Tuesday, October 24, 2023

All My Knotted Up LIfe: A memoir by Beth Moore ~ Audiobook Review

I am so behind on my book reviews so there's going to be a few in the coming weeks.  Don't know how I let myself get so behind but here I am.  I understand if it's not your thing, but I still want it reviewed for my own record of what I've read and thought about the books.  

I think most of us in the Christian circles have at least heard of Beth Moore, if not taken at least one of her many courses or book studies for women on spiritual growth in Christ, or read one of her books or watched her teach on tv.  She is an author, speaker and founder of Living Proof Ministries.  Many know the public side of her but not many know her history or her private life.  In her memoir she vulnerably opens up about her not easy childhood with her father's abuse and  her mother's battle with mental illness.  She shares about how God led her to ministry and the beginnings of Living Proof Ministries and her very public break with the Southern Baptist Convention in 2018.  She with great respect for her husband discusses living with a spouse who suffers from PTSD and bipolar disorder.  And through it all she reminds us of the thread of God's faithfulness throughout.

I really enjoyed listening to Beth's memoir and I have to say I have greater respect for her knowing that her life has not necessarily been an easy one.  But in the hardness she has drawn closer to Christ and it makes her sharing of God's faithfulness and power even more relatable knowing she has been through hard things and God has seen her through.  She is honest and raw about the situations and about her own flaws, but also is God honoring offering hope to the reader.   I liked that she narrated her own story so you really got her emotions through the telling.  The only thing that took slightly away from the audiobook for me was the childhood part was narrated with her childhood Arkansas accent which I found at times hard to understand.  But when she switched to her Texas accent which she speaks with now, I found it easier listening. 

I rated this a 9.5/10  (the .5 taken for the enjoyment of listening being hard with the thicker accent)

Reading Challenge 2023 Goal Met:  A book a month from my library want to read list


Deb J. in Utah said...

I read this book a while back and thought it was excellent. I enjoyed reading your thoughts about the book. Thanks for the review.

Faith said...

I've taken a few of the classes our church has offered with her studies. the only problem i had with them was the amount of homework but then again when i took them i had younger children AND was teachingfull time so......

This sounds good though. Her stuff is spot on! the accents would throw me. hahaha i can't stand the southern accents of the USA. hahaha it's bad enough watching her study dvds. But this memoir sounds interesting!! thanks for the review