Hi everyone! Welcome to Friday's Fave Five. Our time to take a pause of gratefulness for the blessings that have come into our lives over the last week. Learning to see the gifts and grace of God in our lives no matter the day is a process. One which we must intentionally practice. Please join in as we look for the blessings from the past week.
I can't believe I am once again late to my own post. But I was in a phone in town hall meeting with the ministry of gov't that is over child care in my province and my brain is so overloaded with trying to understand the new funding model that is coming that I can't even get it out of that gear to think of anything else. I need to clear my mind with a good sleep and I'll join in in the morning. Meanwhile here is Mr. Linky so my east coast friends don't have to wait until noon. 😊
Well that took a hot minute to get back on here this morning. Dealing with the fallout of how Gov't changes funding for things like childcare is not for the faint of heart. Flurries of emails from child care agencies, upset parents, confusion as to what it means for us educators...it's all stressful. But here I am and soooo ready to look for blessings!
~ baby shower ~ this week at bible study we had a fun evening blessing a soon to be Mom with a surprise baby shower. She wasn't expecting it at all and it's fun to share in the joy.
~ river bottom walk ~ the last week the weather has been absolutely beautiful. We've been trying to get out and go for walks as much as we can to get that vitamin D and fresh air. Sunday we went to one of my favorite walking areas and enjoyed the beauty with a whole bunch of other sunshine and fresh air seekers. Walks in the river bottom are always a fave and always are a great de-stressor. Our furball loves them too. He had a grand time chasing the mice in the tall grass.
~ date night Mexican ~ Friday night was a Mexican feast at our favorite local Mexican restaurant courtesy of the 4000 cent gift card my son and his quirky sense of humor gave me for my birthday. It was delicious as usual. The owner is from Mexico and everything is homemade including all the salad dressings and about a dozen choices of hot sauces. Yum!!
~ ice cream ~ speaking of Mexican, I finally dug into the Mexican chocolate ice cream I had in the freezer from my favorite local small batch ice cream store. Oh my. Rich chocolate with a slight kick at the back of the throat. Sooo good. I think it may be one of my favorites now. Hope they make it again soon.
~ book delivery ~ FINALLY, I got Book 4 in the Timeless Series by Gabrielle Meyer. I have loved this series so far and was so excited for book 4 that I pre-ordered it from Amazon back in May of last year. The publication date was November 5. Well that date came and went and we finally got an email saying there was a delay in delivery and we could cancel if we wanted. I thought, well it couldn't be much longer. Well, the end of the year came and went and still no book. Finally at the end of January, Hubby cancelled the purchase. I re-ordered through Indigo and within a day had an email saying it was on the way and 2 days later it was in my hot little hands. Can't wait to read it! And isn't the cover just gorgeous??!! Oh and btw, we are still awaiting even an email about our refund from Amazon, even though we've tried to contact them about what is happening. I will never, ever pre-order anything from Amazon again.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend!
What a beautiful quote and an impactful way of looking at life. God is so gracious towards us that it should overflow to others. See you and your faves soon.
Sorry you're having a hard time with all the red tape etc to do with funding. Why do Governments have to make things so complicated? Glad you had a night out though. And what beautiful blue skies on your walk. Have a good weekend.
I can't imagine all the crazy changes and rules you have to deal with. I hope it gets settled soon.
Mexican dinner seems to be the thing this week-- I wrote about ours too.
And your walk along the river was a perfect thing to do in the warm weather.
Have a good week. Enjoy reading your book.
I can only imagine the complications with differences in finding. I hope you've been able to get a handle on it, or will without too much trouble. That kind of thing is not my forte.
So glad you got to get out in some nice weather! We have a new Mexican food place we've been to and enjoyed a couple of times. Funny about the 4000 cents! I love Meyer's Timeless series, too. Odd about the pre-order delay--I have pre-ordered from Amazon before and haven't had a problem.
OOOH I love an authentic Mexican restaurant. We have exactly two in our area. One is so pricey and not super great and the other one is heavenly. That food looks sooooo good. One of these days I seriously need to try Mexican chocolate ice cream.
LOVE the quote at the end of your post.
I'm not familiar with that book series.
I'm trying not to do business with Amazon. It's hard not to!
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