Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #801

Hi everyone.  Welcome to Friday's Fave Fives.   Our meeting place each week to share our favorite five blessings of the last week.  And why are we doing this?  To boast?  To one up or outdo the other person?  May it never be.  Simply we are a group that is trying to be intentional with training ourselves to notice the blessings God give us in our ordinary days.  We are trying to take note a lot quicker of all the good things in our lives and notice that blessings don't have to be big and over the top but can be anything that simply lifts us in the moment and makes us realize God does care for us.  And we are cultivating hearts of gratitude for them.  Please join us.

~evening primrose ~ This charming plant opens it's blossoms in the evening and stays open until late morning and the blooms only last 24 hours but they just keep getting new blooms on the daily all summer long.  Never seen anything like it.  So pretty.  And apparently, according to the neighborhood deer that likes to come by and feast, they are tasty.  Oh well, good thing new blooms come daily.  

~ root canal over and done ~ finally my root canal appointment was over and done with last night.  I'd been having issues for a long time with this tooth and finally the dentist sent me to the specialist.  But after the consult it was another 4 month wait.  That is a long time to sit and stew and get anxiety over it. I'm always worried going to a dentist who I don't know because I have to go through all the issues I have with them and I feel like such a pain, but the specialist and his assistant were very kind and accommodating and the appointment went well.  Very thankful for that and that it is done.

~ quick thinking Hubby ~ Hubby started some repairs to a crack that we found in the foundation of the house this week.  Unfortunately it was quite far down and he had to dig a huge hole which took a few days in and of itself to get to the bottom of it.  And most unfortunately, wouldn't you know, we had a huge day of rain Wednesday.  My mind was going 50 directions trying to think of a solution to keep the rain from forming a small lake and all coming into the basement.  Hubby right away thought sump pump and went and rented one and it did the trick, thank God!  Now we just have to wait for the ground to dry up enough and he can finish the job.  I'm thankful he knows so much about how to fix things around the house.

~ another option for the grill ~ tried something new on the bbq on the weekend, Grilled Lamb Chops and they turned out wonderful.  I was very nervous trying it but really wanted to as I grew up eating Hungarian Lamb Stew and loved it.  There used to be a fine dining restaurant in town where you could get good lamb chops but they no longer exist and I don't know of anywhere else.   Costc* happened to bring them in and I took the plunge and brought a pack home.  I used this site's recipe and instructions and it turned out absolutely perfect.  So good with this Green Tahini Sauce on top.  Thumbs up from Son and Hubby too.

~ birthday date night out ~ In all the years I've been doing child care, 34 years if you don't know, there has been one very special little girl that I really, really bonded with and she has kept in touch. She is 8 now and I still miss her a lot in my dayhome.  Sunday evening we were able to get together and I took her out to the movies for her birthday.  We went to go see "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids".   It was a total nostalgia trip for me as I used to watch it all the time when my kids were little.  We had a wonderful evening full of laughs and I'm so grateful her parents have let us stay connected.  

What were your favorite blessings of the past week?


Susan said...

That is a pretty flower. I love lamb, but we don't have it often. I did have some goat meet a couple of weeks ago that was so good! I had it in a taco. That is nice that you got together with your former student. Have a great weekend!

Faith said...

I LOVE that you've stayed connected to one of your daycare children. How very special for her AND you!! i love it.

I don't eat lamb although I've tried it twice...once at an Easter dinner with my best friend when we both were single. I just can't eat most meat anymore. ( i do still eat boneless skinless chicken, salmon, and bison..and once a year a little bit of turkey on thanksgiving).

That flower is gorgeous!!! I should get a plant for our front flower bed. So they bloom in the dark??

I hope you have a very relaxing weekend, Susanne.

Barbara H. said...

The evening primrose is so pretty, and how neat that it blooms daily.

What a relief to have the root canal over with. I hate when things like that are on the horizon for a while. Nice to have it over.

I'm glad your husband thought of renting a sump pump. Good fix!

I have never had a lamb chop. I don't think I have had lamb at all except a local pizza place had lamb sausage as a topping.

How fun to have kept in touch with one of your dayhome kids. We had videotaped that movie back in the day and watched it multiple times. Now I am thinking we should try to find it and show it to Timothy.

Melanie said...

Would you believe I've never had lamb chops or lamb anything. I'm glad yours turned out so well.

That was so sweet taking your sweet girl out for the movies. I can imagine that there are some children that really touch your heart as they come through your door. I worked briefly at a day care center years ago and I can attest to that.

Such a pretty primrose! I'm glad it is blooming so much. Especially if the deer are snacking on it.

I can understand your relief with the root canal being done. I'd be the same way. Sometimes the anticipation is worse than the actual procedure. I'm dealing with this and a gall bladder ultrasound coming next week. Not the test so much but the results. It's tough being a retired nurse. You think of all the things it could be rather than what it probably is.
Have a good weekend.

nikkipolani said...

Yes, certainly a collection of grateful hearts, is FFF.
Think of those deer as deadheading for you -- primrose is pretty resilient! The pink version of this plant is considered invasive in my neck o' the woods because of its persistence.

So glad you have that root canal behind you. What a blessing to have the fast thinking husband with the right tool to stave off a flood.

I saw those lamb chops at Costco, too! Glad you had such a delicious meal out of them.

Gattina said...

That's so cute that you stayed in contact with the little girl ! I remember my son kept in contact with his first "teacher" at maternity school, when he was 3 years old, and we the parents became friends with her and her husband.

Willow said...

I love what you wrote in your intro. FFF is not a competition; it is looking for the blessings in our every day lives.
How sweet that your day care girl loves to spend time with you. Those bonds can sometimes last a lifetime.
I'm glad your root canal is over and done. I can identify with the anxiety about the dentist. Having a kind and considerate one is the best.
Have a good week!

ellen b. said...

So happy for you that the Root Canal is in the past, now! So sorry about the crack in the foundation. That is good that hubby can tackle the problem. I love lamb and lamb chops can be so good and tasty. Glad your venture came out delicious! Happy Saturday to you.

Karen said...

I've never seen a primrose, that's really pretty. Kudos to your hubby for keeping out the flood! Would you believe that I went to the dentist this week, too? I had a filling replaced.

What a special relationship you have with your little dayhome friend. You are both blessed:)