Friday, October 28, 2022

Friday's Fave Five #705

Hello everyone!  I'm glad to be back this week at FFF.  This past week was very busy but it's over with.  So much to be thankful for no matter what I am going through.  Join in as we find God's blessings and and with grateful hearts are thankful for them.  We are sharing 5 of our favorites of the week.  

~ Operation Child Kickoff ~ Sunday was the Operation Child Kickoff at church.  I always love this time of year as we look to bless children around the world through this ministry.  I can't wait to fill some boxes with gifts and school supplies for little ones.

~ thoughtful hubby~ as mentioned before it was a super busy week and hubby took note and took it upon himself to get takeout for supper on Wednesday before a big meeting I had.  I so appreciated his noticing the crunch I was under and taking steps to help alleviate some of the pressure.  

~ friends ~ this week I'm super thankful for friends in my life who listen, support, offer advice if I ask, and most of all for their prayers.  It's been quite the couple of years and I'm very thankful for them being there for me.

~ unexpected days off ~ I was blessed with yesterday and today off.  It is so nice to have these days to get caught up on some chores and appointments that I was needing to get to.  A little extra sleep in time and relax time are very much also.

~ some decluttering ~ it's amazing how much stuff a person with a child care in their home can accumulate.  We tend to hang onto all sorts of stuff in case we may need it or for crafts. These last weeks have seen me going through a lot of the stuff and I have a good donate and sell pile ready to leave the house.  Decluttering always makes me feel lighter.

What were your favorite blessings from the week?


Ingrid said...

Glad for you that the worst is over and your week was easier ! I can imagine that your day care business leaves a lot of clutter ! I also have to look through what I have kept and don't need anymore !

Faith said...

I'm so glad you had time off Susanne. there's nothing like a good break from the stress. Yay for decluttering and good friends who support, listen and pray. It's a real blessing when our husbands sense we need a break from the kitchen and surprise us with good take out. We LOVE OCC and although my husband is annoyed with Franklin and his politics currently, I told him that we can still support the children around the world with OCC. We've been doing this as a family since about 1993 and we love it. Our kick off isn't for another couple of weeks though.

I hope you have a restful, enjoyable weekend.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. I was just thinking last night that it is almost shoe box time. I need to get started on mine! So glad you got some time off. It is a blessing to have some unexpected time off to get things done. You inspire me with your decluttering. I think we all accumulate more stuff than we need to. So glad you have a thoughtful husband, good friends and an overall good week! Many blessings! See you again soon!

Barbara Harper said...

I love OCC. Our church just passed out boxes this week, too. I love when my husband suggests take-out without my asking. It's nice to have some days off. You're right, decluttering does tend to make us feel lighter. Good friends are a special blessing.

Schotzy said...

I am sorry you had such a trying week, but your hubby, like mine, was so sweet to prefer you, in your hard time and take you out for dinner! I always loved to do the Christmas Child boxes at our previous churches. Our church doesn't do that at Christmas but we filled book bags for children in Appalachia. No matter , helping others especially at this time of year is such a wonderful thing for both the giver and the receiver! Hope next week will be better!!! Schotzy

nikkipolani said...

What I like about your husband's thoughtfulness is that he took initiative and found a way to relieve some of your stress. Beautiful. Glad the crazy week is over and that you even got in a bit of more relaxed time. Decluttering is a wonderful bonus!

Willow said...

Yes, decluttering always makes me so happy. And relieved.
I am glad for you that you got those days off to relax and get things done around the house.
Wise friends are truly a blessing.
Enjoy your weekend!

ellen b. said...

Glad you had some time off and a lot of support. Decluttering is always a relief for me. Hope you feel that, too.

Melanie said...

I really enjoy decluttering. It makes everything feel fresh and new. It's great to have unexpected days when you can catch up or just relax and enjoy. Have a great rest of the weekend.