Friday, October 08, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #109

Welcome everyone! It's time for Friday's Fave Five. If you need info you can go here first and then just join us. Don't be shy, we're friendly folk.

1. Indian summer arrived in all it's glory this week. The days have been very warm and mild, the evenings cool and the fall colors are starting to break out. It's the perfect fall right now.

2. Pulling out the fall decorations. I love the colors of fall so decorating in the fall is always fun for me. And I always look forward to the scents of the candles and pot pourri's. Burning right now is "Pumpkin Bread".

3. Putting together the Thanksgiving menu. Thanksgiving already you ask? Well, yes. Yes it is this weekend as a matter of fact. Up here in Canada we celebrate the second weekend of October. I really enjoy cooking the Thanksgiving meal more than any of the other holidays. Part of the fun for me is deciding other than the turkey and stuffing what I will make. Should I go with the familiar favorites or go for totally different from the traditional. This year joining the turkey and stuffing will be whipped potatoes and gravy of course, ham (supplied by hubby's mom), melt in your mouth buns (my mom) Maple Walnut yams ( a big hit last year and this year I'll be using that luscious organic REAL maple syrup!), green and yellow beans with carrots, Ambrosia salad (my sis's contribution), pies (my sis in law's addition), and Chocolate Pumpkin Cheesecake Bars.

4. Great tasting water. Water straight from the tap. Yuck. But from our alkaline machine? So good and really thirst quenching. We take good tasting, clean water for such granted in this country. But it is truly a blessing!

5. Cleaning out the extra bedroom because that means my oldest girl is coming home for Thanksgiving. Yipee today is the day she arrives.

So what are your favorites from the week? Please join on in and link up if you did a post. Don't forget to try and visit around a bit. Happy weekend everyone. I'll have a bite of turkey and stuffing for ya!


Anonymous said...

How funny, while you had Indian summer, we got Fall -- for a few days anyway ;-) Happy (early) Thanksgiving to you and your family, Susanne! Your meal sounds wonderful.

Karyn said...

Oh yes...hasn't this Indian Summer been glorious?! Especially after the cold and wet August we endured. :)

Enjoy your Turkey and all the trimmings! Eat some for me, in fact!

YAY for having your girl home for the long weekend.....relish the 'completeness' of your family.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

LivingforGod said...

Your menu made me hungry :). Happy Thanksgiving! Have a blessed time with your family!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

oh I have been cleaning out the extra bedroom as well. I'm not sure how we went from having kids coming out of the woodwork to an extra went by so quickly. Although all those years with teens didn't feel so quick at the time.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Happy Thanksgiving! We're just beginning to feel a taste of fall here. I just hope it lasts.

Enjoy having your daughter home and all the family together. Sounds lovely!

Melissa said...

Ooh, I love the colors and fragrances of fall, too!

Enjoy your family time, and happy Thanksgiving!

Faith said...

Love your list....especially the Indian Summer part. Hasn't hit us yet but we did have a week of much needed rain beginning Monday....and now that the Columbus Day weekend is upon us it is gorgeous....yippee....
Enjoy your THanksgiving Meal...I'm gonna check out those maple walnut yams...and have a special time with your oldest daughter! Blessings to you, Susanne and yes my list is up early :)

Jientje said...

We've had a Belgian Indian Summer this past week. Warm temperatures and only a little bit of rain! The food you're going to prepare for Thanksgiving sounds delicious, I would not mind having a piece of that chocolate cheesecake. Having your daughter visit is always something to be grateful for, I agree! Have a lovely weekend, Susanne!

Melli said...

Oh Susanne! Enjoy that girl being home and have a VERY blessed Thanksgiving at your house!!! I blurted out an invitation to one of our church families to spend Thanksgiving with US this year... and she accepted. (a single mom and her 3 boys) NOW I have to break it to my family! LOL! Fortunately for ME they are a very accepting bunch... in that I am blessed!

Your menu sounds divine - and I REMEMBER those yams you made last year! I think I'm going to make them THIS year! They really do sound scrumptious!

Hazel said...

Nature's colors breaking out are a wonder to behold. I read somewhere that a sign water is pure and clean is its good taste. It's nice to start hearing about Thanksgiving celebrations and the fall season. Oh and I so love the button! Very charming and pretty.

