Friday, February 11, 2022

Friday's Fave Five #670

Hi everyone!  So sorry my post is not up.  Fell asleep and post did not go up.  Go ahead and link your FFF post and I'll be back later with my own!

Oh what a week.  I'll be the first to admit it's been a struggle.  I've been dragging myself through the work days, totally exhausted by supper with not much motivation to do anything but make it through another day.  This running on constant interrupted and/or lack of sleep and pain meds and being in constant pain is wearing physically and emotionally.   But though it's been a rough one there is still good blessings that have been in my week.  These have lifted my spirits and encouraged or simply brought a smile and some joy.  The practice of intentionally looking for blessings each day has made it so that when the rough weeks come, and they will come because it's life, I can lift up my eyes and see the good, the joyful, the uplifting, the touch of God.  If you haven't already please join us in our community of looking for and sharing the blessings in our everyday lives each week.

~ lunch out with good friends ~ this is always a treat.  Good food, good laughter, good conversation and encouragement is always uplifting to the soul.  I look forward to each time we can be with these particular friends.  I feel energized and lifted up.

~ shoe inserts ~ yes, I have shoe inserts on my list this week.  They have been my saving grace this week to help make it through the work day.  Years ago I invested in some really good inserts fitted by a guy who knows what he's doing.  My sciatica flareup has given me such a sore foot this week and these inserts have really, really helped in easing the pain in my foot.  I'm thankful I had them.

~ sunshine ~  we have had such dreary, cloudy and windy days here.  Though it has been extremely warm for this time of year, the trade off is the chinook winds that bring the warmth.  Which means it also brings a chinook arch which is a certain cloud cover and wind warnings.  But the other day, it was mild and sunny so I made sure to get outside with the kids so they could run off that pent up energy.  It was wonderful to be outside feeling the sun.

~ popcorn ~ hubby makes the best homemade popped corn ever and he made a big batch of it over the weekend.   Served in these cute individual bowls my friend gave me and it's even better.  I love it with just extra salt, or Dill Pickle Seasoning or  Saltwater Chili Lime from Silk Road Spice Merchant or Tajin. It's seriously so good, we really ought to have a popcorn truck or something.  

~ simple meals ~ I'm thankful this week for simple meals thrown together that don't take much effort or time.  I'm glad I have a file under recipes especially for these kinds of recipes.  I'm also thankful for meals that can be bought at Costco or the grocery store such as the fresh, whole cooked chickens or meals that can just be thrown in the oven.  They've really helped this week.

What are you grateful for this week?  What has uplifted or made your day better?  What has got you thru?


Ingrid said...

Lol, apparently Mr. Linky went to bed with you, because he isn't there !

Faith said...

Hey Susanne!

Mine's up but there's no linky thing here. Here's my post:

Barbara Harper said...

I fell asleep in my desk chair this morning. I always kinda hate when I do that, because I feel I'm behind the rest of the day--but then, I feel I needed the sleep and would rather nap than drag trough the day.

I don't see the Mr. Linky, but my post is here: Will check back with you later! :-)

Ingrid said...

It must have been terrible to go through the week and have the little once around ! I am also tired not physically but psychically with all the paperwork to do and no help ! My son doesn't know the Belgian laws he left after school and went to London. The weeks are all the same and we too have strange weather, not really cold but always rain !

Wendy said...

I'm glad you had some nice things in your week as being in constant pain is no fun. I hope the sciatica improves soon and you can rest this weekend.

Faith said...

Must be something in the air this week because MY sciatica started up again (as you know...thank you for praying!!). Mine is in my hip and knee.....radiating down....UGH..i can so relate to what you're going through. Glad the inserts help. My feet don't have pain although they get tingling's also the lyme disease acting up when that happens....

I'm glad you had a great lunch with friends. I LOVE that. I have a lunch date tomorrow with the 5 ladies from my small group that just ended and each woman is becoming more than a member of my group. We are actually becoming good friends who do life together and it's something I NEVER want to take for granted. If you and I ever meet, I KNOW you'd fit right into that category..there's something about being united in Christ, isn't there??

I LOVE quick meals and roasted chicken from the deli. It's what's on the menu for Sunday! Tonight we're going out for Moroccan food which i've never had.

ENJOY the weekend and get some rest.

nikkipolani said...

Oh Susanne. I'm so sorry it's been such a tough week as you wade through that sciatica pain. Glad to hear there've been some relief and help with easier meals and mild weather and an energizing lunch with dear ones.

I want to know those popcorn secrets!!

Willow said...

I am sorry you are in pain. I get it. My heating pad has been my friend this week. I hope you will be able to rest and relax over the weekend.
Mentioning weather must be popular this time of year. Hopefully, our snow and ice will melt away.
Having food and fellowship with good friends is so refreshing!
Wishing you REST this weekend.

ellen b. said...

I sure hope you are all better soon.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. I hope you are feeling better soon. I also use inserts, or I have terrible Plantar Fasciitis pain, so I do know that good inserts are truly something to be grateful for. Yay for sunshine, warmer temperatures and letting the littles run and play outside. That popcorn sounds soooo good. I love popcorn and if I lived in your area, I would come over to sample some! Hope you have a restful weekend. See you again soon.

Barbara Harper said...

So sorry for the sciatica pain--that is no fun, to be sure. Hope it's lessening by now. It's true that when you're in pain, it drags everything else down. Yay for quick and easy meals for those times, whether from recipes or packaged or pre-cooked foods.

Those little popcorn dishes are cute. I had lunch with friends on my list as well--such a brightener to the week.

So glad you had mild weather and sunshine so everyone could get outside.