Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday's Fave Five #140

Hi everybody.  It's been a very grey, very rainy week here in my part of Canada.  I needed some color and perking up so a new banner with cheery colors fit the bill.  Feel free to use it if you like it.  Now it's time to look back over our weeks and find those things in our lives that were a blessing to us, big or small.

1.  A short week.  With it being rainy and cold all week I'm really glad this was a short week with the dayhome kids.  A week without getting out and running around in the fresh air makes for a very antsy group that tends to start misbehaving just from being cooped up.  Monday was Victoria Day here in Canada so that meant dayhome was closed leaving only four days to plan and try to amuse up to 6 pre-schoolers.  Hopefully next week we'll be back to getting outside everyday.

2.  Extra reading and lazing around time.  One a good note, the rain on the long weekend saw all my yard work being  put on hold.  Which meant I could just be plain lazy and sit with a good book and my coffee and read to my heart's content.  I enjoyed every. minute. of. it!  I'm down to my last book of the Spring into Reading challenge and it's a big one, 493 pages (it's the big fat Fannie Flag book on the bottom left of the picture) so it's good I have the extra time now to get it read before the first day of summer when the challenge is done.

 3.  Bedding out plants purchased on the holiday Monday and for the most part paid for with Canadian Tire money.  I know I've mentioned my love of the CT money before, but for those who don't know, CT money is "store money" you get when you purchase anything including gas at Canadian Tire stores.  It adds up pretty quickly and each year my hubby is gracious enough to share his dollars with me so that I can get flowers.  So this year I'd say about half or more of my bedding out plants and a big bag of potting soil were free.  I love free!  Free is good!

4.   More purging of stuff.  Not sure why this keeps making my list this spring but I seriously am getting giddy with getting rid of stuff.  I've gotten tough with myself and this week my beloved book shelf got hit up.  And believe it or not , I purged about 10 books out of there.  If you know me at all, you know my letting go of books is a miracle.  LOL.   Now there is some nice space on the shelves and the books actually get to lean a bit instead of being jam packed in there.  Looks and feels good.  Next up was the linens for the spare bedroom.  With this post encouraging me on, I got rid of two sets of bedding I really don't need or use.  Now I can actually easily close the dresser drawers instead of fighting with them.

5.  Movie night out with Hubby and Younger Daughter.  We so rarely go, I always really enjoy when we do go to a movie at a theater.  It was the discount theater but it was still fun to see the movie on the big screen.  We went to "Soul Surfer" and all of us really enjoyed it.  Hubby is not a sports oriented movie type of person but he loved the story in this one.   And no one makes popcorn like the theater.

What were your favorite things from your week?  Were you able to find how God was bringing you blessings by purposefully looking for them?  If you've done a post please link up and join us!


Willow said...

Hi Susanne, I love those rainy weeks because they do allow one to spend more time reading, snuggled under a blanket with a cuppa something nearby. I'll check out that orgjunkie post because I'm a huge declutterer. The back of our car is FILLED with bags going to the thrift shop tomorrow.

Enjoy your weekend putting in those plants you got for FREE!

susan said...

Love the new banner, Susanne.

Our early week was rainy too with the last two days ones of sunshine. Ohhh - it felt good. Glad you got a day's break from the bouncy kiddos.

How fun to have extra time to read, declutter and get some free plants! I'd go crazy with that one too. Your dh certainly was very generous with the ct bucks. Maybe he enjoys the lovely garden as much as you do?

Yes, I did spot where God's grace overflowed into my life this week. I mentioned it as one of my gratitudes. :)

Mary said...

Love the idea of CT money! Wish someone did that here! I haven't seen Soul Surfer, but my youngest did and really enjoyed it. I hope to see it very soon!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I have been purging also. In fact I have a trip planned to the charity shop today. And, this week and next week are short for me as well.

LivingforGod said...

I had never heard of Canadian Tire money before. Interesting! I need to spend time organizing and getting rid of things, too. I just need to find time first :). Have a blessed holiday weekend!

Barbara H. said...

CT money sounds like a great deal!

