First off a very IMPORTANT REMINDER. Today is the day to help Kelli through Boomama's site. Please prayfully consider what you can do and head over to Boomama's. She's made it simple as can be. It really is a matter of life and death for Kelli.
Cyndi from One Day More has tagged me with an interesting meme. It's 5 Things You Didn't Know About Me.
- I was a trained Rehabilitation Services Worker and I enjoyed working with the most severly handicapped children. The children taught me more than I ever could have learned without them. I loved it.
- I love to type. It relaxes me.
- I could watch sports on T.V. all day on a Saturday. Makes my hubby nuts. 'Cause he hates sports. Even better, are live games.
- I love to cook, but am not so nuts about baking. I have to really force myself to bake. But with cooking, my dream would be to totally have unlimited food budget and unlimited time so I could really experiment with different dishes. Not necessarily gourmet but just really good everyday food.
- One of my secret dreams has always been to learn to play the piano. Everytime I hear a beautiful piece played I just wish I could play. One of these fine years I want to learn and be able to buy a piano.
So I don't know how exciting that was but I bet you didn't know that about me. :v)
Now I'll tag Beck, Chris & Tammy.
Susanne, it was great to know more about you. I wish I could play the piano, too! You need to just do it and go after that dream. About the whole sports thing, I had no idea. Personally, I could shop all day without stopping. It relaxes me, my husband-not so much.
Typing used to calm me. Not so much anymore because it seems like I'm always in a furious hurry and make so many typos it's awful.
Your food budget dream is my food budget dream. How I would love to go to the grocery store with no limits!
Never let go of that dream about learning to play the piano. The learning and the getting of the piano are both very possible.
It makes sense that anyone who loves to type would love to play the piano. :-)
I enjoyed reading these! I love typing, too, but am opposite you in the cooking/baking thing. I only cook so that my family can eat, but I'd love to have tons of time and ingredients to play with my baking.
I love typing, too! But I love baking. Maybe you could make suppers and I could just handle dessert!
Thanks for the tag!
Wow, you are so interesting!
Your first comment reminded me of the book "The Hidden Power of Prayer & Fasting" by Mahesh Chavda. He worked at a hospital for the mentally handicapped, and learned much more than he could have imagined!
And you & I would make a great pair...cuz I LOVE to bake, but I'm not so wild about cooking. (Guess we'd both be much larger if we were, like, roomates or something...)
And finally, I cannot believe that YOU are the sports nut. Do you know how many men would LOVE a wife like that?
I never really thought about baking vs. cooking preference, now I'm wondering if I have a preference... I'm impressed about the sports thing, truly. I do like college football, but that's run its course now. I do love it when the Mavs are doing well, so I've got that goin for me lately.
It was fun to get to know you better! :) Thanks for playing!
Love getting to know you better!
I'm with you on the cooking thing. Wouldn't that be fun?! Better yet, if we lived close to each other and could cook together?!
Can't wait to hear that you've bought your piano and have begun playing.
Thanks for tagging me. Cyndi tagged me as well so I have been trying to think of some interesting info. that others don't know. Especially those who know me and read the blog.
I secretly would love to learn how to play the piano...I love watching others play.
Actually, only four things I didn't know, since I remembered you once said that typing relaxes you...(see how well I paid attention to your posts?) ;)
Thanks for the tag, Susanne...I'll try to get to it this week because it looks like fun!
Oh, and I'm with Beck...I'd gladly bake a few things up for you if you'd come by and prepare a few meals! ;)
It was fun learning some new things about you!! Some think it's strange... but I too don't mind cooking or typing. :-)
what an intertesting job
id like to get my special needs papers one day
Thanks for the comment! It looks like you got a great blog design from Susie as well.
It's great to get to know a little more about you Susanne. I want to encourage you about the piano. I started taking lessons three years ago - when I was 57. I had taken lessons in my teens but gave it up in typical teenage fashion. I lived to regret that decision and decided to just go for it.
I began with a digital piano, and then several months ago my husband bought me a piano.
I just love it. I even love practicing. It is never too late.
I love learning more about people and "meme's" are a great way.
Have a great day!
It's so neat to learn about the children. And interesting how you and your husband have kind of flip-flopped the usual sports interest.
I wish I had an unlimited food budget just for the fact of getting as much healthy food as I want!
I've always wanted to learn the cello. Piano would be good, too. :)
That's a good meme. I like a lot of it but the sports thing...unless its ice skating/dancing, ballroom dancing (that is a sport right?) or gymnastics - skiing is great as well. I do enjoy watching my son play...whatever but he's my son so ... there you go!
Susanne, I was just going to tag you! I was tagged and looking for 5 blogger friends to tag, but someone else got you before me! This is great fun! Blessings! www.tracyhurst.com
I loved this, you know that I share your dream of learning to play the piano?
Oh, I'm SOOOOO a foodie, too... and baking is rather painful for me also!
I learned a few new things about you. I am glad you did the meme. Funny about sports. I am that way about Nascar & about our college football team, some pro football. I grew up watching bullriding & boxing with my dad, too. Wish you could come watch with us sometime!
Okay, you cook and I'll do the baking while we watch some sports. Deal? We'll use my limitedly unlimited budget and come up with something awesome (that bean and ham stuff looked great!).
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