Friday, May 27, 2022

Friday's Fave Five #683

It has been quite a week, let me tell you.  One where everything was just closing in on me, things went wrong, my dishwasher and my computer gave up the ghost, I haven't been feeling great and in general has been one of uncertainty and stress with my job.  Then the devastating news coming out of Texas. My heart is absolutely broken for the the families there.   Had it not been for this scripture that God  brought back to my memory, I would have let discouragement and anxiety consume me.  

I would have despaired had I not believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord
In the land of the living.
Wait for and confidently expect the Lord;
Be strong and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for and confidently expect the Lord."

Psalm 27: 13-14 AMPLIFIED BIBLE

But it reminded me that yes, I do believe I will see the goodness of God while I am here on this earth and not just in heaven, that I need to be strong and to look for Him expectantly.  So that is what I'm going to do.  I'm going to look for God in my days, even when I can't see past the immediate circumstances.  The storm will pass and God promises He is with me in the midst of the storm even when my earthly senses cannot "feel" that.  Please join in as we purposefully look for the blessings God reveals himself in in our lives.  Doing this weekly reminds me of just how blessed I really am.  Yesterday the dayhome kids and I were discussing our senses so I'm going to go with that theme in how God has brought His blessings to me this past week.  

~ sights ~ this week I am so thankful for the blessing of sight.  The leaves have all burst fully out in their leaves, my flowers are planted and I have their colorful beauty to gaze on as they grow.  It lifts my spirits and makes me happy to see them.

~ sounds ~ the birds have been singing their song so clearly and beautifully in the mornings and evenings.  I've just been soaking in their melodies.  Thankful for the gift of hearing.  

~ touch ~ in this stressful week I've taken some time to get outside to be in the fresh air.   Getting some exercise with my pup by taking walks and digging in the dirt planting flowers have been therapeutic this week.  Feeling the sun on bare arms and my face, feeling the breeze, the soft fur of my pets, the coolness of the dirt are all stress relievers and I'm thankful for the sense of touch.  

~ taste ~ our local small batch homemade ice cream shop had S'mores ice cream only this last weekend.  It sells out almost immediately and I was lucky to snag a pint.  Oh my my.  It was some of the best ice cream I've ever had.  I should have got 2.  My taste buds were pretty happy.  

~ smell ~ my dayhome child passed her "runny nose from teething" onto me and I have had a stuffy nose all week.  Been testing negative for covid so just a cold but I've been using Scentsy "Just Breathe" wax melts and a Lemon Mint candle scent that contains Eucalyptus and it has really helped.  Smells so fresh and nice. 

What have been your favorite blessings from the last week?  



Ingrid said...

I see your week was similar to mine, I had to laugh that your are "teething" ! Usually people do when they get their 3rd teeth. Here too the world becomes colorful, but it's hard for me to enjoy it. I try to distract me but come always back to the same worries. Now Rick is in palliative care ! Nobody knows when he will fall asleep forever.

Wendy said...

Sorry to hear you've had a tough week Susanne. I love the way you went back to basics for your gratitude list. Hope you can enjoy your weekend.

Faith said...

you have no idea how much i need that Scripture today. Pain is back as of 3 am. I'm very discouraged but God sees me and wants me to be pain free so for now I am doing what the ENT says and trusting that God will use this to teach me something. It's been a LONG 9 weeks.

I love that you used the senese to find your blessings this week.

Praying you feel better soon

Barbara Harper said...

I'm so sorry for the rough week. Hope you feel better soon and the appliances get worked out. I appreciate very much what you said in relation to the awful news from TX this week. We so often take for granted the everyday blessings of our sense, but, wow, where would we be without them.

ellen b. said...

Sorry to hear about your tough week. Loved the scripture you went to for comfort! Hope your weekend is a refreshing one.

Willow said...

Yes, the sight and smell of flowers and dirt and the feel of the soil is so very soothing. Sometimes we just have to go back to the basics. Especially when it is a tough week
Let us all rest in the Lord!

Jerralea said...

Sorry you are having a rough patch but you are wise to focus on that scripture and all the gifts the five senses has for you. Praying breakthrough for you, now!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Thank you for sharing the scripture. It's been a rough week for all. I appreciate the opportunity to take time out to look at the blessings we always have in our lives. I hope you have a restful weekend.

nikkipolani said...

Ugh. Computer woes can be some of the most headache producing. I do hope you are recovering.

Yes, the TX news has us all praying for those devastated families. Unimaginable pain. May God have mercy.

Ps 27. Yes, those very verses in that rendition have given me hope, too.