Yesterday Linda's Random Dozen questions were a lot to do with Valentine's Day. And it got me to thinking about Valentine's Day in general and how we celebrate it. One of the questions asked was what were our memories of Valentine's Day from school. And you know, I didn't really have any other than decorating the shoe boxes with the slit in the top. I vaguely remember doing the cards, but I can't say I have lots of warm memories associated with Valentine's day. It's one holiday that I have not really ever gotten into big time.
Even as an adult, Valentine's is not something that my hubby and I go all out on. Standing in restaurant line ups for Valentine's day, trying to vy for the attention of a harried & rushed wait staff is not one of our favorite things to do. We usually stay home, I cook a nice, though not fancy, dinner for all of us and we all get a little sampling of our favorite chocolates. Hubby and I may or may not share cards. Valentine's is a day that is way too close on the heels of Christmas and 2 birthdays in December, one birthday in January, and all clumped together with 3 birthdays in February. It's a lot of financial pressure! It seems the older I get the more disillusioned I get and I seem to be rebelling at the consumerism of such holidays that are dictated by companies looking for another way to take my cash. I would way rather have, and it means so much more to have the gift of a card, flowers, chocolates or a dinner out given spontaneously by my hubby rather than on a day when he is told to do it. And he does spontaneously do it and it's a thrill when he does. Yes, I am a bit of a Debbie Downer with Valentine's. LOL. Please don't throw any rotten tomatoes!
All that said, I will never, ever turn down one of these. I will sacrifice my Valentine's Day ideals and graciously accept it. :vD
What about you, guys? How do you celebrate Valentine's? Or do you celebrate? Do you love it or resent it? Is it just like any other day? Or do you really enjoy it and go all out?
I too love the more impromptu gestures as opposed to the commercialized ones. I prefer to eat-in on Valentine's day also. I do like to take advantage of being pro-active in expressing my love for people and if Valentine's day opens the door for this I'll hopefully take advantage of it. I'm not in love with Valentine's Day and the expectations have to be kept in check or many a woman will live a very disappointing Valentine's day...
I kind of feel like you do. I feel like it's one of those holidays made up by the retail industry to get us to spend money. I like to make a nice Valentines breakfast for the fam, and hubs gets my daughter a few roses every year. Hubs and I try to go out, but if we don't it's ok. And like you sometimes we exchange cards, sometimes we don't. Sometimes we just send each other an email. :)
Sandy a breakfast sounds good! Something one doesn't make normally comes to mind. Like waffles and strawberries and whipped cream. Mmmmm, your giving me a great idea! LOL.
when i was single and in my late 20's I absolutely hated it. I was just out of a very bad relationship and very far from God. THEN....it hit me, the year before I started dating my husband. How about I celebrate in my own way, the fact that I have the Best LOVER of my SOUL? JESUS!!!!! so...after that, i didn't mind the holiday at all. I would treat my self to a new book (my daddy used to buy me a new novel every 2/14 along with some chocolate from my mom)and some fave candy. Now of course my husband and I watch a movie, I cook a nice but simple dinner or we go out for dinner with a gift cert. We exchange cards but that's it. For my daughters, I have carried on the tradition of buying them a new novel/book and a piece of fave candy. It is NOT my fave holiday tho...christmas and Easter are!!
We do celebrate it, but it is more low-key than other holidays. We usually eat a nice dinner at home, I make heart-shaped cupcakes. My husband and I exchange cards; I get cards for the kids but they don't usually make/buy them.
I look at it like Thanksgiving: I'm supposed to be thankful all the time, but having that scheduled day set aside reminds me and spurs me on. I'm no less thankful because it is scheduled rather than spontaneous. So Valentine's Day, like a birthday or anniversary, is just a extra time to think about that special person and let them know I love them.
Barb: that's an awesome way of looking at it. Thanks for sharing that.
Faith: I like your idea of a nice movie together at home.
I'm more middle of the road. It's not a really romantic day but it's a day to make sure we do something different or special. Just a day to make a little more exciting in some way. This year it will involve going to our town's new Trader Joe's, each picking out a special thing to eat and watching a movie together. So. yes. Simple. Small. And we're happy!
We don't make a big deal out of valentines day either. I would rather do something another time than fight the people on V-night an even then we're not big into the whole gift thing. Dinner out is great for me. We'll be married 30 years this year so if there is something we really want we pretty much just go get it. I am doing a valentines gift for the grands though. Buying them something is a whole lot more fun!
I've given cards almost every year to my girls and hubby, and send one to my in-laws. When the girls were little, I apparently gave them cards one year which they remembered and not the next, and asked me why with sad little voices, they didn't get one this year. Needless to say, I've not forgotten since. One year I made them stuffed pigs with Valentine print dresses. They were crazy looking, and the dresses were HUGE, even though I used the pattern. We still have those pigs in the doll cradle in the basement.
This year I made them each two red and white quilted placemats for a romantic dinner with their hubbies. And sent a card, enclosed a laminated photo of me and Grampa for our little granddaughter. I guess my tradition is low-key, but still I like to send my love on Valentine's Day.
Danny & I dont exchange gifts, we dont really do the holiday stuff. Valentines Day is just another day for us EXCEPT that it is our oldest son's birthday....so we celebrate that. I do buy things for the grandbaby tho...I bought her a little bag with some VD candy in it. Soooo no kicking from me girl!
As a single girl not in a romantic relationship and not particularly pining for one, I generally shrug at Valentine's day. I like your approach of a nice quiet evening with your beloved. This year, being Lunar New Year, I'll drop by to see my parents but we don't celebrate it in a big way either.
I agree with you...it is so much more fun to recieve an expression of love 'just because' rather than 'it is Valentine's Day' or 'Mother's Day'.
As a child, the thing I remember about V Day is that my mom would make a huge chocolate cake shaped like a heart and iced with pink frosting, decorated with cinnamon hearts.
My hubby and Ido not normally celebrate V Daybecause it is just 2 days after our anniversary.
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