Friday, June 28, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #792

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  How wonderful to be able to gather once again with blogging friends, old and new, to ponder the last week and find blessings in our ordinary days.  Over the years my prayer has been that my heart, and yours, has been able to develop the habit of noticing how God touches our ever so ordinary days with His love and grace and brings blessing in all it's different forms.  Sometimes it's huge and noticeable tangible and sometimes it is just the fact that with His grace we made it through a difficult day.  I pray I have been better at being more thankful more quickly than when I first started this journey.  May the thankful attitude we've worked to develop help us and lift us in the hard times and fill our hearts with joy in the good.  If you've never joined in please do join us!

~ anniversary dinner out ~ we celebrated our anniversary on the weekend by going to have a delicious dinner at this steakhouse.  It's definitely a special occasion place to us, we don't go there often.  I got the Sirloin Oscar (my usual when we go there) and Hubby got the Rib steak.  It was cooked perfectly and the whole meal was delicious.  I'm thankful we were able to go out and enjoy this special meal together to celebrate our 41 years. 

~ encouraging conversation and prayer with a church friend ~ Sunday after church we chatted with some friends we have known for many a year.  They recently walked a very similar road with an aging parent as what I am going through right now and they shared some good insight and prayer with us.  I'm thankful when God puts just the right people in our path at just the right time to uplift and encourage us.

~ rain ~ we've had a bit of rain over the last week and I'm so thankful for it not just for us, but especially for the city where my son and daughter live.  They had a major feeder water main break under a main road and the whole large city (population of over 1.6 million) has been on water conservation for weeks.  No watering lawns.  River water stations have been set up around the city so that at least gardens could be watered. Those in the area have had to get their potable water from water trucks set up in the neighborhoods.  Sure makes one realize what a blessing it is to have water delivered to our homes where we just have to turn on a tap.  

~ ice cold watermelon ~ such a delicious treat on a hot day!

~ new fave summer coffee ~  White Choc Macadamia Cream Cold Brew is my latest favorite.  Though next time I will get it half or a quarter sweet.  I realize what a privilege it is to purchase overly expensive coffees from a coffee shop and I'm thankful my family gives me gift cards as presents so that I can enjoy these treats once in awhile.  

What were your favorite blessings from the past week?


Barbara Harper said...

Your anniversary dinner sounds lovely. We don't eat steak often, but for some reason, that's what I want on our anniversary. Maybe because we went to a favorite steak restaurant the first few years we were married, and it inadvertently became a tradition. Sadly, that restaurant went out of business.

When we were taking care of my husband's mother, we had similar experiences talking with others who were or had been in our shoes. It was such a blessing to share with others who knew exactly what we were experiencing.

Wow, I am sorry for what your son's family is experiencing. We are so used to the blessing of having clean water delivered right to our homes that I am afraid I've taken it for granted. I hope and pray their water situation is rectified soon.

Faith said...

Happy #41!! What a godly example to other younger couples!!

Apparently our town is also getting the much needed rain as my neighbor texted me (I'm still on vacation near the Cape) that she hasn't had to water my outdoor plants much. It's been PERFECT here in southeastern MA although Wed night we had a whopper of a thunderstorm in the middle of the night.

I love that you could have some good chats and prayer time with your church friends who have been through the same struggles. that's something I treasure as well. There's nothing like being united in Christ and sharing our lives with one another with in person friends

I'm assumuing that cold brew is a Starbucks summer coffee. I saw something about white chocolate on the menu. I can't do that anymore as much too sweet for me but as a child i asked for white chocolate bunnies in my easter basket from like age 7-14. hahah Used to be my faves. and ice cold watermelon!! YUMMY

I hope you have an awesome weekend Susanne.

ellen b. said...

Sounds like a lovely anniversary meal. We've had some random downpours around here and I'm thankful that I didn't have to water those days. Have a great last weekend in June! I guess Canada day is coming up for you all!

Melanie said...

I love your mention of sometimes just being thankful for getting through a tough day! Sometimes on a Friday and I have nothing really big to report on, it's nice to remember that God sustained me this week by His grace.

Happy Anniversary! I love a good steakhouse.

I've been praying for rain. We sure need it.

I love those summer treats too like watermelon. Right now cherries are in season and I'm really enjoying them.

Have a great weekend!

Susan said...

Happy Anniversary!!! My husband and I were just talking about a nice steak place when we go on our cruise for our anniversary. Our actual anniversary is in August, but our cruise is in January. I really good "gourmet coffee" is a treat! Nice to have friends to about life experiences. We joined a marriage group, and it is really nice! Have a great weekend!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne! Happy anniversary! Sounds like you had a lovely anniversary dinner. So glad you were able to connect with friends from your church who understand some of your struggles. It is always so helpful when we have friends who relate to what we are going through. It's always nice to have some summer rain to cool things down! I hope you have a nice weekend!

Gattina said...

How nice to celebrate your wedding anniversary together in a nice restaurant ! We always did it also, in the last years always to "his" Italian restaurant. That was the only place I could pull him out of the house ! I learn a lot here in my "castle". Now I know with whom I can talk normally and how to talk to those who live in another world. If you find the right words they sometimes come out of their shell. We have a lady here who is still beautiful and looks like a Madonna. She stares at me as if she looks through me, and her eyes don't move at all. But once I told a funny story about my cat and suddenly she smiled ! I had never seen an expression in her face and here she seemed to understand and nearly laughed ! I don't know why but it made me happy !

nikkipolani said...

Well, your prayers continue to be answered through this ongoing Friday activity. I'm reminded to look for God's hand and provision. You are so right -- there are plenty of difficult days ahead but this is a practice to help keep our eyes on Jesus.

Glad you had a lovely spot for celebrating your anniversary -- congrats!

Such a blessing to connect with people who really understand. Enjoy your summertime treats (including rain!).