Friday, October 04, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #806

Happy Friday everyone and welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  We're taking an intentional pause in our week to look back and take note of the blessing in our lives.  Building a habit of realizing our blessings and being thankful for them when times are good will help us in those harder times of life. Please join us in our journey.  

~ text and pic from a former dayhome little ~  after mentioning in the last FFF post about a lovely phone call from a former little friend, I received a txt this week from a former family that moved away last spring.  It's funny, I'd been thinking a lot about their little guy, whom I adored, wondering how he had made the adjustment.  I got a txt and pic of him starting his first day of preschool.  Mom says he looks at the photo album I gave him on his last day all the time and talks about us.  So nice to hear he is doing well.  I sure miss him.  

~ comfort food & childhood memories ~ fall brings with it the anticipation of comfort foods.  One of them was a childhood favorite, a Hungarian dish which translated is Plum Balls.   My Mom would make the best.  Her dough was always tender and just the right amount of dumpling around the plum perfectly spiced with sugar and cinnamon.   Is it a dessert?  Or a meal?  I'd eat them whenever.  As with any authentic dish, it takes time and effort to make and I've only tried a few times over the years.  I gave it another shot last week.  While not as "perfect" as my mom's, the balls were misshapen, the dough too thick in parts, but the flavors were there and I enjoyed everyone.  I took Mom some too and she was thrilled to have eaten something she hasn't had in years. 

~ lunch with friends ~ Sunday we met with good friends after our respective church services were over for lunch.  It was so nice to visit with them again after the busy summer and get all caught up.  I'm thankful for the opportunity and for their friendship.

~ that first sip of coffee in the morning ~ I'm not the best early morning person to begin with but this past few weeks getting up in the dark has been brutal.  What a blessing it is to find that hot cup of fresh coffee all ready and waiting for me on the counter courtesy of my wonderful hubby.  He watches the clock for my wake up time and has it all ready and waiting.  

~ anticipation ~ the boxes and supplies have been ordered, the kick off Sunday date booked with church office and my slot at the warehouse requested for Operation Christmas Child Shoebox campaign 2024.  It's my absolute favorite ministry to support and every year I can't wait.   If you've been reading here for anytime you know my love of OCC all these years culminating in a trip with them to Costa Rica to hand out shoeboxes to the children.  Such a rewarding and life changing experience for both the children and for me.  If you need more info here are the two links:

What have been your favorite blessings for the week?


aspiritofsimplicity said...

I often think of past students as well and wonder how they are doing. I work at a Montessori school that goes from infant to 8th grade so I do get to see some of them at the "big school." That first sip of coffee is the best!

Barbara H. said...

How fun to hear from another former dayhome child! That's neat to send a photo album with them. I'm glad the plum balls came together well and your mom got to enjoy them. It's good to catch up with friends. Yay for OCC!

Faith said...

first of all: YAY for that quote. it's SO true!
And yay for OCC!! I can't wait!! i'm also going to volunteer again this year with the box collection at church and loading them onto the large trucks. last year we collected over's such a blessing.
How wonderful you could bring your mom the treats she used to make you when you were a child. I'm guessing she loved every bite.
That's awesome that the preschooler and his family let you know how he is doing.
I'm with you on the first sip of coffee. In fact, I only had 2 mugs this AM as now it is 8:25 and off to the park i go to lead my meditation walking group. My friday group asked if we could meet TWICE a month for meditation/prayer and walks so I said yes. On those days i don't get to linger over coffee. hahah (thankfully the Sat group is only meeting once a month).

Wendy said...

I'm sure your Mum loved the hungarian dish. Lovely for you to hear from your former little one. My drink of choice in the mornings is tea. Actually my always choice as I don't drink coffee, but like you I need it to kick start my day. Have a good weekend Susanne.

Melanie said...

Those Plum Balls sound interesting. If I think of recipes of my childhood, it would be my grandma's chicken and noodles. She never really had a recipe but I've experimented and found something close.
How sweet that that little boy's mother texted you with a message and a photo! I would imagine how attached you must get to your kiddies. It's nice to hear how things are going with them.
I mentioned coffee in my post as well. There's nothing like that first cup of coffee!

I see the Patti Callahan book on your side bar. I really enjoyed her book - "Becoming Mrs. Lewis." I should check this one out.

Have a great weekend.

ellen b. said...

It is a great testimony of your care to be contacted by your care kids!