is nice, too. Although, I do hope the winds stay away for you. I can't stand cold winds! I was made for tropical breezes.

Thank you, I hope you have a nice week ahead. =)

Lynette said...

Your fave's sound like you are settling nicely into the cold winter month of Jan. Heating pad, creamer and new jammies, sounds just about perfect.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Susanne, I probably won't get my list up this week but I wanted to ask my FFF friends to pray. My son Andrew was involved in a serious car accident last Friday and sustained severe but not life-threatening injuries. I've been at the hospital with him since. He's been through 2 successful surgeries and we're so thankful. He has a long road ahead. A little more on my blog. Thanks for praying!

Susanne said...

Laura, praying for your son right now. May God's peace envelope you as you are there for him.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Thank you! I was able to get my list up after all, so now you can visit. It really has been quite a week of blessings. They've shone through the fear, the unknown, the dust of life.