Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #790

Happy Friday and welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  First off I'm sorry I didn't make it around to everyone's posts from last week.  There was not much computer time to be had between different things happening that required a lot of emotional and mental space.  But it's a new week so hopefully it will be a nice quiet one.  Now on to some blessings.  They are there waiting to be noticed in spite of a draining or difficult week.  Please join in as we share five of our favorite blessings from the last week.

~ time with my sister ~ Saturday my sister and I spent an enjoyable couple of hours browsing the aisles of a local garden center.  Though we both enjoy each other's company, ibut f you knew us, you'd soon know my sis and I are quite the opposites and we don't have a lot of activities that we both enjoy but flowers is one of them so it was a lovely way to spend together. And I came away with these beauties that I couldn't resist.

~ gorgeous days ~  it has a beautiful week here.  Sunshine, but not overly hot.  The night's still cool enough that we haven't had to turn the a/c on.  I've been enjoying every moment we can outside with the dayhome kidlets.

~ special treats ~ Tuesday we noticed the shaved ice truck parked at the school across the street and Hubby had the idea to treat the dayhome kids.  So we all walked over and the kids were thrilled with their ice cold treats.  I love how generous my hubby is and how he loves to make kids happy and give them memories.

~unexpected cash back ~ a few months ago I made a purchase of a play fort couch for my dayhome at C*stco.  It was a significant cost item but I thought it was a great deal compared to elsewhere so I took the plunge and bought it right away knowing they would probably be out if I hesitated.  Sure enough they quickly ran out.  Weeks later they restocked and it went down in price by $60 and I inwardly groaned.  I didn't get around to taking my receipt in and seeing if they would refund the difference, just got too busy and forgot about it.  Lo and behold, an email comes telling us the price adjustment with a Digital Shop Card for the amount of $60.  

~ all good ~ I had a little minor mishap with my car vs a shopping cart.  So thankful no one was hurt and my car just got a tiny mark on the fender Hubby couldn't even see until I pointed it out.  Nothing a little car touch up paint won't handle.  

What were your favorite blessings of the last week?


Faith said...

OOH I hope your weekend is off to a better place mentally and emotionally than last week. It's been a lot of "stuff" in our extended family so I totally get that drained feeling.

LOVE the flowers you bought with your sister. They're gorgeous!

So thankful you didn't have major damage to your car.

Bravo to hubby for treating all your daycare students to those ice cream treats.

Barbara H. said...

Glad you got to spend time with your sister doing something you both love. How fun to have a shaved ice truck so near by. How unusual, but good, to get the cash back from Costco for a sale like that. I'm glad the car mishap was a minor one.

ellen b. said...

That was a fun treat that your husband gave to your home kids. In the neighborhood where we lived when I was young a Mexican man would walk around with a raspada cart. Raspadas are the Mexican version of a "snow cone" or "flavored shaved ice". You can buy them on the streets in Mexico, sold by men or women pushing carts or sold at Raspada and Aquas Frescas stands. Hope you have a peaceful weekend.

Karen said...

Hi Susanne,
It's so good to be back for FFF! I feel as though I reconnecting with friends.

Your husband is so kind to treat the kids. I bet they loved that!

I hope your week is going better. Your time with your sister sounds so nice. I don't have a sister, but my best friend and I do a lot together and we are so different, too! Funny how that is. It's nice to find those common bonds.

It's been hotter than blazes here, but this morning was surprisingly cool. It's nice to have a bit of reprieve before the temps soar again this weekend.

I would be thrilled to get that cash back, too!

Happy Summer to you.

nikkipolani said...

How lovely to have something as engaging as flowers to connect you. Those are beauties indeed -- and such unusual color blend in that petunia.

So glad you are getting more consistently beautiful days (and hopefully no threat of sudden snow storms!). What a great kick off to summer with those cold treats courtesy of your dear hubby.

Automatic refunds are the best, aren't they?? Well done.

Susan said...

Tie with family is always good. I like that ice cream truck. We have a company here that has a truck that sells shaved ice. Are church has used them for a few events. Have a great weekend!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. I am late to FFF this week, but I'm here! Sounds like you had a good week - with some beautiful days. Your time in the garden center with your sister sounds nice. So glad you have something you both enjoy. It's nice that Costco refunded your money when the price of the item went down. That's so cute that your husband treated the neighborhood children to ice cream! That was very sweet - in more ways than one. I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon!

Willow said...

Those flowers are beautiful! Good choice. And it's a win to spend time with your sister.
Yay for the unexpected refund! It's a win-win. Kids have their play stuff and you have some of the money back.
Sweet thought of your husband to treat the day care kids (and I'm sure he enjoyed his, too).
Here's to some more lovely summer days!