Monday, July 30, 2007

Mish Mash Monday continued to Tuesday

Welcome back if you had the courage to read through another mish mash of my thoughts. That week of working on my home really threw my blogging groove into chaos. My little routine of when I wake, when I work and when I blog just got all mixed up. I forgot to blog about things I had in my mind to blog about and some days, horrors, I didn't blog at all. So therefore, it all caught up this weekend and why it is that you are being treated to two days of mish mashed thoughts. So on we trudge with part II.

This past weekend I was blessed to find a couple of blogging friends had given me a couple awards. I am always very humbled and honored when someone thinks of me when one of these awards go around.

First from Flip Flop Mom the Rockin' Girl Blogger Award. Thank you so much Flip Flop Mom. She loves when I talk about my teens, life and doesn't care that I mentioned my toes.

This is the second time some graciously gave me this and the rule is I'm to pass it on to 5 people. I had such a hard time picking only five the first time that I'm going to majorly cheat and not name five but say that all my regular friends who take the time to come by here are Rockin' Girls. That you would take the time out of your busy days to read my ramblings and leave your nice comments truly humbles me. You all Rock!

And from DCR Mom (Musings of a Housewife) I recieved the Thoughtful Blogger Award. It is defined in this way:

“For those who answer blog comments, emails, and make their visitors feel at home on their blogs. For the people who take others feelings into consideration before speaking out and who are kind and courteous.”
I am very humbled, DCR Mom, this means alot to me. Thank you that I was able to make you feel at home.

Now I need to pass that one on. Again I am going to cheat. I am going to pass it first to Barb. Barb has got to be the most gracious lady in blogland. Visiting with her is truly like being welcomed into her home.

But because I know Barb has already been given this award from someone, and deservedly so, I am cheating and giving it to one more person. To Laura at I'm An Organizing Junkie. Laura always makes me feel at home on her blog, answering my comments and emails.

So thank you ladies, I am truly humbled and grateful.

And speaking of Barb, she graciously offered to let me be an member of her "Day Late Club". See what I mean about her being thoughtful? Because lately I have been a day late in posting things. So as my first official post as a member of the Day Late Club I am putting up my Menu Plan Monday. On Tuesday. And I'm sure there will be more Day Late enteries to come.

Monday: already done but I'll let you know we had baked spaghetti and sliced garden cukes & onions with plain yogurt and dill.

Tuesday: crockpot coffee roast beef, mashed potatoes, honey carrots

Wednesday: shrimp stir fry

Thursday: Firecracker Fried Chicken Drumsticks, pasta salad

Friday: Sour Cream pork chops, rice, mixed veggies

Saturday: scrounge day

And just to round out this mish mash post, I have a question. Does anyone know why sometimes out of the blue I get double spacing when I hit the enter button once rather than single spacing. For example above in the menu plan monday, I didn't really want double spacing but that's what I all of a sudden got. Any ideas, ladies?


Barbie @ Mamaology said...

Congrats on your awards:) You are well deserving! I love the color of your kitchen:) And welcome back to day care:) How's that for a mish mash comment:)

Barb said...

Well, thank you Susanne! My goodness, that was a surprise, but I'm glad you always feel comfortable at my place. And you should take comfort in knowing that all of us have been doing mish mashed posts lately. Blogging is weird this summer, isn't it? Funny how after a year, all of us are suddenly not letting the blog stop us from our normal summer. I am anyway. Therefore, the day late club. Because I never ever seem to get my act together any more but who cares, right?

My sister makes coffee roast beef. I've never tried it. I wonder why that is. And I may just fly to Canada tomorrow for your Wednesday menu. LOL

Thank you for the award. I love this award - the meaning behind it is something I've always tried to accomplish. You bless me, my friend.

gail@more than a song said...

Yay for your awards, both are you; you're very thoughtful Susanne and I appreciate your kindness.
I wish I could come have the shrimp stir fry with you!

Tammy said...

Congrats on your well deserved! :D

I just read your two mish-mashes...loved getting caught up with you! Yes, there's nothing like all those back to school sales popping up in July to put a damper on the summer...even for home school moms-LOL!

Have a great week, Susanne!

Beck said...

I would listen to you write about the phone book, Susanne!
Aw! Congratulations on the award!

Jen said...

Your menu sounds so good. I just started doing mine again. I hope you have had a grand summer. We have been busy and I have neglected my blogs....

Linda said...

Firstly congratulations on your awards - both very much deserved. I think you are very thoughtful and sweet always - not to mention lots of fun.
I am of no help at all on computer difficulties. I find myself just wanting to hit mine - hard - when it misbehaves. I somehow don't think that is helpful.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed both of your mishmash posts. :-)

Canadian Bird said...

Congrats on your awards!!! I love reading your blog. I only wish you had RSS so I could get you to add to my blogreader. :(

Laura said...

Ahh Susanne, I just thought I'd pop in quick to see how my sweet friend is doing and lo and behold you gave me an award! A thoughtful award at that, I LOVE it. Thank you so much!!

It was fun to get caught up with you. I love your paint color, it sounds awesome!!

I couldn't stay away from here to long. I miss you already!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your awards!!

I'm not sure about the double spacing thing, I've had blogger do that to me before too...have you cut and pasted from a Word document? I paste into the HTML otherwise it seems to confuse Blogger's formatting.


Lisa Spence said...

I've wondered about that automatic double spacing too! I just hit "backspace" like a million times and sometimes that deletes it, but sometimes it also deletes some of what I've written too...Can you tell I'm SUCH the computer guru? :-)

Love the mish mash stuff--makes us all feel normal!

And your grillin'? Can I come over for supper!