Friday, May 20, 2022

Friday's Fave Five #682

Welcome to another Friday's Fave Five.  Looking back over the last week to find those things in our everyday that God has blessed us with.  Have you been intentional in noticing those things through out the week that have lifted you up, helped carry your through, made you smile and enjoy the moment?  Hopefully we are all developing the habit of noticing the hand of God in our lives everyday whether it's been a great week or a more difficult one.

~ coffee and flower shopping ~ Saturday my dear friend and I hopped in the car, grabbed a Starbucks and headed off to my favorite garden store.  Time spend doing something we both enjoy on a beautiful sunny day was the best medicine and mood lifter.  All the worries of the week just dissipated during our little excursion.  The most stressful thing about the afternoon was having to choose which flowers to buy.  I love this garden center because they get such unusual colors of basic flowers like petunias, which are a favorite of mine.  And so many unusual and lovely varieties of flowers.  It is so hard to choose, but I finally did it..  Oh my.  I always overdo!  

Now if it would just quite being so cold at night and windy and raining in the day so I can plant them.

~ spontaneous last minute invite out to lunch ~ just before leaving for church on Sunday we got a text inviting us out for lunch after the service by some wonderful friends.  Of course, we are not turning that down.  It was a wonderful time of good food and lots of laughter and conversation.  

~ Monday's supper made ~ thanks to Sunday's invitation out the roast I had put in the slow cooker became Monday's already made supper.  Love not having to worry about what to eat on a workday.  

~ parsnips and carrots ~ such a simple thing, these veggies, but I sure do love the combo.  Added them to the roast dinner and enjoyed every bite.  I love them so much I made extra for my lunch the next day.  I'm thankful we have access to such a variety of vegetables to spruce up our dinners and we don't always have to eat the same old, same old.

~ dirty chai tea latte iced ~  I love them hot, but boy do I love them cold too!  After a warm afternoon flower shopping, it's was just the best drink.  

And there are my favorite 5 blessings. What are you grateful for this week?  Were they easy to notice or did you have to dig a little deeper?  Mine were not big and splashy but they were blessings I knew God had brought into my days to make my days.


Ingrid said...

I have no flower troubles anymore since I am living in an apartment. On the terrace I only have fake flowers, which everybody admires for real once ! This week was rather bad for me nothing to enjoy.
Rick's is getting worse and worse. Fortunately my son comes this weekend again.

Schotzy said...

Sounds like a marvelous week. I love going to the nursery for those first summer flowers. We did that a couple of weeks ago.. and now with the heat wave I get so concerned that they will not last, but it is in God's hands now! I love those impromptu invitations for dinner out .. on any day, but after church is very special. We have standing dinner out after church each week now. It seems most everyone prefers not to cook on Sunday!

Susanne said...

Gattina: My prayers are with you at this difficult time. I'm glad your son is able to be there with you.

Barbara Harper said...

Left a comment this morning, but for some reasons it doesn't always "take" when I try to comment on my phone. If it does come though, just delete this one.

I love flower shopping, and how fun to do it with a friend. Sunday lunch invitations seem to be a rarity these days--how neat to get one! And then having supper ready for the next day is a plus. I don't think I have ever had a parsnip.

I love the quote in your graphic. We take so much for granted.

nikkipolani said...

Oh yeah. I am totally with you on those visits to the nursery. Wonderful to see so many options. I wish we had those rosebud geraniums you guys get.

It is so lovely when meal plans work out ;-)

Wendy said...

Sometimes it's the unexpected things like the lunch invite or having a dinner prepared that you didn't have to think about that are definitely blessings for us. Have a good weekend Susanne.

Willow said...

Oh! Flower shopping! I'd be in heaven! And then coffee to top it off.
And yay for the spontaneous lunch on Sunday which also made Monday dinner easy. Win-win!
Happy Weekend to you! Hope you get to plant the flowers.

Faith said...

OOH.... shopping for flowers with Starbucks in hand. awesome for sure. I mostly have perennials so i haven't done any flower shopping yet...of course i haven't felt much like doing anything....hopefully that will end soon. I do plan on emailing you later. I tried to yesterday but i don't think it went through.

Fellowship, food and a meal for the next day...perfect!! Love when that happens.

We need rain badly. We woke up to an overcast and humid day so hoping we get a good downpour. We are very dry here in NYS. (at least the eastern end where i am).


Jerralea said...

I love having a weekday dinner done ahead, too! Sometimes making dinner is my nemesis.

Although I am not a gardner, I do love seeing everyone else's flowers!

ellen b. said...

Those spontaneous invites are wonderful. Happy weekend to you!