To encourage myself to learn to use my new big girl camera, one step at a time, I'm also giving Sweet Shot Tuesday a go, hosted by My Life with My 3 Boybararians. Wow, she's got so many good photography tips on her site. Check her out and join on in.
So my very first entry is out of my point and shoot because I haven't had the time actually take a good shot with the big camera. This was my girls being their fun selves at the restaurant celebrating the youngest's and my birthdays last week. It's an almost embarrassing entry compared to everyone else's but I'm determined to find those links that encourage me to take pictures and to learn and make them better as the year goes on. Hopefully by the end of the year there will be much improvement in my pictures.
I couldn't say for certain I had read the entire Bible either until my recent 90 day journey. I'm excited for you and your goal!
Also eager to watch you progress in your photo taking. I'll be waiting for each and every tip along the way so perhaps mine can get better also!
Love this photo Susanne!
Fun shot. I love it.
well i have the same goal! My youngest bought me the NLT Chronological Bible and it is structured in such a way that it is set up for about 2-3 pages of Scripture for each day of the year beginning on 1/1 of course and it is in chronological order!! So i am "killing 2 birds with one stone" as I've always wanted to read thru the entire Bible in one yr and have always wanted to read it chronologically! Let's encourage each other to keep it up! oh..and i LOVE the photo! looks great to me!
What a great shot :)
I need to do the Bible in One Year thing too, I actually tried to do the Bible in 4 months and failed miserably.
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