Friday, October 27, 2023

Friday's Fave Five #757

Happy Friday's Fave Five from snowy southern Alberta!  It's a chilly and white world in my corner but there are still blessings to be found.  Please join in as we look for the blessing in our everyday.

~ rescued plant ~ last weekend I got all my flower beds put to sleep and all but 3 of my planters dugs out and put away.  I really tried to get it all done but Sunday found rain preceding the predicted snow and I was just not up for going out in the wet.  But I did rescue this favorite, a Corkscrew Rush otherwise known as a Curly Wurly,  and I'm hoping it will live to next spring so I can replant it outside.  

~ Operation Christmas Child kickoff ~ one of my favorite things about October.  I just love this ministry and I love doing the kickoff each mid October.  I am blessed to be able to have been a part of so many different aspects of this ministry right down to the handing of a special shoebox gift to amazing, wonderful children. It is their 30th Anniversary this year!  Since 1993 they have delivered over 209 million shoebox gifts in over 70 countries.  30 years of bringing Great News and Great Joy to children, their families and their communities in the poorest and remotest parts of the world! And I've probably been involved for about 15 - 20 years of it.  So exciting to watch it grow from it's humble beginnings. 

~ a hubby who went the extra mile ~ Monday I started to get a headache in the morning and by mid afternoon it was a whopper.  So thankful to a hubby who offered and then went and made the store run to get me a bag of plain chips and this dip because he knows that, for some reason,  it helps relieve some of the intensity of the pain.  

~ comfort foods ~ with the cold and the snowfall comfort foods are where it has been this week!  Today I made a big pot of potato soup that the dayhome kids and I enjoyed with cheese toast for lunch and this week I also made Serbian Ground Beef which is a fave of both hubby and I for it's fall type flavors.  And this weekend I'm planning on Chicken Paprikash and Nokedli (Tiny Dumplings) which is a childhood favorite.   What are your favorite comfort foods?


Barbara H. said...

It's good you got the flower beds taken care of before the big snow hit. I would not have gone out in the rain for that, either. I don't make chicken and dumplings often, but I love it on a cold day. Plus any kind of soup or stew.

You're reminding me that I need to work on my OCC box over the next couple of weeks. I love this ministry and the fact that you've been able to work in so many aspects of it.

It's funny what different things help different people with headaches. I'm glad your husband was able to get what you needed.

Faith said...

First to answer your question: Our fave "comfort" foods especially in the months of Nov-March are all homemade dishes I've sort of "invented" from takes on other recipes: Veggie cheesy mac and cheese; Slow cooker chili with bison or impossible beef and cornbread; Creamy Chicken Soup with egg noodles; STuffed Pepper Soup. Those are the things for super cold and dark days. :) Your beef recipe sounds good...i'm gonna try it with the ground bison. (I no longer buy beef except an occasional hamburger for hubby).

LOVE that you do the OCC. Our church is a drop off center and I'm hoping to volunteer with this ministry now that I'm retired. Dave and i have packed a box since 1993...the year our oldest was born! We have not missed a year i don't think. The girls used to LOVE it. I already have a couple of items bought for ours as our collection date is the week before thanksgiving.

That was so nice of hubby to run out and get the salty goodies for your headache. Sodium also helps me with certain headaches (Wish they did for these neck/cervical ones!!)

ENJOY the weekend......

Ingrid said...

We are still in summer (except the temperatures 15°c) the trees are green and it rains ! I don't have any comfort food, even when Rick was with me. I am still preparing my move, in 3 weeks I am sleeping in my castle ! It's about time because from a very healthy girl who never had anything, I became a ruin, I have problems with walking, with my lungs, I hope when I am with other people, nurses and doctors it will get better.

ellen b. said...

You and hubby make a good team. Glad something gives you relief. We are in full swing for Operation Christmas Child here, too. We got a dusting of snow down in the flats and some white stuff is clinging to the higher elevations. Hope you have a restful weekend.

Wendy said...

I love a nice homemade soup or stew when it's cold. Hope you've recovered from the headache. That's an interesting plant. Hope it survives ok. Have a good weekend Susanne.

Wendy said...

Not sure if my previous comment worked or not. Anyway hope you're feeling better now and enjoy the weekend.

Karen said...

We're expecting our first snow this weekend. I haven't quite finished cleaning out my garden, but it's close enough. I do need to get some plants inside that I overwinter, mainly geraniums.

I love hearing about OCC. This year, Dan and I are going to volunteer to fill boxes with a friend who works at one of the warehouses. It's on the calendar!

Favorite comfort foods: Anything Italian! And hearty soups with warm bread.

Susan said...

I worked the table the last two weeks for OCC. Our church is a drop off location too. My hubby packed a box, and I did mine online. I some plumeria cuttings that have grown well this summer. Our mature plants do well unless the weather hits freezing which is rare here. I want to read the Beth Moore book.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. Your comfort foods sound so good. It was a cold week here too and we now have snow in the mountains. Headaches are NOT fun at all and you husband sounds like a wonderful guy to go get you some food to help you feel better. I really like your "Curly Whirly" plant. I haven't seen those around here. I hope you have a good week. See you again soon!

Willow said...

We love lentil soup in the fall and winter, served with my grandma's rolls. What else? Various Indonesian dishes.
Our church is doing Operation Christmas Child, too. I think everyone loves providing those boxes.
I'm glad you rescued your favorite plant. Hopefully, it will survive your winter.
And wow. Snow already? Stay warm and cozy!

nikkipolani said...

Ooh, that corkscrew plant is super cool! I hope it can hibernate well and return for you in spring.

Heard a shoebox story just last week. Someone from my fellowship class was chatting with his Uber driver when he was traveling in New York. Turns out he's from Southeast Asia and came to know the Lord through a Samaritan's Purse distribution when he was a child. He was in the States to get Christian schooling and was supplementing with the rideshare business.

What a lovely thing for your husband to do :-) Wish chip and dip solved other problems as well.

I looked up Nokedli and saw how similar it is to spätzle. Sounds like a really cozy meal.