Wednesday, September 13, 2006

WFMW ~ bedtime routines

Now that we're into the second week of school around here, we are still getting in the groove. Over the years I've sorta found some stuff that works for me to get the kids getting sleepy and getting to bed on time.

-make bed time the same every night if at all possible and as close to it as you can on the weekends too, if you've got elementary aged children. I know this won't always work but if you can be as close as possible it helps.

-no sugary snacks 2 hours before bedtime and that includes high sugar juices

-video games and hi action TV gets turned off an hour before bed

-for children who have a real difficult time make their routines exactly the same each night. eg. the order that you clean up, wash up, put on pj's, read a story, pray, bathroom, etc.

-now that my kids are older, I require that they are still in the their rooms by a certain time of night, then they can read in bed for 1/2 hour or so if they choose.

There you are. Hope if your having bedtime woes at least one of those will help.

For more helpful ideas head on over to Rocks in My Dryer.


Anonymous said...

What a great idea. We kinda do the same for our son, even though he's only one year.

Another thing my parents did is we had a set bedtime HOWEVER if we chose to read a book we could for another 30 min past bedtime. This encouraged reading.

Shalee said...

We do the routine with the boy because he needs it, and the girl gets the read time before bed. A lot of times, she chooses to read a book with me, so that gives us some great time together.

Beck said...

But... but... my kids live on sugar! All right, so my routines need some work. Now if only I could talk to their daddy about his choice in bedtime stories...

GiBee said...

Works with babies, too!

Anonymous said...

Great tips! I too make sure my daughter doesn't have sugar after 6-7 pm. we are rediscovering books at bedtime. It's wonderful family time, and soothing too.

Girl Raised in the South said...

Sound advice! Most kids thrive with routine and their parents do too. Sounds like your house is one peaceful place in the evening.

Katherine@Raising Five said...

Thanks for the reminder...

I am having to really rein it in this year. We've got so many age groups here, the whole bedtime thing gets drug out FAR too long. I did great on this when they are all little but I'm having to re-figure all this out having big kids with activities and projects with lots of "pieces." Oh,for the simple days!

Kate said...

sounds like our list - also, i lay their clothes out the night before (simply for my own selfish desires of wanting them to match! but i like to see their combinations at times too.)