Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday's Fave Five #127

Hi everyone!  Welcome!  You may be wondering why  there is still a frozen, cold, wintery picture up for FFF.  Well, it's because in my world it's still frozen, cold and wintery.  I had such high hopes last week when it was so windy because of the warm winds that melt the snow, but it is still just February and I do live in Alberta so wintery scene it is.  But I'm not complaining.  I do love all my seasons.

My list will be up a touch later this morning due to events last night that made it impossible for me to put my list together.  (Events such as falling asleep on the couch and not waking up until midnight.)  But Mr. Linky is up so go ahead and sign in if you were much more with it than me and completed your post and I'll join you in a bit.

Okay, here we go.  Sheesh, I don't know what's with me this week but I've been zonking out really early.

1.  Walks with the puppy.  Even though we've had weather ranging from really mild to down right freezing, I've been forcing myself to take Todd out each evening for a walk even if it's only around a couple of blocks.  He has so much energy he needs to burn some of it off or the little mischievous bundle ends up in trouble.  LOL.  So off we go and it's been good for me too.  Fresh air and getting myself moving other than inside the house feels so good.  I can hardly wait until we can go longer distances when the weather is nice.

2.  Bernard Callebaut heart filled chocolates.  My absolute favorite chocolates were a Valentine's gift for me from my Valentine.  My hubby was very sweet to get me my favorite sweets.

3.  Powerful worship in church this week.  I love when it all comes together and there is a really powerful worship service in church.  I come away feeling like I've really been in the Lord's presence and feel uplifted and encouraged and ready to face the week.  And I know the worship is not about me but there really is something about about giving God glory and honor for who He is.  It changes our hearts.

4.  Ravioli and Gourmet Butternut Squash pasta sauce.   I saw this sauce at Costco and knew I just had to try it with the Kirkland Brand 4 Cheese Ravioli we like.  Oh my word, it is good stuff.  It says on the jar it's good in lasagna too, so I'm going to give that a try one of these days.  It ought to be really different from the normal lasagna.  The dog gave two paws up on it too.

5.  Snail Mail.  And I'm not talking about bills.  Faith sent me a lovely card in the mail and it was so nice to recieve that instead of the usual plethora of bills and requests for money from various places.  And there is something about recieving a tangible thing like a card you can hold from a bloggy friend that makes the friendship more "real" and not just a cyberworld thing , if you know what I mean.  Thanks Faith.

Thanks guys for being gracious about the host slipping into their own party late.  LOL.  Have a wonderful weekend.  It's a long weekend here in Alberta so I'm really looking forward to some family time.


ellen b said...

Hello Susanne! I'll be back later to see your favorites!

Kathie said...

Me too!

Anonymous said...

Glad you got the rest. Sometimes falling asleep on the couch is the best sleep for me.

Carrie said...


As is powerful worship. =)

Lisa notes... said...

Walking Todd is such a good pattern to establish. I’m sure he loves it. Yummy—those chocolates! Amen, amen to # 3. Powerful worship with the church is such a high spot in my week too. Hope you catch up on your rest!

Marg said...

I find it interesting what you wrote about receiving a card in the mail. That is a real treat..
We've had amazing worship in our church in the past month also.
Is it starting to warm up out there?

Hazel said...

Walks with Todd reminded I should have done that with my Mozart before he got into trouble. Or I got into trouble because he chewed on my favorite pair of shoes.

Ah chocolates! And powerful worship. I guess I need the second one more than the first. Glad you have them both. Happy long weekend, Susanne and thanks a lot saying a prayer for me and CJ. I appreciate that very much.

ellen b. said...

It all sounds real good Susanne. I too really enjoy snail mail. Powerful worship is so cool to experience. Have a great weekend Susanne!

Melissa said...

Ooh, those chocolates look wonderful! I completely agree about powerful worship services: even though it isn't about us, we are blessed when we honor God.

Barbara H. said...

It's been feeling almost springy here this week -- hope it will there, too, soon!

I fall asleep on the couch sometimes and wake up at odd hours, too. Maybe you're catching up from the stress of a couple of weeks ago.

Amen to #3.

I love getting cards or letters in the mail. It doesn't happen often any more.

Willow said...

Receiving 'real mail' is so much fun! A letter really perks up our day, doesn't it?

There's nothing like an energetic puppy to get you out walking every day.

Faith said...

Happy Friday!! love your list...those chocolates look divine! and so glad you got the card ok!! It's fun sending cards to people I only "know" through blogging! :) Am done with the book you passing it on to a good was excellent...thanks again! and the soap is sitting so pretty in the box right on my dresser.....i plan on keeping rings in the box once I decide to actually use that gorgeous soap :)

TXDidi said...

That chocolate-filled heart looks so delicious that it must be sinful. Wow!

Donnetta said...

We've been so cold here too. I've been tempted to bundle up the energy filled bodies around here (aka:children) and go walking too, but their coughs have kept me from wanting to expose them to the cold air. SO eager for warmer days!...

Chocolates. Always favorites! YUM

Nothing compares to powerful worship. So thankful you had that time.

And snail mail: Ah, just thought of it...

Happy Friday friend. May your weekend be full of rest and relaxation!

Julia said...

I must be on facebook too often because I wanted to press the LIKE button on #3! :)

Karyn said...

That sauce looks good! I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

What's with winter coming back, anyway? Is it as cold down your way as it is up here? -30 tonight. And I AM complaining!

The worship may not be about you, but you cannot help but be blessed and changed by it!

That pile of chocolates looks awesome! Hope you gave your man a big kiss for that one!

Gattina said...

That's the advantage to have a dog ! you have to go out every day !! no matter what the weather is, lol ! My cats walk themselves alone !

Cindy said...

Some of the best sleeps ever have been falling asleep on the couch. We forced ourself out into the cold as the dog was wanting his walk each day, it wasn't far and we ended up carting him back as his little paws were too cold. So I guess it was a carry not a walk.
I want to thank you for hosting FFF, you have brought a great group of gathers together. I have to leave and I'll miss your post what wanted to make sure to say thank you.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love getting snail mail. My whole family laughs at me but I just love when the mail man comes. something wonderful about the mail.

Kathie said...

I've been trying to get my doggie out for some walks too. The probalem here is icy roads. But we're doing our best. The sunshine feels so wonderful!

Oh dear - I wish you hadn't shown me those chocolates. They look too good!

Hope your weekend is nice and relaxing - we have Monday off too.

Catherine said...

Oops, I just now realized I was a week behind. =) When I put my linky on the right week, I noticed you had been kind enough to do it for me already. Thank you! Sorry for the duplicate.

TXDidi said...

Hi Susanne, Sorry for the multiple links on Mr. Linky. For some reason, only the last "Booklassie" link is correct. The other two were adding a bunch of gibberish to the address and then it wouldn't link to my Fave Five post. I didn't know how to delete those two, though and didn't discover it until another poster mentioned it. So sorry.

Moira said...

Great post, Susanne! I had a late night the other night got sucked into a great novel and couldn't put it down til it was done. Fell asleep on the couch early last night and feel great today. Glad you got some rest, sounds like you needed it!