Join us over at Linda's for this week's Random Dozen. She's up to more questioning fun.
1. Ever had any run-ins with the "library police?" Well, I've never been chased down for the money, but one time I did owe the library about $48 in overdue DVD fines. It was when they first started renting DVD's and the fine for them was over $3 a day per DVD. I took out about 6 of them and then promptly forgot I had them. Yeah that was a shocker. Now it's a paltry 35 cents a day fine. I have by the way, returned all those DVD's and paid the insane fine. I didn't rent DVD's for a long time after that.
2. Do you have a special organizational plan and place for wrapping paper, gift bags, etc., or do you just purchase whatever you need as you give gifts? I hate having to run out for gift wrap or bags at the last minute so I keep a stash on hand. Usually 2 of each size bag and a couple rolls of wrapping paper, one very feminine and one that could be masculine or feminine. And varied colored tissue papers.
3. Have you ever been in (first-hand witness) a natural disaster? Nope can't say that I have. I do remember Mount St. Helen's though and exactly where I was and how the ash was covering everything, yes, here in Southern Alberta. It was something.
4. What's your favorite Barry Manilow song? Oh Lid, how do I ever narrow it down? I've loved Barry Manilow songs since I was a teen (although lately, I can't say I'm too nuts about some of his statements). But I loved singing with his very singable sing along songs. I can't name just one but I'd say my top 3 are "Mandy", "I write the Songs" and "Weekend in New England". Now I have to go plug my curling iron in so I can sing along.
5. What's the best costume you've ever worn? I'm so not into dress up stuff and don't every remember really being into it. My Godmom, used to make us some pretty nice ones, old fashioned princesses, stuff like that. I remember gathering my dad's workclothes together one year and calling myself a hobo. LOL. And I had a pretty nifty, sparkly genie costume one time in a school play. My abs were a tad flatter at that time than they are at this moment.
6. Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus? A little of both when I need it.
7. What's your favorite breakfast food? Bacon, baby, bacon. With eggs, with pancakes, with waffles, with toast. I don't care. As long as bacon is the main attraction! Unfortunately, I only let myself have it once in a blue moon. Usually I have yogurt with Omega 3 granola or oatmeal with brown sugar and milk.
8. Have you ever purchased anything from an infomercial? Sigh. Yes. Sigh again.
9. Have you ever crawled through a window? Hasn't everybody? What I want to know is: Has anyone ever got stuck in a window they were crawling through. Now that would bring some interesting answers. LOL.
10. Do you believe in love at first sight? Not sure on this one.
11. How many pairs of jeans do you own? Up until about a month ago only 2. Now all of a sudden I have 5. They must all of a sudden been breeding behind the clothes doors or something. Nothing near what I hear some people own but that's quite a few at one time for me.
12. If someone were going to bake a cake to honor/represent you, what would it be? (Think creatively, like Duff and Crew on "Ace of Cakes.") Oh Lidna, again. Creative and baking do not go in the same sentence when it comes to me. My brain just does not think that way. And I don't watch that show.
Enjoyed all your answers. Don't feel bad, I don't watch the show either! I love the curling iron comment!
until next time... nel
That was a huge fine you got there! You PAID the DVD's instead of renting them!
Great answers, and I'm glad I'm not the only one that didn't come up with a cake!
Oooh I want breeding jeans! I had nothing creative for a cake either, I just want chocolate ;)
I really enjoyed your answers! Have a great day!
I've had a fine that huge too. Not proud of it, but it's nice to know I'm not the only one. :)
That was a lot of money in fines!!! And I don't watch the cake show either . . . nor am I creative. :)
Nice to meet you!
I'm a little slow -- but I am not getting the thing about plugging your curling iron in. To use as a microphone? Or to create the "big hair" of that era? :-)
I couldn't come up with a good idea for a cake, either, and I do the same with gift-wrapping stuff. Your costumes sound neat!
I absolutely knew you would have #2 under control! Thanks for playing.
Hi Susanne-
I've enjoyed reading your responses to Random Dozen. It's a terrific meme. I've always liked a good meme and now I have started my own. We just started a new meme called "Wednesday Wickedness" and will post on Tuesday afternoons. You are welcome to do it on Tuesdays, if you do only one meme a day! We are up and posted now. Each week we pick a famous person and find 10 quotes. Then each question is based on the quotes! This week is George Clooney. Check us out at http://jjatww.blogspot.com.
$48??? Wow! You've beat me! But mine was all books... no DVDs. I did one time owe over $20 each on 3 separate cards! Mine and 2 kids! But I consistently owe about $20 - my library LOVES me! They think I am the patron saint of libraries!
I had to the google the show to find out what she was talking about - but I did have a cake idea...
I wish MY jeans would breed! That would be so cool...
Me, too, on the gift wrap, BACON, the window! and infomercial (Sigh. It was an microwave egg cooker -- such a ripoff. The kids and I were bored one day so we ordered it!
And Weekend in New England is my fav. A real "memory song".
Are you sure we're not long lost cousins or something?
Fun answers. I love bacon too although I said sausage on my post. Ohhh Weekend in New England. I forgot that one.
Love your answers and I LOVE bacon but only eat Turkey bacon now...soooo not the same altho i don't mind it.
and I don't even KNOW that show!
Such fun answers! And I've never heard of that cake show, seeing as how we don't have cable!
I used to feel so guilty when I would have any fine at the library. Then not so long ago they mentioned that they use the fine $ to get more things. I don't feel near as guilty with my fines now.
And I'm with you on the bacon. I don't even necessarily consider it a breakfast food. I consider it an anytime there is some to eat food. Hence the reason I rarely have it around too. :-)
Let me know where you bought the breeding jeans eh? And I love that Manilow song as well (though I had a different one as my favourite)
Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
Enjoyed stopping by your blog today. Loved your answer about the jeans. How funny! Blessings to you!
I thought i was the only one with a secret microphone built into my curling iron. Great answer.
We experienced the ash of Mt. St. Helens, too. Amazing...
We have been in some earthquakes that were considered natural disasters. Ouch on #1 :0)
WOW..you did well with your bags for presents!
That is a HUGE fine even for DVD.
Great answers!
Mine is here
Happy Thursday!
That was fun, I enjoyed reading your answers Susanne :)
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