I have no idea what these pretty purple flowers are but I find them scattered here and there down by the river in the hills. The picture doesn't do the double color of the flower justice or how it stands out against the brown and green grasses. It really is a lovely punch of purple color in the hills.
To join in on Photo Hunters or see other "Purple", click over here.
It really is unusual - and so lovely Susanne.
Praying all is well. I haven't been a very good commenter lately. It is as you say - life happening!
oh they are so very pretty, but have no idea what they are called.
Hugs and blessings, Barbara
Beautiful flowers and I too don't know what they are!
Beautiful...lots of purple flowers this week!! Thanks for stopping by mine!
I must say I don't know what it is either, but it's beautiful! And it grows wild? Amazing!
Susanne, do not fret, we are in the same boat. I have made a goal to post regularly for PH but life has a way of meddling with my blogging. hihihi
I love that the purple stands out in the field of green and brown. A pleasant sight in the middle of the wilds. Like the rest, I don't know what they are.
Sreisaat Adventures
That is beautiful!!
Purple blossom
Is that lavender (the flower, I mean, not the color)?
My purple post is up
Thank you for stopping in. I don't believe I every seen a flower like that but by looking at it look like a cross between a daisy and daliha.
Rember the coffee is always on.
Looks almost as much like a club as a flower. Interesting.
My PhotoHunt is New Shoes
wow...that is a really pretty purple...my ballerina would love these flowers!!
lol...saw your comment about orangrina. You live in Canada so it probably IS the real thing...I googled it and saw an article that a canadian had written saying how he can get his fave drink from Paris in his hometown...somewhere in Quebec. Is that a province? yikes...been too long since I took canadian history! Well, if you buy it...have a glass for moi!!!!
I think it is cow vetch (which is my post for PH this week). It looks slightly different than our cow vetch in Vermont but the pea-type flowers and the leaves of the plant are the same. Also the face that it grows in your fields is a huge clue. I wish I knew what part of Canada you are in. I love the vetch for its color and beauty! Your photo does it great justice.
These are just beautiful my friend :)
Love the photo! If the flower were red I would have thought:
Indian Paintbrush!
Will have to look into it more...
I've never seen anything quite like this where I live.
I just love how the Lord gives us such delightful surprises.
I have been enjoying your blog and I gave you an award on my blog today!
Beautiful, looks like a pastel painting !
I have never seen anything like this before.
I always love your pictures!
I don't know what it's called, but it sure is pretty. I bet my mum would know haha, but she doesn't use the computer.
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