Heather said...

All that food sounds SO good!!! Happy Thanksgiving! I love turkey and rolls alone!!

I also love fall scents! I have my candles burning!

Barbara H. said...

It's just starting to look and feel like fall here. I haven't gotten my fall decorations out yet.

Hope you have a great Thanksgiving! I know with your girl coming home you will!

Carrie said...

Pulling out the fall decorations -YES!

YAY for your oldest daughter coming home. I'm sure this will be a positively wonderful weekend! Enjoy!

Gattina said...

I don't like fall at all ! It's just the entry for winter ! I am counting the days to leave for Egypt and find some hot and sunny weather !

ellen b said...

Wonderful 5's Susanne. Are you celebrating on Monday or Sunday or Saturday? Having Thanksgiving in October really lets you enjoy those fall decorations for a good long time. Glad your daughter arrives today!!

Maude Lynn said...

I adore the fall smells!

Lisa notes... said...

Oops, I still haven’t pulled out my fall decorations. Maybe this weekend. I know you’re excited about your daughter coming home. Mine comes home next weekend and I can hardly wait. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

Islandsparrow said...

I'm planning my menu too - sounds similar to yours in fact!

Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday - enjoy that oldest girl at home!

Willow said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! Enjoy that girl while she's home.

TXDidi said...

I'm going to have to try those Maple Walnut Yams. And yummy - real maple syrup. I never would have believed there was such a difference between that and store-bought stuff until my brother lived in New Hampshire and we had some. It's great. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Mom24 said...

I love Indian Summer, we're having beautiful weather here too. I haven't decorated at all for fall. I need to get busy. :)

Happy Thanksgiving. I always like to try some new things, but this year with my daughter coming home from school and my son and his family living in town, I'm ordered to stick with tradition. :)

Have fun with your oldest girl. Mine's coming home this weekend too.

Jerralea said...

Happy Thanksgiving! It's my favorite holiday as well. Your menu sounds yummy! And I'm glad your girl will be home to eat it with you.

Great tasting water from the tap would be great! I buy bottled water ....

Anonymous said...

Your Thanksgiving menu sounds wonderful. I just may add some of your recipes to our favs this year. I hope your holiday celebration is a blessed one. Wahoo on your oldest girl coming home for the holiday. :)

What is an alkaline machine? Never heard of that. Water is my beverage of choice.

Anonymous said...

I just picked up some fall candles at the store yesterday! They smell so good.

Your Thanksgiving menu sounds so yummy! Hope you all have a blessed holiday weekend :)

Karen said...

Happy Thanksgiving! It's exciting that you get to see your daughter soon. I've been putting out my fall decorations this week and burning my fall candles. It's such perfect fall here, too.

I'm so behind on reading my favorite blogs, and just quickly caught up with yours. I will try to do better:?

Unknown said...

Indian summer is the best!!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!

Unknown said...

Left my link. :)
Going to read others in a while.

Cindy said...

Susanne, here it is Sunday afternoon and I was about the 7th to visit mr. linky and I forgot to come and see you. I don't know what I was thinking. I'd love to see you as #1 on mr. linky and then I wouldn't forget.

I'm enjoying our weather as well, today though it is too cool for me.
If you visit my blog for Saturday I made a Fall wreath and posted a how too.

We have B&B guests who are coming on Monday for dinner. My "traditional" Canadian Thanksgiving for them now includes chocolate pumpkin cheesecake bars. Have fun with your daughter and Happy Thanksgiving to your family.

Michelle said...

Happy Thanksgiving Susanne!!

I hope that next year will be the year to meet darn distance!!!
Have a great weekend..

Melanie @ This Ain't New York said...

I always look forward to your Thanksgiving. :>)

cheryl said...

Hi Suzanne,
I've haven't celebrated a Thanksgiving dinner yet because I'm in South Africa. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. An Indian summer - that's fantastic! Its a bit chilly in Cape Town today.Enjoy the yummy dessert.

coffeewoman said...

Happy Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving food. It was wonderful reading your blog. Tried my hand at fave five myself so hopefully I did it correctly.