Friday, October 11, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #807

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  I wasn't able to get my post together on time for first thing this morning but I will jump in as soon as I can. Meanwhile here's Mr. Linky and you all can get the party started!  See you soon.

Whew finally made it to make a post for FFF.  I hope you're week has gone well.  I had several things crop up on the weekend and with a houseful coming this week to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving I was not able to get on the computer and read posts from last week and leave comments.  I may be late now because of life happening but I don't want to totally miss being grateful for the good things God has brought into my life this last week.  So here we are with five of the favorites:

~ Northern Lights ~ as everyone knows it's been quite a show going on all week in the northern skies.  I haven't seen any out my windows as some have but there have been so many from the city posting al over face book that I finally got out the door last night, drove out of town aways (along with hundreds of others who had the same idea; oh the traffic!!) and tried to spot them myself.  Unfortunately, I was in between the shows to the naked eye but I got some pics that the camera picked up.  Might take the visiting fam a bit farther out and try again tonight.  There were some pretty spetacular pictures coming from our area of the pinks and purples and some pretty incredible swirling images so I really want to see those.  

~ missionary visit at church ~ On Sunday the missionary couple who's ministry to the Philippines that our church helps support were visiting today.  I always love listening to them and hearing of the great things God is doing in their country especially amongst the street children to whom they minister.  

~ falling leaves ~ fall is my favorite time of year and the leaves here are not only turning color but are starting to fall.  I love the sound and smell as I walk through them so I've been getting out after work to take my furry friend for his walk.  Total stress relief.

~ beautiful sunshine ~ tough it has been cooler this week the sun has been out and no wind!!  I love the warmth of the sun breaking through the crisp coolness of the fall air.

~ airing out of bedding ~ putting out the blankets and pillows to hang over the deck and absorb some of that lovely fall air always makes crawling under them at night so nice.  It reminds me of when Mom used to hang all her laundry before the electric dryer days.  Brings back nice memories of childhood and the love and care she showed us in all her work.  

What have been your favorite blessings for the week?

It's Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend so I want to wish all my Canadian friends a very Happy Thanksgiving weekend! 


Anonymous said...

No one is interested in Mr Linky, try to do better next time.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Good morning Sue. Thank you for putting the link up. Thank you for doing this every week. I am spotty getting here to link but it's one of my very favourite links of the week.

Susanne said...

Anonymous: Hahaha you're funny. Thanks for the laugh this morning. Next time try to do better and at least leave a name.

Monica said...

Happy Thanksgiving! :) Hope you enjoy your beautiful fall weather. It's warm here right now but supposed to drop off next week. Love those Norther Lights pictures! So amazing! Thanks for sharing them.

Faith said...

Hi Susanne! HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and yours.
Dave and I are heading north for a date night dinner (plus my sister Joy is going) and then we're heading even a little further north to try to get awesome pics of the Northern Lights over Lake George/eastern ADK. I saw some faint pink last night but living in suburbia there are way too many city lights to see them good. I've been loving all the ones I've seen posted on FB from across NYS.

I too love Autumn and our leaves are stil mostly green here in eastern NY but to the south in the mountains and to the west and a bit north it is at peak. Our area will hit peak in about 2 weeks if we continue to have chilly nights that finaly arrived 2 nights ago.
Have a wonderful weekend with your missionary family and your own.

Susan said...

I remember my mom and grandparents hanging clothes outside. I did when we rented our first home. I still put out the beach towels. No signs of fall here yet. Have a great weekend!