Friday, December 29, 2023

Friday's Fave Five #766

Hi everyone!  Hope you all had a beautiful Christmas time off with family or friends.  Unbelievably it's already Friday and that means a very needful pause in all the festivities to take note of our blessings and share some of our favorites.  Please join us in ending the year with grateful hearts that take the time to say thanks to God for our blessings.

~ family home for Christmas ~ my biggest blessing was having all the family home at one time or another during Christmas holidays.  My oldest daughter came before Christmas and has been here all week.  Youngest daughter came Christmas Eve and was able to stay until the 27th.  And my son arrived yesterday.  Not home altogether at the same time but everyone here at some point.  When they are all adults and have jobs and lives it's hard to co-ordinate them all at once but so thankful they all made it safe and sound sometime during the holiday.

~ another opportunity to have Christmas with Mom ~ Though how we do Christmas dinner with Mom has changed I'm so grateful to have her with us for another Christmas.  She is 91 and in an assisted living facility.  Due to mobility issues she no longer can come to either my home or my sisters so we book the family dining room on her floor and take dinner in.  We've tried various dinners over the last few years, some have worked, some have been a miss but this year it was definitely a hit.  I made bbq ribs and kale salad and my brother in law made cabbage rolls and brought buns. My niece baked cupcakes and made a little dessert plate.  It was delicious.  And being able to be in the dining room instead of the community room made it really nice.  We've always had to be in the big community room which was impersonal and too big and echo-y because of a limit of 5 in the dining room due to covid distancing.  Being in the cozier family dining room with a real dining table and dining room chairs and a microwave was so much nicer.  Unfortunately our son was working Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but I'm very grateful for all those paramedics who are away from their families so that they can help those in medical distress!  

Of course it wouldn't be a holiday without some shenanigans going on during the picture taking.

~ celebrating our Christmas day baby ~ Yes she was born on Christmas day.  12:05 noon to be exact.  Made me miss my turkey dinner that day.  LOL.  But that's ok.  She's a blessing in our lives and a lovely young woman.  I can't believe my baby is 29.  She didn't want a fuss, didn't even want a candle or writing on the cake, or for us to sing Happy Birthday (but we did anyway).

And just in case you were wondering, Biscoff cake from C*stco was delicious!!

~ sleeping in time ~ this week has been opportunity for me just to sleep in a little bit each morning.  I am so not a morning person but being a working gal my alarm goes off at 6:10 each morning.  Sleeping in up to 8 each morning of my week off has been heaven.  

~ beautiful weather ~ we have had gorgeous weather here for this time of year.  Makes it nice to get outside for walks with the dog and get that vitamin D.   

What have been your blessings this week?

I want to wish everyone a very happy New Year and may God's hope and peace surround you in 2024.


aspiritofsimplicity said...

It makes my heart glad that you got to be with your mum for Christmas. I missed mine terribly this year, as she died over two years ago. It makes the pain of missing my own mother easier to bear knowing that other folks are enjoying their own mothers. Happy New Year!

Melanie said...

You have such a lovely family, Susanne! Your mom looks like she really enjoyed herself. I am a morning person and up early but "up" is a relative word. I still need my coffee and quiet time before I'm ready to function. I remember as a nurse working the day shift. I was up at 5:30 every morning and HATED it! That was too early for me! Happy New Year to you and your family.

Faith said...

oh Susanne, I'm so glad for you that all of your "children" made it home for Christmas at some point. My youngest also had to work on Xmas Eve and for the first time since 2005 she had to miss the Xmas eve service in person. But people need their prescription glasses. And huge thanks to your son and his paramedic team for putting in time on a holiday!! That's an important job.

Your photos are wonderful. Is that your oldest daughter to the left of your mom?

Sleeping in is a beautiful thing.


Barbara H. said...

What a lovely week! Happy birthday to your daughter! It's so wonderful to be able to have the family there. I'm fortunate that two of mine live locally, but even then work schedules can make it hard to get together.

That's great they have a family dining room at your mom's place. I don't think any of my m-i-l's facilities had that. It's nice because their room can get crowded for that kind of occasion, but the big dining room is, like you said, more impersonal.

We always have funny "outtakes" when trying to get family photos, too.

I've loved not needing to set an alarm clock this week, too.

ellen b. said...

Glad you could spend another Christmas with your mom. A very happy birthday to your Christmas girl! Hooray for a much needed break for you. Happy New Year to you and yours!

Willow said...

Yes, you are so blessed to have your mom again this year for Christmas. And having all three kids home at some point is a blessing too.
Hurray for the work break and sleeping in.
Love all the photos!
Happy New Year 2024 to you and yours!

Wendy said...

So glad that you got to be with all your family members over the Christmas period and that sounded like a lovely arrangement for having dinner with your Mum. Birthday wishes to your daughter. Enjoy the rest of your break and Happy New Year to you.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne! So glad you were able to spend time with your mom and children this Christmas. It's always nice to have a break and get some much needed rest. Have a great New Year! See you again in 2024!

Ingrid said...

How wonderful to celebrate Christmas with the whole family ! My son was celebrating with his wife's family. I didn't care I wanted to be with Rick but as he is not here anymore, I preferred to be alone and it was very nice.
They will come after Christmas.
But I have had a lot of fun the whole week and I am very happy here in my "castle" !

Karen said...

Okay, I'm really curious about the Biscoff cake. I love the cookies and nut butter, so I'm going to have to check it out.

Your Christmas sounds so lovely. I'm a tad envious that you got to have all your kids at home. Also, I love how your daughter's birthday is celebrated and made so special. We have SO many birthdays around Christmas time in our family. You do a wonderful job of celebrating your daughter ON the day itself. Good job, Mom!

nikkipolani said...

What a great option to meet in a cozier spot and with a microwave! Your meal plan sounds like a keeper. What a blessing to have your mom with you still. That's a terrific family photo (shenanigans a given).

Happy birthday to your Christmas baby. Such a sweet photo of the two of you.

Hena Tayeb said...

Wonderful that you got to spend time with all our kids and your mom.
My dad is a christmas baby as well.