Friday, January 27, 2023

Friday's Fave Five #718

Here it is, the last Friday of January.  Already.  Can't believe this 1st month of 2023 is already almost done.  Time just seemed to race by me this month as such a pace that if I wasn't pausing each week to intentionally note some blessings I'm sure the would have just escaped me as I scurried to catch up.  Are you finding this too?  Or is it just me?  At any rate let's take notice of this week's blessings God has brought to us in our everyday and share five of them.

~ rug spot cleaner ~  I know a weird thing, but we finally got a little spot cleaner.  We've always had the big rug cleaner but it's a legit professional cleaner so to lug that thing upstairs to clean something smaller was just insanity.  I can't even do it by myself, my hubby has to do it. I've always wanted a portable one and finally got one.  I can't tell you how many times I've already used that thing.  Thankful for these modern appliances that help make things so much easier.

~ no major injury after a hard fall ~ Sunday afternoon when walking the dog I stepped on snow covered ice and my feet flew out from under me and I took a really hard fall on my hip.  Yowzers that really hurt.  I just thank God that I didn't break anything especially my hip.  Took a couple days for the bruise to start showing and it's sore to directly lay on the spot but otherwise it is a-ok and my life has not been affected by it.

~ chocolate covered espresso beans ~ love them, but it's a treat I never, ever buy myself.  My friend gifted me a little bag and I've slowly been enjoying them.  

~ great deal on a gift ~  what a blessing to find the perfect gift for 2/3 off the regular price.  Love when I run into great deals at the perfect time.

~ perfect book at the perfect time ~ I love when a book I've had lying around forever that I haven't read yet just makes it into my hands at the perfect time for when I needed it.  Something that a year ago wouldn't even make me take notice or would seem boring or irrelevant is all of a sudden just what I need to learn or hear or be encouraged by.  I love reading and find the fact that we North America for the most part have such unlimited access to books such a huge blessing.

What are the blessings in your life this week that have lifted you?



Faith said...

I saw After We Were Stolen on our library shelves but didn't pick it up to borrow it. Is it good?? (i know it's not on your fave list but i saw it on the sidebar).

I LOVE chocolate covered espresso beans!! my sister gifted us a bag of them for Xmas last year....YUMMY. I sometimes keep one in my drawer at work....our local convenience store sells them.

YAY for not getting seriously injured in that fall. I probably would have fractured my hip since i have osteopenia. Glad you are ok!!

I lOVE when I find a good book to read that also is an encouraging one.
and there's nothing like a good sale!

HAPPY WEEKEND, Susanne. I hope you have a restful one doing the things you love.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. I am so very glad you didn't break anything or get any more than bruised when you fell. Wow, that is scary, especially for "women of a certain age" like you and I. I love how you always find gratitude in the everyday events in life. I hope you have a good weekend!

Willow said...

Oh my! That fall could have been so bad. I am thankful with you that nothing broke! (as we age, I think that is a major fear)
When the book fits the time and mood, yes, that is a great blessing. I think it happens more often than we realize.
Chocolate covered espresso beans...I could use one now :) Yum!
Have a good weekend!

Barbara Harper said...

I know what you mean about time seeming to race by. I'd forget half of what went on if not for these weekly stops.

That rug spot cleaner sounds ideal. I am SO glad you weren't seriously injured in your fall! I've had two friends in the last year with several major issues from a fall.

Yay for great deals an perfect gifts. I love when that happens with books--when something we pick up seemingly at random is just what we need.

ellen b. said...

So grateful to read you didn't have a major injury when you fell. PTL. Ice under snow is tricky. Those spot cleaners come in handy. Our kids that have pets really get some good use out of those. And just like that it is almost February! Take care Susanne!

Ingrid said...

I have the same feeling as you ! The week starts, it's Monday and seconds later it's already Friday !! January is an awful month, dark and cold. You were really lucky that you didn't hurt yourself more ! Ice covered with snow is vicious !

Melanie said...

That's wonderful that you didn't injure yourself with that fall. I can imagine how much that hurt! I think my favorite books are those I sort of stumble upon. I have so many books on my shelves that I've not read. I'm sure there's a treasure there somewhere! Have a lovely weekend.

Wendy said...

So glad you didn't suffer anything worse than bruising when you fell. Hope the aches and pains are better soon. Always good to be able to access books. And that portable cleaners sounds like a good investment for you. Have a lovely weekend Susanne.

Karen said...

Oh, I'm so glad you weren't seriously hurt with that fall. I'm so afraid of falling with all the ice we have. Dan laughs at how I walk like "an old lady", shuffling, but I don't care! I'm glad you're okay.

The spot cleaner sounds like a really good investment. I can't believe I forgot to include that we finally got a new runner for our stairs, for one of my favorites. However, it is such a light color (my choice).

Love those chocolate coffee beans :P

nikkipolani said...

How true that is -- how much access we have to amazing resources. Sometimes so much that it becomes overwhelming (helping a friend with financial literacy).

So glad your injury was relatively minor. Maybe a massage later will help strained muscles ;-)

Congrats on the new cleaner that is doing its job.

Jennifer said...

Oh my - so glad that you were not hurt. I just cringe when I read of anyone falling. On ice. It is my number one fear of all time. Whenever there is an illusion of ice, I walk like I'm 100 - which my husband claims only makes it worse. Truly, I should just stay inside. But, I digress:) Glad you are okay and nothing is broken. Be careful out there!!:)