Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

I wanna go, I wanna go. Pleeeease!! I promise I'll be good.

For more Wordless Wednesday go here and the HQ.


Sara said...

OH! C'mon! Don't be cruel. Take the sweet puppy! How can you say no with a cute face like that? :)

Anonymous said...

Too cute! Love the pic.

Happy WW

ellen b. said...

ahh, so cute.

Bridget said...

Happy WW

One Mom said...

Oh, I hope you took him! How could you resist?

Michelle said...

oh how cute how can you possibly leave him behind?

Susie said...

That is toooooo cute!!

Jamie said...

So Cute!

SmilingSally said...

Cutie. Don't forget to visit me.

More Than Words said...

Oh my...my kids would LOVE your dog!!! So cute!!

Beck said...

Bring that dog! Sheesh! look at the wittle face - he promises to me NO TROUBLE at alL!

Donnetta said...

Reminds me of the golden retriever pup that jumped into hubby's delivery truck the other day while he was making a stop. It climbed up in his seat and he had to physically remove it. It wanted to go along too!

Cute Photo!!

Barb said...

Cute, cute, cute, Susanne. LOL

Linda said...

How could you possibly resist?

Jodi said...

Awww.. how cute!

Islandsparrow said...


Tammy said...

That is SOOOO cute! Have to show my girls this one! :)

Rose said...

That is adorable! Thanks for stopping by yesterday!

Jen said...

Awwww... too cute!