Friday, January 20, 2023

Friday's Fave Five #717

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  We're developing the habit of looking for the blessings God sends into our everyday.  Won't you join us?  If you're new the guidelines are linked in the sidebar.  If I didn't get around to your posts from last week, I'm apologize.  It's been a bit of a chaotic week with 2 new kidlets starting in the dayhome.  I'll try to make it around to everyone this week.

~ warm temps and chinook winds to melt the ice ~ it has been pretty nice around here lately.  The chinook winds blew in and it's been melting all the snow and ice.  There's been some mild days where I could get out and take Tux out for a walk right after work.  It's so nice to get out in the fresh air and just breathe deeply.  What a great stress reliever.  So grateful for these nice days right in the middle of winter.

~ coffee meet up ~ Saturday I met up with a new to me friend for coffee.  My pastor's wife suggested we get together as we have some things in common.  It was wonderful getting to know this lady with a strong faith in the Lord.  I'm grateful that God brings just the right people across our paths when we need them.

~ words in season ~ I watch a few different Christian youtube channels.  This week on a day that I was really struggling with a situation, one of the channels I watch published at the exact time on the EXACT thing I needed to hear.  It was like the Lord was just saying "I hear you and see what you're going through" and then this person posted on the very thing I needed to hear.  It was so encouraging and uplifting.  It's things like that that make me know God is very real and loves us.

~ advil and a cool pillow ~ I'm not even kidding about this being a blessing this week.  I started to get a huge headache the other evening.  I hate to take anything unless I have to but I've learned from the past to take an advil before it turns into a migraine so that I did.  With a nice cold glass of water to avoid being  dehydrated through the night and then I took myself to bed early.  Thankful that we do have over the counter meds like that to help when we need it.

~ it's Friday ~ I'm just super thankful it's Friday.  It's the last day of work before a couple days off.   I'm pretty glad I have a job where I can still have a weekend.  It's getting rare it seems nowadays to have 2 days off in a row.   I'm so ready for a couple days of down time and rest.

What were your favorite blessings of the week?


Faith said...

I'm jealous that Advil works for you!!! (hahaha just kidding....but seriously....NOTHING over the counter works for the headaches I've had that seem to be coming from the spine issues....can'tWAIT to get into that neurologist because like you i despise taking meds unless i truly need them or they truly work). SO glad it worked for yours!!

YAY for weekends. Dave had to work all day 2 Sats ago to help the clients in India and let me tell you it was NOT a good thing. I told him he needs to cut back. Here in the states people work way too many hours/days compared to Europeans. something has to change.

I love coffee with good friends and when our church leadership are also friends that is a huge plus!

I'd love to know which you tube Christian channels you watch. I started one (can't remember the name) but it was super fundamentalist and way too far right wing for me. And didn't even seem to be Bible based. Glad the Lord led you to one that met your needs...He is SO GOOD.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. Your weather sounds much better than ours today. We have had a rainy, snowy, gray and cloudy week and this morning bitter cold winds are blowing. We are grateful for an abundance of moisture this year however. So glad you found a new friend and the support of a Christian Youtube channel. Amen to Friday! My week has been exhausting and I am completely ready for a couple of days off. Have a good one. See you again soon!

Barbara Harper said...

Things like hearing just what you needed at the right time make me feel so seen and loved by the Lord. I'm glad it warmed up for you. It's nice to get to know a new friend. I'm grateful for OTC meds, too, and the ability to ward off a headache before it gets too bad. Yay for Friday and weekends!

Wendy said...

Sounds like it wasn't the easiest of weeks with new starters and then the headache. I hope you can relax and recharge over the weekend Susanne.

Ingrid said...

Now I am used that American and Canadian women (or men) talk a lot about religion and how it influences their lives. That's completely unknown here in Europe, nobody ever talks about its religion, I don't even know if my friends have one. Because Belgium is a catholic country lots of people have left the church because of the pedophile scandals.
I think everybody should believe in what is right for him/her and if you find comfort and even friends through a church then it is wonderful !

nikkipolani said...

Glad you found some relief with some meds and rest. Sounds like a busy week even with opportunity to be outside in those rare nice days!

Your faves 2 and 3 are so precious -- encouragement from several quarters is beautiful.

Melanie said...

I also watch some Christian You Tube channels. Isn't it amazing when God drops something in our laps just when we need it!! I remember the first time I heard of the Chinook wind was a Little House on the Prairie book - "The Long, Long Winter". I'm glad you are feeling better. I've been going to bed early this week as well with some Tylenol and cough medicine. (and usually a book!) Have a wonderful weekend.

Willow said...

I 100% agree with the joy of being outside in the natural world just breathing fresh air. It's so calming and refreshing.
Encouragement from friends, old and new, is a great blessing.
I'm glad you were able to head off that migraine before it got bad.
Happy weekend to you. I hope your weather is moderate enough for you to get out for a bit (ours probably won't be).

Billie Jo said...

Hello! Happy Friday! I am glad your headache was treatable with your medicine. And I need to remember to drink more water! I hope you have a cozy, restful weekend.