There was lots going on this weekend. But don't you just love when you can look back over and feel you accomplished something instead of just letting a weekend push you along and then you don't feel like you got anything done? That's how it was with me this weekend. Very busy, but I felt like I had actually done something. Sometimes I just get so bogged down with getting the regular housekeeping under control and running around doing what I can't do with working working full time that I Sunday night I feel exhausted but don't know what I've actually done to get me that way. With the extra day off this weekend, though I can actually look back and say I accomplished some stuff.
This is a big birthday weekend for us. My MIL's birthday was on Friday, my daughter's yesterday and my Sis-in-law's today. I can't even describe how sad it makes me not to have my girl around on her birthday. It's just not the same trying to co-ordinate a phone call as it is having her here to celebrate. Just another thing of learning to let go of our children and letting them live the lives they are choosing. Sigh. So I spent her birthday painting the hallway. Good times. I was very thankful to have hubby do the cutting in for me. That's the hard part. Rolling paint on the wall is easy.

I finished a great book last week. "Her Daughter's Dream" by Francine Rivers. My thoughts and review are
here on my book blog. It was a really great read along with the first book in the saga: "A Mother's Hope" which I finished last year and is #24 in
last year's reviews. A thought about this second book that I didn't mention there but I will hash out here, is that the cover bothered me for the longest time and I couldn't figure out why. And then it finally hit me last week. The insert picture of the mother pushing the child on the swing is all wrong. There is no way a person would be standing in that spot pushing on the front upswing of the swing, if you know what I mean. The swing would be in the opposite direction heading back where the mother would be waiting to give it a push. A person would get creamed if she was standing in the spot that the picture depicts. How did that get by the editors? There were sleeping on that one. There, that is my pathetic petty observance, and I feel so much better now for voicing it. LOL.
Right now I've started reading a book on Anne Boelyn, second wife of Henry the VIII. I'm only in the second chapter but am feeling very bogged down in it. Detailed heavier writing, reading more like a text book is slowing me down considerably so I'm going to give it to the end of the chapter and if I can't get engaged more into it, I think I'll let it go. Too many other books waiting in line that I want to get to for me to struggle through one. I might pick it up another time when my mood is more for a book I need to really concentrate on.
So now I must go and get my week started. Kids are waiting. Groceries need buying and new books need reading. How was your weekend? What are you reading right now?
I know what you mean about the everyday housework taking up time yet feeling like you haven't accomplished much else. I do try to enjoy the clean feeling however briefly it lasts, LOL!
I don't remember if I caught that about the picture being "off," but I see what you mean. I do notice inconsistencies in books and wonder how they passed by the editors.
My middle son was away for his summer birthday several times when he worked at a camp. It was hard not to actually be with him for his special day, but as you said, it's part of the process of letting them go.
Glad you had a good weekend!
I am reading "The Gathering Storm" by Bodie and Brock Thoene. First in a new series by them. As all their books, it's good. But I don't take enough time to read lately so it's going kind of slow, although I'm near the end.
Ha ha about the book picture are right the person would get creamed! :) I feel for you about not having your girl around to celebrate...I am sure it seems so weird...I do not look forward to that. Can you skpye her? And btw, I hate all the prep work and cutting in part of are right rolling is easy! :)
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