Friday, November 04, 2022

Friday's Fave Five #706

Hello everyone and welcome to a snowy FFF.  We got a good dump of heavy wet snow and now it's melting a bit and the wind came and knocked some more leaves off the trees.  So now the back yard is a big old yucky mess of snow and wet leaves and it's supposed to snow again all week.  But that is all ok.  I'm grateful for the pretty much lovely weather we have had up until now.  And so much more to be grateful for!  Join us in taking the pause out of our busy lives and finding the blessings from the last week.

~ friends ~ I am so thankful this week for friends.  Friends who make time when they know you need a listening ear, encouraging words and are ready to pray for you at a moment's notice.  I don't know how I would have managed the last couple of years without them.

~ two year old's sense of humor ~ one of the little guys in my dayhome has quite the sense of humor.  He cracks me up continuously through out the day with his funny comments, antics and his giggles.  The strangest things crack him right up and his laughter gets me laughing which I really need right now to relieve the stresses life has handed me at the moment. I am grateful for his laughter and light heartedness in my life.

~ supportive helpfulness ~ in my work as a child care provider, I have had to move from a private dayhome of 32 years to contracting with a licensed and approved child care agency.  This has been a horribly hard decision but one I was forced to make due to new government granting and subsidies for parents which are only available through licensed daycares and agencies.  It is pretty much putting private providers out of business.  The agency I finally chose to contract with has been so supportive and helpful and available and has really tried to make the transition easy for me.  They have been very empathetic to how hard of a move this has been for all the private providers and I am very grateful to them.  

~ feather quilt ~ my feather quilt has made it's appearance on the bed for the winter.  I'm sure I put this on my faves every November but I just love it.  When the summer blankets are no longer warm enough to get us through nights that are consistently getting down to freezing, I can't wait to get under my quilt.  I find it some comfy and cozy.

~ coffee placed into my sleepy hands ~  coffee all made and fixed just the way I like it as soon as I come into the kitchen in the morning is a huge blessing as I am not a huge morning person and it takes me a while to get my brain & body up and running for the day. My wonderful hubby listens for me getting up and always has it ready to drink for me in my favorite mug.  I'm so grateful for this act of love and service from him towards me.  

What are your favorite blessings that you are thankful for this week?



Wendy said...

Oh I love your last fave. I'm not a morning person either and with me it's a much needed cup of tea first thing which hubby often provides. I'm glad you've had help and support through the changes you've had to make regarding the daycare. Hopefully you're through the worst. Have a good weekend. Snow? Brrrrr

Faith said...

oh i just love that your husband does this. My Dave every once in awhile, on the weekends, will do this. It's rare but a TRUE blessing.

SNOW??!!! omgosh. We all are wondering out here on the East Coast (north east at that!!) when we are going to get the first hard frost. VERY unusually warm weather we are having this year. If it wasn't for these constant morning headaches that last all day i'd be so thrilled the warm weather is lasting. But these allergens need to die down so I can be pain free again (hahaha) we are actually HOPING to get colder weather here soon. BUT not snow. Not yet. At least you're cozy under your feather quilt!

Im happy to hear that the agency you went with is helping to support your transition. and 2 yr olds are just great aren't they??!! glad your day is filled with moments of laughter amidst the stress. I'm still praying for you Susanne.


Ingrid said...

You have snow already ?? Would be a shock for me ! We dropped from 20° to 10° today and for the first time this year I had to put the heating on ! I am happy for you that you found such a nice agency. I noticed when you get older you take changes not so easily as we did at 30 !! I still have my summer quilt, but my bed cover is warm too and that I have left on my feet. I think that now I can put the terrace furniture in a corner and cover it for the winter ! Don't think that we will have 20° again !

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. It is so sweet that your husband has coffee ready for your when you get up. That is a kind and loving thing to do. I am glad that you have friends who listen and pray for you. That is a huge plus in life. Glad you got some snow. Even though it is cold and messy, we all need the water it brings. I love that you appreciate and enjoy the humorous antics of the little guy in your day home. When we look for it, we can sure see God's hand in our lives. Have a good weekend.

Barbara Harper said...

Wow, I had no idea about the childcare situation. It's a shame the government's actions are essentially putting good private childcare providers out of business. That kind of thing always comes with so much red tape and paperwork and seemingly persnickety requirements. I'm thankful the agency you're working with has been helpful and supportive.

Wow, snow already! None here, thankfully. Good friends and such a wonderfully thoughtful husband are such a blessing. And a child's laughter can really lighten the day.

nikkipolani said...

I feel like your first snow is akin to our first tenth of an inch of rain -- very different in scale, but the mark of a new season!

You'd mentioned the recent stressors and I'm glad the big hurdle appears to behind you with decisions made and you've transitioned your business. What a massive headache.

Hope that you can relax a bit more with cozy comforter and thoughtfully coffee-bearing husband.

Karen said...

Your last fave is one of my faves, too. My husband always has my coffee mug prepared with cream and the coffee hot, so I can just pour it in and stumble to my favorite chair. lol. So not a morning person either!

I'm glad you found support in this huge transition you're making. And a little one who helps ease the tension a bit.

We got our snow last night! I don't think there will be more anytime soon, but it's wet and sloppy out there.

Aritha Vermeulen said...
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Aritha Vermeulen said...

I enjoy reading other people's good things. Your last one about coffee in your sleepy hands is so sweet. That is really something to be thankful for.

I also have such a wonderful hubby. Snow? Brrr... Here it is warm. That is a bit strange in November. Thanks for hosting

Melanie said...

Your cozy feather quilt sounds lovely. I pretty much use the same quilt all year long but I have an extra one I use on top of it in the winter. Our autumn color is looking old now. No snow yet but I remember last year that our first snow came in November. Coffee is the morning is a lovely way to wake up. I've been on a tea kick lately - either Twinings Oolong or PG Tips. Have a blessed weekend.

Willow said...

My Professor gives me a fresh mug of coffee every morning. I love it and I'm spoiled.
Wow, I had no idea that your government was changing the rules about daycare. I am so glad that you have found the best possible situation.
Snow! We encountered snow on our trip over the continental divide this week. I am glad your snow is melting away! It's just too early in the season.
Happy weekend to you!