Banner by Caryn at Novelist in Training
1. I really, really need to put 1,437 or so pictures into photo albums
2. I really need to wipe out the kitchen cupboards.
3. Painting the kitchen is calling my name.
4. I want to try this great idea to jazz up my living room and bedroom.
5. I am joining this challenge.
6. I need to go thru my CDroms and throw out all the ones that no longer work on my computer & that are no longer played with by my kids.
7. Sort through a mountain of toys and get rid of what no one plays with.
8. Organize my craft room.
9. Try at least one new recipe every couple weeks from Mondays at this place.
10. Stick to my exercise plan (and improve on it) that I made with a certain blogging buddy. You know who you are!! :v)
11. Start looking for good deals for Christmas presents. (I've already got some stocking stuffers and a couple of the gifts. Ssshhh no one tell my family!).
12. Clean my freezer. Ugh.
13. Take romantic walks in the fallen leaves at the lake with Beloved Hubby.
Oh yes, the pictures-into-albums thing. I've got a stack of prints just waiting to be sorted and put in albums, too... Love #13 - sounds wonderful!
Sounds like some good goals. I like #13 too! I should get some sort of exercise plan together. And I'd really like to make progress on my scrapbooking so I'm not so overwhelmed with all those photos! LOL!
Ok. I am still working on my first cup of coffee and I already feel behind. Whew! I thought this kind of stuff was reserved for Spring. :>)
We'll be doing some of the same things. I have to tell you that I was LOL at your comment on the reading challenge today.
And I have been trying some of Laura/org junkie's recipes, too! I told her that I don't need to meal plan, because I'll just read hers and try a couple each week.
Oh--and the CD rom thing--if you saw our basement computer (for the kids), you'd know that I need to do this too.
Hey Susanne, such a great idea to do a list like this. I need to do a couple of those myself + a few different ones. My one piece of advice is don't make the Chicken Cacciatore from my menu last week, it wasn't that great...lol.
Have a happy day! Laura
Great list! Sounds like you are going to have a great fall! I think I may do this fall reading challenge too!
Wonderful list - I especially like #13! I'm going to check out the recipe site - thanks!
Oh, I hear you, if we only came with an automatic pilot button. lol
Good Thursday 13 list! I need to do quite a few of these too...I knew about the reading thing but had forgotten so thanks for the reminder & I hope I'm in. But #1, doing the pictures is what I need to work on most!
Groan. I need to make a list like that, too. I started on 1) Cleaning out my fridge yesterday, and it was pretty vile.
I'm doing Katrina's Fall Into Reading challenge too. I need to spend more time reading books and less time at this computer. Reading is my first love and it's practically fallen to the wayside since I started blogging. I still read but it takes a lot longer to finish a book now.
This list doesn't look too bad. Start with the easier ones and you'll feel inspired to tackle the harder ones.
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