Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #803

Well, after a cold, wet and dreary Wednesday I'm looking forward to a drier somewhat sunny day today.  In spite of weather woes, there is much to be thankful for today and I'm happy to focus on the blessings God has gifted this last week.  Please join us as we share about the good things we have had in our ordinary days over the last week.  

~ doing well ~  I bought myself an Incrediball Blush Hydrangea bush when perennials went on sale at the end of the season and I'm pleased that it seems to be doing well.  They are amazing when the flowers gets huge and I can't wait to see it when it grows.  

~ new study ~ I joined up with a new study group this September and am looking forward to getting to know some new ladies as we study God's word.  There are some ladies from the group that I used to lead and some new ladies I don't know as well and I love that there is a huge variety of ages.  

~ getting some organizing done ~ I've started to get the switching of closets and drawers from summer clothes to fall and winter.  This time of year is so varied in what we get for weather.  Just days ago it was 32*C (89.6F) and today it was a cold, rainy 13*C (55F) so one needs to have things you can layer.  But there is still items that can be washed and stored already and it feels good to get the rotation going.  More things off the to do list always make me feel good.

~ seasonal treat ~ the seasonal flavors of Werther's Caramels are out and I treat myself to one bag of the Apple Caramel at this time of year.  They are so soft and chewy and delicious.  I saw they also had a Pumpkin Spice flavor but I've never tried those.  I was going to link but everywhere I looked on line the prices were crazy high.  I just got mine at the drugstore for half of what they wanted online.  

~ thoughtful hubby ~ this week my milk frother quite working.  I was just going to do without but hubby insisted on replacing it.  He knew I liked coffee with frothy oat milk and he took the time to research which frothers worked well with oat milk and then went and bought me one.  It took him a bunch of time and a few trips to the store.  His thoughtfulness really blessed me.

What has been blessings in your ordinary days this week?


Faith said...

Ok great minds think alike, Susanne!! i too mentioned my husband's help as a bonus fave...and I too mentioned joining TWO new classes at church (one is a Bible study class) and I'm also still leading the monthly Fri/Sat walking groups and hiking group plus I decided yes i can still lead a book study in my home on Tues evenings for ladies over the age of 45. All of my groups are FULL. I had to tell our pastor of spiritual formation to close out the groups via the online signup because i have no more room.

God is good.
I hope you enjoy some wonderful last week of summer weather and alhtough i don't eat caramels due to my bridge work, that flavor sounds yummy.
and my vegan girl would totally approve of your frother and choice of milk (I like the creamy oat milk in a starbucks latte but at home we use unsweetened almond).

ENJOY the weekend!!

Barbara Harper said...

We have one hydrangea that's thriving right next to the house. Jim has tried to propagate from it, but that hasn't worked. I'd love to have a pink one, but they say the color is determined by the soil, so it might turn blue here anyway.

We have a similar situation with our Bible study--some ladies were there previously and some are new faces. I love when there is a variety of ages in a Bible study group.

I was just looking at some spring things in my closet that needed to be transferred out. It's not quite cool enough here for winter clothes yet, but I have a few in-between things.

That was so nice of your husband not only to get a new frother but to take time to research them.

Susanne said...

Barbara: This variety of hydrangea does not depend on the soil for it's color. It comes in blush or white and that is the color it stays.

Melanie said...

I think that when I switch from summer wardrobe to winter, I'm going to purge some of my summer clothing. I do love to organize. I feel so accomplished after I do that.

I do like Werther's candy. I just can't keep a bag in the house or I'm off and running!

Your hydrangea looks lovely! I'm glad it's doing well.

I'm do glad you've found a good Bible study. I was almost able to join one with a friend, but health issues were in the way. I may still try to join after the holidays.

Willow said...

I love that last comment. Yes, gratitude is where it starts.
I love my hydrangea-- seeing yours makes me want to run to the nursery and get another one.
I mentioned my Bible studies in my FFFs too--both doing Revelation.
Could you please send us some of that cool weather and rain? We need it!
Have a good weekend!

Susan said...

You're Hydrangea bush is beautiful and it reminds me of my grandma. I am decluttering, but mostly paper stuff. It's nice to be back at study groups. So nice that your husband got you a new frothier. I forget to use mine. Time to get some pumpkin spice creamer!