Thursday, September 12, 2024

September Reading Possibilities

Today is very gloomy and wet outside so it turns my thoughts to my reading.  Nothing makes me want to curl up more under a cozy blanket with a good book and a cup of hot coffee than the gloomier days of fall weather.  So perfect day to get my September reading choices post up.  I have to admit I am behind in my "numbers" goals but that is ok.  It is not a race, reading is supposed to be enjoyable.  So I'm trying to put that good reads goal to the back of my mind.  Septembers picks were all about continuing with my goal of pressing on through my purchased books.  I've got a couple of library books on there too because I just can't resist picking up a few for myself when I get the kids books.  And I have a book on there that will be my 3rd time reading through it.  I feel a need to reread at this time.  And a book my son's girl friend loaned me.  I don't usually borrow books from people but she was so sweetly insisted when I was asking her if she enjoyed it cause it was on my want to read list that I couldn't refuse.   So here's September's choices:

PURCHASED FICTION  (2024 Reading Goal)

          ~ A Piece of the Moon by Chris Fabry (finishing up from August)
          ~ When We Were Young & Brave by Hazel Gaynor
          ~ Code Name Helene by Ariel Lawhon
          ~ Surviving Savannah by Patti Callahan
          ~ The Last House on the Street by Diane Chamberlain
          ~ A Great Country by Shilpi Somaya Gowda


          ~ The Happy Life of Isadora Bentley by Courtney Walsh
          ~ Darling Girls by Sally Hepworth


          ~ The Pearl That Broke It's Shell by Nadia Hashimi
          ~ Ribbon of Years by Robin Lee Hatcher (reread)


          ~ Jaqueline in Paris by Ann Mah


          Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist

What are you reading this September?


Billie Jo said...

Hello! I recognize some of your choices, and they are good! I just finished a reread, and now I will be reading a few fall cozy mysteries. Thank you for sharing, and enjoy!

Faith said...

Oh I LOVE Sally Hepworth!! I've read The Things we Keep (LOVE LOVE LOVED it); The Family Next Door; The Good Sister. I'll have to look for this one!
For September: I'm a little more than halfway through a new historical fiction one set in WWI called The Stolen Child. I have books 9-10 waiting for me (Miss Marple by Agatha Christie), I need to finish The Preacher (Fiction); and I have anotherone from the library on my nightstand shelf that I'll start after these other ones are done. I'm also reading Loving People who are Hard to Love by Joyce Meyer as that's the book i'm teaching from for the small group I lead. OH and I'm reading through (snippets every few days) a book written by the woman who owns the Inn where Courtney and I stayed in August up in the HIgh Peaks area/Adk. It's called A Blessed Home (non fiction) about keeping a home peaceful.....lots in there for better communication, peace and simplicity. I love to read. I read on the beach today because August - October have very few gloomy days. It's still Summer and the days have been GLORIOUS!!