Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #791

Hello and welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  It's that time in our week to slow down, take a pause and look at what was a blessing in our lives over the past week.  And in the recognition of those blessings to take the time to be grateful to God.  Please join us as we work to develop consistency with this in our hearts.

~ anniversary ~ this week hubby and I celebrated our 41st wedding anniversary.  We've walked through a lot together in that 41 years and we've made some wonderful memories. So thankful for the man God put in my life.

~ sunshine and blue skies ~ after days of cold, cloudy and rainy days the sun broke through yesterday with warmth and gorgeous blue skies.  Sometimes it just the simple things like this that can make a day.  

~ father's day lunch with two of the kids ~ Two of the three adult kids were able to make it home on the weekend (two live a couple hours away but the third lives 7 hours away by car).  They took their Dad for lunch to a favorite restaurant and I got to tag along.  I'm so grateful they still make time for us on special occasions and are able to come home.  And I'm thankful for our phones with "free" Canada wide calling that lets those that are too far away to call and have nice long chats.  

~ fun flavored sparkling waters ~  I found some sparkling water at my grocery store with some fun flavors modeled after alcoholic beverages.  Moscow Mule, Tequila Sunrise, and Mojito were the 3 flavors they had.  So far I tried the mule and it was really good.  I love me a good sparkling water and it's nice to have fun flavors.

~ pockets of time to knock off small chores ~ there has been a lot going on lately and while I've been maintaining the weekly main stuff, some of those pesky once in a while chores have fallen by the wayside for way too long.  This week I determined to take some little ones and just start getting them done one by one when I've got a few minutes here and there.  This week I found time for 3 of them and it feels good to get them out of the way.  Funny how those little things add up to weigh ya down but once you do them ya wonder why you put it off for so long.

What were your favorite blessings from your last week?


Barbara H. said...

Happy anniversary! That is a nice picture. I know what you mean about warm sunshine after days of cold and clouds. It really does lift the spirits.

Glad two of your kids got to come for Father's Day! That was our situation as well--two here, one too far away, but we FaceTimed. That is neat about the free phone calls in Canada.

It's amazing what we can get done in pockets of time. And it does feel so get to work some of those tasks off the to-do list.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne! Happy anniversary! I love your wedding picture. What a good looking couple! I know you haven't changed at all over 41 years! (I know Charly and I haven't - wink, wink). So glad that your husband felt well-loved by your children on Father's Day. That means so much. It's great that you had some time to get some small chores done. That really really feels good! Have a great weekend. See you again soon!

Faith said...

Happy Anniversary my dearest blogging friend!
I love that photo of you two!!
We will celebrate 34 yrs on the 30th. Time really does fly.

That is great that 2 of the "kids" could make it out for Fathers Day to celebrate their dad. Always a blessing.
I love the days when I can knock off some chores from the list.

I hope you enjoy a glorious sun filled weekend.

ellen b. said...

Love the wedding photo! Happy Anniversary to you two!

nikkipolani said...

What a wonderful way to commemorate your anniversary! And with visits from your kids, too.

Glad you've found pockets of time to knock down your to-do list. You're so right about that weight being lifted just knowing the list is shorter.

Enjoy your sunshine and blue skies.

Wendy said...

Happy anniversary! We're busy helping my son at the moment so all my chores are falling way behind lol. (Although I did manage to get a couple of things done this week.) Have a good weekend.

Gattina said...

That's a nice wedding picture ! We made it to 54 years of marriage, then it's hard to learn to live alone ! I also think the gratis telephone is a great invention especially when you have children spread over the whole world. Mine is not so far only 250 km, but still without telephone we wouldn't see each other often !

Melanie said...

I always find it so satisfying to check on my list of things to be done. It's just getting started that is the issue.

Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! What a sweet photo.

I'm glad you're getting your warm days now. Here, we're having temps in the 90s. I could really enjoy your cloudy, cool days! We're never totally happy, are we?

I'm glad that your kids were able to take dad out for Father's Day and you got to tag along!

Have a great weekend.

R's Rue said...
