Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #84

Hi and welcome to Friday's Fave Five. I'm glad you came and hopefully you will join us. If you need the guidelines they are here. Then don't be shy, just join in. I had every intention of doing a lovely post with a picture for each fave like I've seen some of you creative fave fivers do, but I didn't even have a chance to pick up my camera. It's been one of those weeks where it just seems to zip by and the next thing I know it's Thursday night and too late. Oh well. It makes me no less thankful for those things that brought me joy this week if I don't have a pic. So that said, here's my five for this last week.

1. A hubby who will do the chip and dip run when I have a huge headache I can't shake. What do ou mean a chip and dip run? Well, for some reason, when I have a headache I can't get rid of all day, if I have plain chips with a certain kind of dip, something in the combination actually helps ease and sometimes even gets rid of my headache. I know, I know, that is weird. But it works. And thank goodness for a hubby who will go out and get it for me.

2. Warm spring days. It has been sunny and warm all week. Love it. I have been outside every minute I can with the kids soaking it up.

3. Robins singing.
Every morning I come out to get my coffee and hubby has the window open and the birds are singing away. Love their song!

4. New growth.
My spring perennials are starting to peek through the ground and I love the fresh greenness of it. It's always a surprise each spring what will come up because I'm notorious for moving things around and then never remembering what I did and what seeing what survived. LOL.

5. The smell of fresh rain.
It's lightly raining tonight, and I've got some windows open letting in that wonderful smell. When I was a teen I always used to think that that was exactly what God's cologne would smell like. :v)

What were your favorite five things from your week? If you do a post, sign on up to Mr. Linky so we can come and visit.


Willow said...

We had rain this week too, believe it or not! And yes, it smelled wonderful! Spring is everywhere in the nothern hemisphere and it's beautiful!

Have a great weekend, Susanne. Enjoy that morning coffee with the birds' songs!

nikkipolani said...

Chip and dip run. Now, that sounds like a devoted husband :-) Glad to know your headaches can be solved with this home remedy! Isn't spring wonderful? Happy weekend, Susanne.

LivingforGod said...

I also love the smell of fresh rain, the singing of birds, and the blooming of various flowers on our property.

Have a blessed weekend, Susanne!

Kari said...

Chips and dip for a head ache! that's interesting, I've never heard of that before, I may have to try it. Sounds like you are enjoying your Spring.
I too love the smell of fresh rain.
Happy weekend!
p.s it's good to be back to FFF.

Jientje said...

It's amazing how fast the weeks fly by isn't it! Thank God for a loving husband, warm Spring days and birds singing. Even rain can be a blessing,isn't it?
I had a wonderful week too! Have a great weekend, Susanne!

Sandy@ Jesus and Dark Chocolate said...

Sorry to hear about the headaches, but love to hear that chip and dip are the best meds for it. :)

The smell of rain, God's cologne, what a great thought.
I love watching the spring flowers come up every year. I keep thinking I must plant more. :)

Faith said...

Ilove everything on your list, too...except the chips and dip....for my all day headaches I find that strong, dark coffee helps. sometimes. What a great hubby to make your "run" for you!!

And I LOVE hearing the robins sing in the early a.m. So sweet sounding...
enjoy your weekend, Susanne!!

Unknown said...

Oh the joy of spring! I need to know what kind of chips and dip yoou get! lol

I left an award for you on my blog! Do with it what you like!

Stephani Cochran said...

I love having the windows open, hearing the birds and rain. It rained here last night in fact. ~ Maybe your headaches have something to do with a blood sugar drop and the carbs help with that! Who knows?! Have a great week!


I loved your answers...and had fun participating. I enjoyed your blog a lot...I will be back.

Lisa notes... said...

I always mean to do pictures, too, but haven't lately either. Oh well. Love your list. What a great hubby you have. And the smell of rain as God's cologne--I love that! Have a great weekend.

Barbara H. said...

That's nice that that combination helps with a headache, and even nicer that your husband will get them for you when needed.

