Friday, August 12, 2022

Friday's Fave Five #694

Wow, I can't believe it's Friday already.  Where on earth did that week go?  It just seemed to vanish into thin air.  But I checked, and it truly is Friday so that means we take a pause and look for our blessings from the week.  Please join us in developing grateful hearts to God for the blessings He brings into our everyday lives.

~ air conditioning ~ we are in another heat wave here in Southern Alberta and I am so thankful for central air conditioning.  The house had it when we bought it 29 years ago and we replaced it with a new, more energy efficient unit about 4 or 5 years ago and every year, but especially this week I'm so thankful we've got it.  It has been hot in the days but what makes it a heat wave around here is that it is not cooling enough at night to make it comfortable.  So thankful for that ac helping me get a decent night sleep.  

~ pina colada cookies ~  saw these in the grocery store's bakery when I was picking up some stuff for Mom.  Got her a package and on a whim decided to get myself one too.  Oh my.  They were so good.  Coconut, chunks of pineapple and white chocolate chips.  So delicious.

~ bbq dinner at my sister's ~ Sunday we took up my sis on a spur of the moment bbq dinner.  It was so much fun.  It was great to visit with them and share some laughs.  Over the last couple of years it seems we're always interacting in some capacity in the care of my Mom or my Dad and it's been hard to get together for just a night of good food and laughter with just us two couples.  This was so nice and very overdue.  

~ books that come into my life at just the right time ~  this past week I have had both a fiction and a non-fiction book that were just the perfect reads that I needed right in this moment.   I love when that happens.  When both a non-fiction and a fiction can just speak to my situation or encourage me in just the way I need it to just tells me God brought me that in perfect timing.  

~ decluttering ~ I finally got to my room downstairs where I do crafts with the kids.  Being a child care provider one tends to keep every thing, and I mean everything, that has any kind of potential for a craft.  It starts to get utterly ridiculous and overwhelming.  I recycled a bunch of containers and odds and ends of all sorts of stuff.  Tidied up the cupboards and gave the counters a good wipe down.  Step one in a week of going through the whole house and trying to declutter at least 1 large box of stuff I don't want, need or use from every room.  I don't know how on earth I accumulate so much stuff.  It always feels so good to get it gone.  Why do I let it come in in the first place is the million dollar question.  

What were your favorite blessings from the past week?


Gattina said...

We also are sitting in a heatwave today until 35° and this without air conditioning ! I couldn't declutter anything in this heat ! We are all sitting inside windows and curtains closed in the dark ! Just as in winter ! I am so fed up with this heat. The only thing to do is going to the shopping mall's restaurant sit down in the cool room and blog from there ! Fortunately my apartment is very well insulated and inside it's bearable but dark !

Faith said...

Praise God for central air is right!! We've just ended a LONG high heat and humidity month.....we literally had it on for 3 weeks straight and yes our electric/gas bill is the highest its ever been since we've lived here. But super thankful for this luxury and glad you have it too!

I love when books I'm reading speak to me in some capacity. I just finished an excellent non fiction about our phones and its effect on our lives. every single Christian should read this book!

Yay for getting together with your sister and her spouse. There's nothing like a good dinner with family to catch up.

Your craft room sounds like our classroom closet. We've been slowly going through it this summer and decluttering. It's amazing what piles up.

Have a restful weekend!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. So glad you could get together with your sister and her husband. Sounds like you had a good time. Those cookies sounds delicious. I haven't seen anything like that around here, but they sure sound good. Yea for decluttering. I have done some of that this summer, and need to do more for sure, especially since we will likely be moving next summer. Amen to having central a/c. Here in the Western U.S. summers would be nearly unbearable without it. It's crazy that it is getting so hot up north in your area. I hope you have a good and restful weekend! See you again soon.

Barbara Harper said...

I get so hot even with AC---I can't imagine functioning without it. Glad you had a chance to get together with your sister and her husband just for fun. I know what you mean about books that come at just the right time, even when we didn't know we were going to need what they have. It always feels good to declutter a bit. Things have a way of accumulating.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes. Decluttering. Got to get to that!!! We are coming out of a heat wave, and it's a little nicer around here than a week or two ago. But there will be several more before the end of summer, here in the South! --Ann

Melanie said...

Thankfully, east Tennessee isn't seeing any 90 degrees the past week. I don't know what I'd do without air conditioning! The pina colada cookies sound wonderful. I love to declutter. Things feel so much fresher and my mind feels less cluttered when I do.

Willow said...

I am sitting here smiling about the decluttering...I need to do it and I do enjoy both the process and the result.
AC stays on at our house all summer. This week hasn't been quite as bad since Monday. It's the humidity that gets me. I'm thankful with you for AC.
How special to live near enough to your sister to see her and have an evening dinner with her and her husband.
Have a good weekend!

ellen b. said...

What a nice treat that barbecue was for all of you. Decluttering is always on the agenda around here. Sounds like you have a good plan. Glad you could tackle the craft area. It really has been interesting not having the overnight cool downs we are used to. Air Conditioning is such a blessing!!

Wendy said...

I wish we had AC lol. Make the most of it. Sounds like you had a good week. Decluttering is so satisfying. Enjoy the weekend.

Jerralea said...

I'm late popping around to everyone to see how your week went. I, too, am so grateful for a/c. I'm very hot natured so I love my A/C.

As you know, I'm on a journey to purge and decluttering is a big part of it. I always wonder how I accumulate so much stuff, too. It's kind of embarrassing.

Love your gratitude graphic!

Karen said...

I'm due for a good round of decluttering around here, too. Once I get started, I really do enjoy it and the end result feels good, too. We've been in a heat wave until yesterday, when our temps dropped to low 80s. Today, we're getting a good rain. That will be in my Friday Fave's this week, for sure! How nice to get together with your sister and family. Hope you are having a good week so far.