Friday, December 08, 2023

Friday's Fave Five #763

How can this be Friday already?  Seams like just yesterday I was writing up last week's FFF.  The days are just flying by.  But it always seems like that in December, at least to me. 

~ lunch with our pastors ~ Sunday after church we enjoyed lunch out with our pastors who also happen to be friends.  It was lovely to spend a couple of hours with them catching up and having encouraging conversation.  The food was delicious too.  The guys love Chinese food so that's what we decided on.  Instead of the usual Sunday buffet, we decided to order things we wouldn't usually order.  It was fun to try new things.

~ soothing teas ~ when I have a cold I tend to not like coffee as much as I usually do and start to crave tea.  There have been a few that have been soothing during this battle with the head cold.  Lemon and Orange with Vitamin D, mint, cinnamon apple have all made it into my mug.

~ pumpkin cake ~ one of my dayhome parents sent some homemade pumpkin cake with cream cheese icing.  It was so good.  I don't really bake anymore so the homemade treat was very much appreicated.  And I loooove cream cheese icing!

~ Christmas shopping with my sis ~ after visiting with my mom, my sister and I took a little jaunt to the store to look at lawn decorations.  I didn't buy anything but had fun while she made some choices.  It was nice to do something fun with her.  It sometimes seems the only time we spend is involving the care decisions we must discuss for our Mom so this time was extra special just enjoying each others company.

~ neat effect and nice memories ~ I had forgotten to mention this pic last week but scrolling through my pictures I found this picture I had taken when walking the dogs with my son when we were visiting him.  The street light through the trees caused a really neat effect where the branches of the tree  looked like they were swirling around the street light.  I thought it was a neat thing.  But most of all the pic brings memories of a great weekend spent visiting 2 of my grown kids.

What have been your favorite blessings this week?


Faith said...

That pic reminds me of a Van Gogh painting I saw in Paris at the museum! It's spectacular plus you have the cherished memories of being with your young adult children :)

I hope you're starting to feel better. I love Apple Cinnamon Spice tea and it's funny but i listed a new to me tea on MY FFF for this week too!!

I'm allergic to cream cheese but I do love pumpkin cookies....I just leave off the cream cheese icing :)

The shopping trip with your sister sounds fun.....nice way to be together!

Lunch out is always a fave...what was the new Chinese dish you tried?

I hope you have a restful weekend, Susanne!

ellen b. said...

That photo is fun! Sounds like a meaningful relational week. So good! Hope you have a relaxing weekend!

Barbara H. said...

It's fun to have lunch with friends. I often stick to the tried and true when eating out, but sometimes it's fun to try new things. I don't bake much any more, either, with my husband's diabetes and my need not to have temptation at hand. So I can empathize with loving a gifted homemade treat!

How fun to have a shopping excursion with your sister that wasn't health-care related.

That is a really neat picture. I thought it was a spider web at first glance.

nikkipolani said...

Now that's a real treat -- your fav frosting and a sweet giver.
Did any of those new foods become new favorites? Glad you had a fun meal with good friends. And the time with your sister!
Really lovely shot of the halo effects.

Billie Jo said...

Hello! You know, pumpkin cake with cream cheese icing sounds fantastic. Like you, I don't bake as much as I used to. I mean, I used to love to bake! Fortunately, my two oldest daughters baked with me and now have taken over. I always appreciate their efforts! Have a cozy weekend!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne! Wow, that's a great picture! Very creative. That pumpkin cake sounds just delicious. I don't bake too much anymore either. Christmas shopping with your sister sounds like fun! I hope you have an enjoyable weekend.

Willow said...

Love that photo! And the memories it brings.
The cake sounds yummy! Did you drink some of your tea with it?
Lunch with your pastor is definitely a fave. Glad you had that time with them.
Have a good weekend~

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Wendy said...

Your lunch out sounded fun and that's a great photo.