I love the smell of rain, too, and all the new growth cropping up in the neighborhood.

Islandsparrow said...

I never knew that chips and dip had such medicinal qualities - I'll have to give it a try when I feel a headache coming on. Glad you're feeling better.

Robins singing - one of my favourites too. So cheery!

Glad you're having some nice spring weather - and hopefully no more surprise s**w storms :)

Happy weekend!

Melli said...

I think as a teen you were absolutely RIGHT! I think God's cologne probably DOES smell like rain! (or maybe like ocean) Certainly NOT like volcano ash.

Chips and dip to cure a headache! Now that's one I've NEVER heard before! I don't think it's in any of the medical journals! You may want to have this documented! :)

I am soooooo loving those little singy birds too!

Carrie said...

Husbands like that are wonderful things!

I LOVE the smell of fresh rain. Hopefully your weather will clear up soon and you'll be able to enjoy being outside on a consistent basis - to enjoy those new flowers!

Michelle said...

We have a few of the same favorites this week but today is the first time we have had rain so I can agree with that now it does smell good I also like the smell of fresh cut grass. Thanks for hosting this and God Bless!

Heidi said...

I'd be interested to hear what combination of chips & dip helps your headaches. That sounds like an awesome "natural" remedy to me. :)

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Aww..."God's cologne" -- I LOVE that, Susanne!

Nature is such a blessing this season, isn't it?

I've never considered chip and dip for headaches. But you can't beat such a devoted hubby!

Hope this next week is great for you. Thanks for hosting!

hrg at Sacred Ruminations said...

Lovely list ;-)
Sorry about your headaches but glad you have such support. We've had changing weather all week with some intermittent rain as well. Hope you're feeling better.
Hugs and blessings,

ellen b. said...

Oh that is interesting that the combination of chip and dip helps you...
Wonderful signs of sweet spring you are enjoying. I'm not participating in faves this week but will be back next Friday...Lord willing :0)

Gabe said...

I'll have to give chips and dip a try next time I have a bad headache. I know when it comes I'm willing to try anything to get rid of it!

Baba said...

Hi Susanne, I think the smell of fresh rain lifts the spirit..I hope your headache is gone...Have a good week-end. Hugs, Baba

Jerralea said...

Oh I love some of the same things, Suzanne! Especially the smell of rain.

I didn't know chips and dip could ease headaches, but I'm willing to try it! ;)

Karyn said...

God's Cologne....Love it!!

The scent of rain is one of my all time favorite things!

A compassionate husband who goes out of his way to care for his wife is one of God's best gifts!

Chips and dip for a headache? Sounds good to me! LOL

Killara girl said...

what wonderful favourites of spring...i've had a headache for the past 2 days too...i'm wondering what kind of dip you use :):)

Donnetta said...

Our lists are very similar this week. :-)

I gave up the pressure of pic's with my posts a long time ago. Every now and then I can get one thrown in but not usually.

Interesting about your chips and dip theory. Maybe I should give it a try. So nice of your hubby to do that for you!

Happy Friday!

carolina mountains said...

Can identify with your fab fives - will join in another Friday!

Brenda Emmett said...

The Robins were one of my favorites from this week too.

Have a great weekend! :)

Linda said...

Wonderful "faves" Susanne. I wonder, do you think God also has a bottle of "newly cut grass" cologne?

Cathie said...

Chips and dips can cure a lot of ills - thank goodness we don't even need a prescription for it! And thanks for supportive and caring husbands, too!

Sheri said...

Very interesting on the chip n dip for a headache. I have not heard of that one. Glad you know how to break it though.

Happy Spring Susanne!

Michelle said...

We've had rain here today so nice having the windows open..
I never knew that chips and dip helps headaches.Have a great weekend Susanne.

Karen said...

We had rain all day today, too! Everything looks so green and fresh. I love your description -- God's cologne. I'll have to remember that. Have a great weekend!