Friday, August 23, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #800

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five!  A special one at that!  #800!!  Wow, how on earth did that happen?  To those who have stuck with me for any portion of that, I'm so thankful for you!  I love this community of like minded people who have taken the initiative to develop a gratefulness in their for the blessings that are theirs in our most likely very ordinary days.  You have encouraged me, uplifted me and yes, some weeks kept me sane.  LOL.  Thank you for joining in whenever you did.  If you've never joined in, don't hesitate any longer.  Just jump on board.  Guidelines are linked in the sidebar.

~ special encounter ~ While walking our dog, we ran into a former child from my dayhome.  He is now 20 years old and in university!  Oh my does that make me feel old!  He was a part of my dayhome from the time he was one to the time he went to grade one.  Had it not been for his Mom with him I wouldn't have even recognized him!  He looks so different.  It was so nice to hear where life is leading him and to see that he's turned into such a great young man.

~ new fall candle ~  While at Marshals I found this lovely fall scented candle.  This is a fave brand and though I'm not a pumpkin scent lover I do like the apple scents. 

~ a fave flower ~ while at the grocery store I saw they had some fall flowers out.  And lo and behold they had one of my favorites The swirly Celosia.  I have never seen one this big, the one flower head is as big as my hand, so of course it just jumped into my cart.  

~ bits and pieces of decluttering ~ I finally let go of some stuff that I have been hemming and hawwing over hanging onto for years.  This week I got real with myself with each itme.  There was some clothing items that I like the thought of more than the actual wearing of so I finally let them go.  I went through my book shelves and found some books that I know I will never, ever re-read.  And a few things out of the decor boxes were given the heave-ho.  Feels good to finally get them out the door.

~ library me time ~ Sunday afternoon I took an hour and just spent some time browsing the books at the library.  It's one of my favorite de-stressors and one thing I should probably do a little more of.  We are so blessed to be able to have access to books.  And here in my city since covid the library cards have been free. 

What were your favorite blessings this week?


Gattina said...

That's funny to meet a grown up person whom you have known as a toddler. I had this many times on the market where friends of my son recognized me and I didn't know who there were, last time I had seen them was when they were 6 years old !

Faith said...

susanne, I just love all of your faves. That's one of my fave candle scents....APPLE ....i have one in my kitchen almost all year round although this summer i've been lighting my orange creamsicle one that courtney got me for xmas. I LOVE LOVE LOVE anything apple scented especially if it has a hint of cinnamon. I cannot tolerate anything pumpkin scented or any pumpkin coffee and i have tried probably every brand out there except for tim hortons because we don't live near one. (they're in the western part of NY about 3-5 hrs from us!).
I spent tuesday mid day in my library and it was marvelous. Actually I took out a book that i'm returning today because i just can NOT get into it. UGH. it was recommended on goodreads but i just am not getting into it so back it goes cause i have 3 other books waiting for me. hahah
Those flowers are gorgeous!!
how fun for you...and the young run into each other. That must have made your heart happy to see him all grown up. That's happened to me a couple of times and it's precious.
happy weekend!!

Barbara H. said...

How fun to run into someone you took care of so young, all grown up now!

I don't think I've heard of a Celosia before. Wow! Gorgeous. It looks like it's been crocheted.

I've got some clothes in a bag and items set aside to donate, but I need to pack them up and send them out. Plus, I probably need to get a little more serious with some of my clothes, especially items that don't fit right now.

Glad you had a nice library visit! I haven't been in a while--I have too many TBR books stacked up as it is. But I am so glad it's nearby and available.

Melanie said...

Wow! 800!! Quite a community you began. I've enjoyed it so much.
I enjoy going to the library and I don't know why I don't go more often. I usually get my books from the Libby - the ebooks section.
I moved from a 2-bedroom home in Florida to a 1-bedroom apartment here in TN so I've had to periodically weed out things. I have to be very strict with myself - if I haven't used this for a long time or even forgot I had it, out it goes. Books are the only thing I have trouble parting with. I put some in a box and a couple days later, am putting half of them back on the book shelf!
Have a great weekend!

Willow said...

Congratulations on reaching 800 FFFs! You have been faithful to keep us going!
Isn't it fun to see those little ones all grown up? And know you had a part in shaping what they are today.
When I get home, I need to do some decluttering. The things just pile up, don't they?
Library is The Professor's quiet place.
Have a great week!

ellen b. said...

Wow! What fun to meet up with that former dayhome student. You had a good productive week. Anytime I let go of things I feel I've accomplished a lot! Have a good weekend.

Karen said...

I loved hearing about how you met your former day home student! That's such a wonderful story.
The flower is so unusual. I've never seen one like it. And i guess it's time to get out the fall candles soon.
Good for you for cleaning out. I need to be more ruthless with books. I keep my faves, even if I know I'll never re-read them.
The library is a favorite escape for me, too. But, you probably already knew that :)

Barbara H. said...

I forgot to say Yay for 800 FFFs! I am so glad you started this. It's been a blessing.

nikkipolani said...

Isn't it amazing how many Fridays have been filled with blessings? That's well over 15 years' worth!

That's amazing to meet a former dayhome graduate!

I know about plants that jump in your cart. They're sneaky, those gorgeous healthy looking beautifully blooming plants.

We have a 'breakfast and books' event with a women's group where one woman opens her home to serve breakfast and everyone brings books to exchange. I'm looking forward to gifting books!