Friday, September 06, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #802

Hi everyone.  Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  As usual, I'm doing up my post on Thursday evening.  The only problem is I am really sick and need to go to bed.  So I'm raising the white flag and surrendering to the call.  I'll put Mr. Linky up for you early birds and I will join sometime in the morning.  


Okey dokey, I'm back and feeling a tad bit better from a little extra sleep.  Thank you all for the well wishes!!   I'm ready to look for my blessings and be thankful for them in spite of being sick for he better part of the week.  There is still so much to be grateful for.

~ last hoorah of the summer ~ last weekend was a long weekend here in Canada, so we took a little trip up to Calgary for a few days.  It's a nice getaway for us and we always  come back refreshed.  Every moment spent with family is a gift!   Thankful we were able to say goodbye to summer with this little road trip and thankful we made it there safe and sound.

~ 4DX theatre experience ~ one of the reasons I wanted to go to Calgary was to see "Twisters" in a 4DX theatre. And wow, what an experience!  There are only two theatres in Canada that have this so far, one in Toronto and one in Calgary.  Not only did you get the D-box seats which move and rumble and shake perfectly coordinated with what is going on in the movie right down to small details like feeling the truck door slamming, but you got the wind, the heat and the rain.  The Dbox was waaay more intense that any of us could have imagined, like a crazy fair ride,  and feeling the rain and wind with the twisters was so immersive.  Twisters was the perfect movie to experience this and it was so fun to see our whole group having super fun through the whole movie.  If you can go see this movie in a 4DX theatre, go!

~ new walking trail ~ we were thinking of going on a hike in the Kananaskis area but my knee gives me so much hassle lately so we had our son pick us a nice walking trail along the river within the city.  It didn't disappoint and it was a beautiful morning filled with blue skies, sunshine sparkling water and wildlife.   


~ thoughtful hubby ~ so thankful for hubby who ran and got takeout on a day this week that was rough at work so that I wouldn't have to cook.  His thoughtfulness meant a lot.

~ relaxed day off ~ we were home Sunday evening and had the holiday Monday to just relax and catch up on some chores around the house.  Thankful for that extra day before jumping back into work especially as on Tuesday there were new kids starting dayhome and that always entails extra work mentally and physically.

Have a great weekend everyone.  It's going to be a hot one here.  Summer has decided to hang around a bit longer.


Faith said...

Susanne!! I'm so sorry to hear your are SICK! Am praying for you this morning and I will get my walking group to pray for you too. Feel better and see you soon

Wendy said...

Oh you poor thing. I hope you're soon feeling better.

Willow said...

Oh no! I hope you feel better soon!

Barbara H. said...

I'm so sorry you're not feeling well! Hope you're better soon.

Barbara H. said...

I'm glad you're feeling better! I hope that continues.

I think that 4DX theatre experience would have been sensory overload for me, especially with that kind of movie! But I am glad you all got to do it and enjoyed it.

Glad you got to go away for a bit and spend time with your son and had some time off. Yay for hubbys who bring home dinner.

Willow said...

Your weekend in Calgary sounds like it was a really good get-away. That walk on the river! Beautiful!
I'm glad you are feeling better now.

Faith said...

so glad you're better!! It's been SO long since i've been sick. of course i deal with the darn cervical spine issues so.....

LOVE your nature pics and yay for new walking trails that are easy on the knees. The last 2 mountain climbs really did me in although this past one was WAY better than last weeks. hahah

We stayed home too for our Labor Day weekend and I'm glad cause both girls could come over for grilled burgers on Monday eve.

PERFECT late summer weather here. Nippy in AM and PM and perfect 72 during the day this week. I'm loving it and I pray it lingers well into October!! I did see where the midwest and western States are wicked hot with more wild fire smoke too. THat's awful. I'm so thankful i live in the Northeast.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne! Your trip to Calgary sounds nice. My knees are problematic too, so I can't hike as much as I used to. Glad you had a nice trip and also an extra day off to play catch up. I hope you are feeling better soon!

Susan said...

Hi Susanne, I am glad you are feeling better. I sometimes feel like I am coming down with something and I go to bed earlier than normal. Then I feel okay the next morning. I think it is our body's way to get us to rest. I enjoyed your pictures. I hope you have a restful weekend.

nikkipolani said...

Oh, I'm sorry you weren't well! You are a trouper to rally and line up your faves. The family long weekend sounds delightful. Just what's needed before a busy fall.

My neighbors were raving about that movie, too, but I haven't quite made it round to see it. What fun to have the experience in 4DX!

Lovely cool pictures of your walk. Hope the new kids will fold right in and feel at home.

Gattina said...

You were sick at the same time as me ! But at least you could go away and enjoy little holidays ! I don't know if I ever attended a 3D movie, I think yes it was in Disney World in the States looong ago, and we had to wear special glasses. It was Michael Jackson who performed in a film and it was as if we were with him !

Melanie said...

I'm glad you're feeling better and that you had that trip to Calgary. I've not seen the new Twisters movie but the older one with Helen Hunt I've watched several times. I didn't know they had movie theaters like that. I'm sure it was intense.
I'm sorry your knee is bothering you. I sympathize. That's great that your hubby is so thoughtful and knows when to bring home the meal! Have a great weekend.

ellen b. said...

It's that time of year 'school year' which means new students. I hope all will go well for all in the transitioning. Hope you are tip top soon!!