Friday, August 16, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #799

Happy Friday everyone!  Welcome to our day of making intentional note of our blessings from the week.  As we are faithful to take the time to notice our blessings and be thankful for them it develops a grateful attitude in our lives that not only makes our good weeks better but helps us through the harder weeks.  Please join in with us.

~ Taber corn ~  It's corn season and the corn from Taber is known far and wide as the best and Taber is the corn capital of Canada.   What makes it so good?  Something to do with the amount of sun that the area gets making the soil nice and warm, coupled with the cooler nights bringing out the sweetness in the corn..  It's so coveted that people around here wait with bated breath for August and the corn stands to start popping up in town. Sweet and crisp you can literally eat it with nothing on it, but hey, who can pass up on hot butter and salt on a sweet cob?  And no this post is not sponsored by the Taber Corn Growers.  

~ bag of cashews ~ Hubby came back from a Costc* run with a big bag of salted cashews for me.  Yes, the treat was a blessing but most of all it was that he thought of me.  He knows I love salty, roasted cashews and they were not on the list but when he saw them he knew I'd enjoy the treat.  

~ smaller numbers ~ this week half the dayhome kidlets were out on holidays and it was a nice break.  Our days were easy going and fun.  Everything could slow down a tad because of the lesser amount of children. We went to the playground on three of those days and it was nice getting to be a bit more relaxed with less kids to keep track of. Lunches and snacks were quicker and easier and the whole mood was more chill.   It will be back to normal next week so I'm thankful for this easier week.

~ supper out ~ On Sunday the friend who I went to Costa Rica with on a Operation Christmas Child mission asked if I'd like to go for supper this week.  She was also in my ladies bible study group when I ran one and I haven't spent any time with her since I took some time off from leading that group.  It was so nice to catch up and encourage one another in the Lord. 

 candied ginger ~ from my favorite spice store.  They really do make the best.  And it helped with an upset tummy I had the other day.  Yay for good tasting natural remedies.

What have been your favorite blessings this week?


Willow said...

Now I am really craving some corn on the cob! Maybe I'll find some during our time in Oregon.
I love candied ginger too.
Your easier week sounds lovely. I think the day care kids who were there had a great time, too.
Have a good weekend!

Faith said...

Susanne! It must be the month for good corn because I discovered a local farm (where we used to take the girls apple picking,) has the BEST locally grown corn around and believe me i've tried many farm stands. They happened to have a stand in the same town as their farm but closer to where i live and go to the chiropractor. Dave and I have enjoyed their sweet corn and tomatoes all month so far. I'm going back on Monday hahaha

That spice store looks like a place Claire and I would love. Glad you found the ginger to be helpful.
And yay for hubby bringing home surprise treats. our Dave's are so much alike. He brought home a special candy I enjoy (although i certainly don't need the sugar or the calories!!) and we enjoyed the treat while watching a movie this week.
I'm glad you had an easier work week with the little ones. Those parents sure are blessed to have you as their daycare provider!!

ENJOY the weekend!

Barbara H. said...

That corn sounds so delicious. How sweet of your husband to think of you when he saw the cashews and get them for you. Yay for an easy week. It's nice to get together with a friend for a meal and mutual encouragement. I'm going to have to try candied ginger. I never heard of it, but I had a bit of upset stomach this week and would much rather try natural remedies.

Melanie said...

I do love corn on the cob! Your Taber corn reminds me of our Grainger tomatoes here in TN. I'm always bragging about them about this time of year when they are out. I think we're getting to the end of the season now though.
I do love cashews. I'm glad your hubby surprised you with some.
I'm glad you had a quieter week with less children under your care. I suppose you'll be back to a full house next week?
Have a great weekend!

ellen b. said...

I know my Chilliwack friends would argue their corn is the best tasting in Canada! Fresh corn is so good. Sounds like a nice summer week for you. Enjoy your weekend!

Susan said...

Now I am craving some corn on the cob with lots of butter! Ginger chews are good for a tummy ache. Sounds like you had a nice week with the kids. Enjoy your weekend!

Wendy said...

Glad you had an easier week. The corn sounds delicious but I'd pass on the cashews. Have a good weekend.

Gattina said...

I like to eat corn too, just like that, but it is hard to get good corn here, because it is not the use to eat it in Belgium. Cashews (salted) are nice too, I am not for too sweet things !

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh I absolutely love candied ginger! I often eat it with dark chocolate. So yummy.

nikkipolani said...

Oh yeah. I can imagine that luscious corn that is good without any cooking (I love them as a topping for a corn chowder and in salads).

How nice that you had a lighter week with fewer kiddos. Makes such a difference!

Love candied ginger (both crystalized and uncrystalized). Glad you got some for a home remedy as well as a treat.