Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #74

Welcome everybody. Please join me in looking for the good things in our past week. Those things that blessed you, that made you smile, that were a highlight to your day. If you're new and need more info, you can go here and then just join right in.

1. This post on Love by Beck. Get your kleenex ready.

2. Pitchin' In. I don't know if you get this show on the American Food Network or not but it is absolutely hilarious. It stars Canadian chef Lynn Crawford, who has cooked in the biggest 5 star hotels and for many famous people. In this series, she goes right to where the food starts. To the farmers, the fisherman and the people who grow the food that eventually makes it to our tables. She out to learn from the locals how to get food at it's freshest. This show cracks me right up. She's got a wonderful sense of humor, is willing to do pretty much anything she's told and it's very interesting really seeing the ins and outs of food growers. I look forward to it each week.

3. Finding Seasons 1 through 3 of Touched by an Angel at Costco. I love this show even though I only saw very few episodes. I was so excited these are out on dvd now. I know what I'll be watching this weekend.

4. the Library. How I love the library! The fact that I can put books on hold online and then just go pick them up is the best. And I love going there. It's like a little mini-retreat for me. I can be there two hours before I realize that time has passed. I usually come home with more than I can read in the allotted time. LOL.

5. Date night with hubby. Thanks to gift cards from my oldest and a former place of employment hubby and I enjoyed a date night out at this nice restaurant on Monday evening. Food was yummy and the conversation was great.

What were your favorites from your week? If you did a post, sign up on the Mr. Linky. I encourage you all to visit around a bit. It's fun to read what brings a smile to others and fosters gratefulness. And you may even meet a new friend or find a new favorite blog.


Carrie said...

Oh wow! Touched by an Angel! I haven't seen an episode of that show in forever! I'd forgotten all about it!

Jonathan and I hate a date night tonight so I'm with you on that! So pleasant.

Hope you have a great weekend!

Willow said...

I love my library too! Thanks for posting the utube clip about Lynn. Although I've never heard of her, I enjoyed watching it.

Have a happy weekend!

Tina Leigh said...

I love the library to!! Date it!!

LivingforGod said...

This is my first time joining Friday's Fave Five. I had never watched Pitchin In; it looks interesting. My kids and I love going to the library. Books are like candies to us :).

Jientje said...

I'd love to see that cooking series, it must be a really fun as well as interesting program to watch!
A date with your hubs, that's always great. You reminded me I still have a voucher for an aperitif for two. I might ask him out tonight as well!

Hazel said...

Food and a nice sense of humor are always a big draw. I wish I could find Touched by an Angel somewhere around here. I have the same sentiments for libraries. Love those places!

Unknown said...

I loved Touch by An Angel! I need to check it out... fun stuff! I have a huge fine at the library...I am avoiding... but I miss it! We usually hang out there in the summer!

RA said...

Thanks for sharing your lovely faves this week. The last one is my favorite. I hope it was a very romantic evening :). Have a wonderful weekend.

Kari said...

Oh I remembere Touched by an Angel - such a great show.
And library are great, it sounds like you have a great one.
Happy Date night.

happily retired gal said...

I loved Touched by an Angel and was sad when it went off the air. The library is such a marvelous resource ... use my regularly. Thanks for the link ... I'll check it out with kleenex handy.
Hugs and blessings,
Small Reflections

Beck said...

Oh! Susanne, thank you so much! This was a lovely surprise.
Another beautiful Friday list. And I LOVE the library, too! I actually get EXCITED when I go, which is pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

Boy, I'm with you there with loving the library! And congrats on finding an old favorite show on DVD :-)

Barbara H. said...

I love date nights! And steakhouses!

Lynn Crawford looks like a lot of fun.

I haven't been to the library in a while, but I need to go look up a couple of books there.

Karen said...

I'm with you on the library as a retreat. It's the perfect place to escape. And who can argue with you, when you say you're going to the library? They don't have to know it's total indulgence;)

Abi said...

My Meme is posted for today. Thanks

Karyn said...

I love Touched By an Angel! I have a couple single episodes of it, and I am going to find the first 3seasons, for sure! Thanks for the heads up.

Date night with your man - especially on someone else's dollar - what could be better? Glad you had this opportunity.

I am going now to read the link on 'love'.....

Have a wonderful (long) weekend!

Faith said...

I used to LOVE Touched by an Angel!!

and i love the library. I went yesterday after work with the intention of returning one and just getting one and all of a sudden I am walking out with 4!! hopefully I can get to them all before the 3 weeks is up :) great faves today.....

ellen b. said...

I don't think we get that show on Food Network but I'll double check! I'll be back next week for Fave 5...I'm swamped in Washington right now. :0)
Enjoy your weekend!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

I was just reading back over the comments -- what a bunch of bookworms we are. I love it!

Yes, the library touched a nerve for me, too. My boys always say I'll get lost in one one day, never to surface!

I'm looking forward to a valentine's date! Happy weekend!

Sis said...

Add me to the loving the library list!

TXDidi said...

Oh, "Pitchin' In" looks like it would be a hoot. I checked up on Netflix to see if it was available yet for rent but no luck. Must be too new too have a season on DVD. I'll have to keep my eyes pealed for it later.

msdewberry said...

Wow, I have boo-hooed my way through quiet a few episodes of Touched By an Angel. I haven't seen this show in a while.
I used to buy books all the time because the town we lived in had a very small library. So nice now to have a good library to go to. Just have to remember to take them back in time!!

Linda said...

This is an especially good list Susanne. Ditto on the library (or book store!). The video is so funny.
Just loved it all.

Sheri said...

Great list!

I too love the library.

Have a great weekend.

Barb said...

I feel exactly the same way about the library. I could go there every single day.

I clicked on the link to Beck and read just enough of her post to see the words "cardiac event." What? My word, I'm going over there to catch up and see what on earth happened. Thank you for linking to her - she is, in my opinion, one of the best writers in the blogging world.

Hope you're doing well. xoxo