Our house here has some large...containers, urn-looking things in various places. I was waiting to see what came up in them, but it all seems to be weeds, so I am looking forward to getting some flowers in there.

It does feel so good to purge things. I did a lot when we moved (and books are the hardest to let go!) but I need to do more.

I'm familiar with the amazing story behind that film -- wow!

Melissa @ Frugal Creativity said...

Sounds like a great week! A holiday, new plants, and time to read as well as declutter!

Love the new FFF button. I'll have to remember to snag that for next time. :)

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Love the new banner. Today is my last official day at school, and I'm looking forward to my summer reading -- and to doing some cleaning out! Lovely picture of your stack of books.

Hope you get some sunshine this week, Susanne.

Melissa said...

Soul Surfer is a fantastic movie.

And purging...always a great thing!

My list is up here

ellen b. said...

The weather can dictate our to do list! Sounds like you had a good week. Free is always fun and I'm glad you got some good stuff with your rewards. Good for you for purging some books...I know the feeling of trying to do that. Have a great weekend...

Karen said...

I felt like I was in a fog most of the week, with my son's graduation party behind me. It was good to do a FFF and see that I really did have some good moments! Thanks, as always for hostessing, Susanne.

Enjoy your weekend!

nikkipolani said...

Your rainy week sounds cozy (well, except maybe for the six or so little ones running around looking for amusement!). I'm impressed that you've been purging books -- always a hard call. Hoping you'll have a great weekend, maybe getting your plants planted!

Jerralea said...

I've really wanted to go see Soul Surfer myself.

I'm jealous of your free Canadian Tire money! No not really, but it does sound great.

I am definitely into purging this spring as well. I hope to drastically cut down the amount of stuff in my home when I move back in.

Ingrid said...

Sometimes rainy days are useful for other things. I don't know what these Canadian Tires are, we get points in some shops and then when it reaches a certain amount you get money in cash. Must be the same.

Carrie said...

A short work week, extra reading time, and a movie out? Sounds like a mighty fine week indeed!

Olive Tree said...

Purging sounds good. I will keep that in mind, maybe I can do it in the future. I need to. Happy Friday to you and everyone who participates in this. Have a wonderful weekend too.

Lisa notes... said...

Isn’t it such fun to sit down and read, read, read? I may take time to do just that tonight! I’m down to my last book also for Spring Reading Thing and I think I could finish it tonight.

Love the new banner.

Oh how I need to purge some books too. Getting rid of 10 sounds like a big deal to me! I still want to see Soul Surfer. Hope it stays on a little longer. Have a great weekend!

Faith said...

we've had lots of rain in last 2 weeks as well and I managed to ADD more books to my spring reading list that I originally didn't have on there!! I'm havin g trouble finding some of the books at the library I put down and I don't have the extra bucks to buy'll go on my summer list :) My daughters saw that movie and enjoyed it. Sounds like a great week minus the rainy days with preschoolers.....hopefully the sun comes out this weekend!!

Unknown said...

Not quite

Christina said...

How you find time to read with all the work you do having little one's around is amazing to me and to think you are finishing up the spring challenge. I must get my rear in gear.

I want to see Soul Surfer. Thanks for the clip. You know we lived in HI for 9 1/2 years and my daughter met this girl at a youth retreat. She is amazing.

I love organization too. I definitely don't save as much stuff as I used to.

Laura said...

So glad you were able to do some purging! I spent all of today working on our garage. So happy to say we finished it. Such a relief!

I've been wanting to see that movie but it hasn't come here yet :(

So nice to see the sun again!

Catherine said...

I love the pretty new FFF banner. <3
CT money - fun! I remember when I was younger, my mother still had the books of Green Stamps. I loved helping pick things out of the catalogue. You have a great list this week. I love FFF (even if I'm only getting to it on Sunday.. I've had a rough couple of days!)

Trish said...

So glad I saw this meme on Callapidder Days - it was a lot of fun to think back on my week like this! Love the long weekends reading while the rain comes down outside, and sounds like you scored big on the flowers!