Friday, February 18, 2022

Friday's Fave Five #671

It's Friday! And that means we take time here at Living To Tell to look for the blessings God has graciously given over the last week into our lives.  Thanks so much to all of you for being a part of this wonderful community training ourselves to be intentional in noticing the good in our everyday and being thankful and grateful to God.   If you are new please feel free to join in!  

~ sleep, wonderful sleep ~ The last few nights I have managed to pretty much sleep through the night.  After almost three weeks of not much sleep and lots of broken sleep this is a huge blessing and one I am very, very grateful for.  

~ Valentine's date ~  Hubby and I usually don't go out on February 14.  It's just too busy and crowded in the restaurants and it always feels so rushed.  But this year we took a gift card that had been given to us a couple months before covid lockdowns hit.  We were saving it to use for our Anniversary that year but here it is coming upon  two years later.  We made a date for Saturday night thinking it would be less crowded.  Boy were we wrong.  Alberta just removed vaccine passport mandates in restaurants and the server was telling us they have 400 reservations for that day!  Yikes!  We still had a lovely time and a wonderful meal.  I'm thankful for the gift card and for a great date!

~ easy week at work ~ this week saw not all the kids coming each day.  Though I love the munchkins and usually like it best when they are all here I was thankful to have less of a load this week.  

~ favorite chocolates ~  Hubby gifted me with some favorite chocolates for Valentine's Day.  My plan was to just have one a day and savor them but well that's not happening.  They are so good you can't just have one.  

~ dishwasher ~ this week, I've just sat and thought how thankful I am for my dishwasher.  I always have a huge load of dishes at the end of the day between child care and my own family.  If I had to do them all by hand at the end of a long day, it would be exhausting.  So thankful for this hard working appliance in my home.

What are you grateful for this week?


Faith said...

Oh I'm with you on the dishwasher! Now that we are down to just one daughter at home, it only runs every other day (unless we have company) but I sure am thankful for the appliance!

YAY for needed sleep. I've been praying for you Susanne...God is good!!

LOVE chocolates...the darker the better for me. Hope you still have some to enjoy this weekend with a hot cup of coffee and a good book.

Less children in daycare must be a real blessing at times.


Deb J. in Utah said...

So glad you are sleeping better. I know what a blessing that is. A good night's sleep can affect us positively in so many ways. So glad you had a nice Valentine's date with your hubby. The candy sounds so good. So glad your week was a little lighter than usual in your day home. Yes, dishwashers are a blessing to us, aren't they. Our pioneer ancestors would be so amazed at such a convenience. Hope you have a great weekend. Relax and rest up. Take care. See you again soon. :-)

Barbara Harper said...

Maybe it has to do with getting older, for some reason, but I know what you mean about broken sleep and the blessing of a good night of sleep. I usually can't sleep much past four hours, but it's lovely when I can get up and go to the bathroom and then come right back to bed and sleep.

We're the same with Valentine's Day. One especially long wait at a restaurant that day, when we had our whole family plus a friend but the big tables had been taken out and replaced with tables for two, we decided to stop going out that day. We did go out last week, after months of just having take-out, so it was a nice outing. Glad you had that date on a special day!

It's nice to have less of a load during the week, and chocolates are a great fave.

We just had a few days of hand-washing while my husband fixed our dishwasher, so I am greatly thankful for it. I'm thankful for whoever invented it.

Wendy said...

How nice to get out for a meal and to be able to use your gift voucher. An easier week and more sleep will hopefully have you feeling good and yes I think we all value the dishwasher. Even with only 2 of us here we still manage to make enough dirty dishes to warrant using it! lol Have a good weekend.

Willow said...

Oh yes, the restaurants have been crazy busy here, too. On New Boy's birthday, we were about the last people in for the evening and the servers were exhausted. I'm glad you had a good time enjoying dinner and each other.

And yes on the dishwasher! I just unloaded and reloaded it before I sat down to enjoy some FFF time. All.Those.Dishes!

Have a good and restful weekend.

Karen said...

My sleep is so erratic these days. I know what you mean about being grateful when you get a good night in.

I needed to hear about your gratitude for the dishwasher! My least favorite chore is unloading it, which my husband usually does anyway. How easy it is to take things for granted.

We rarely go out for Valentine's Day either. Dan calls it 'amateur night.' This year he made dinner and it was really nice.

ellen b. said...

Woohoo! Glad you could squeeze in a meal at that busy restaurant! So grateful for my hard working appliances! Hope your weekend has been good.

Ingrid said...

How nice to go out with your hubby to a restaurant, a thing I cannot do anymore, he is too weak for that. The picture of both of you is very nice. We have had a terrible storm and now that we can go out we are locked in by the bad weather !!

nikkipolani said...

It's amazing how a good night's sleep improves everything! Hope this trend continues.

Glad you and hour valentine able to get out for a meal even at peak busy season. 400 reservations.... wow.