Friday, October 29, 2021

Friday's Fave Five #656

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  A place to think on and share five of your favorite blessings from the past week.  I, unfortunately, have to make my post short and sweet.  It's been a very busy week with Mom being taken to ER and admitted to hospital.  She is doing ok now but boy, it's been exhausting.  But in spite of everything that comes with a health scare there is good things in my week too.  I'm here to think about those things, to notice where God has moved and has lifted me up.  Won't you join in?

~ this post ~  I really enjoyed reading this wonderful post that said everything I try to say in FFF's but she worded it oh so much better. I also loved that she used the story of the Israelites piling stones to help them remember everything God has done.  I like to think that my FFF posts are like one remembering stone upon another reminding me of God in my life.

~ supper at a friend's ~ Having supper at a friend's home used to be a regular occurrence for us but since covid that kind of fellowship became non-existant.   But this past Saturday we received an unexpected last minute invite to a really good friend's home for dinner. What a blessing to be sitting across from them enjoying the meal they prepared and laughing and sharing.  My I've missed this! 

~ evening cup of tea ~ now that the weather is cooler those nice hot cups of tea in the evenings are tasting so good.  Some about tea and putting your feet up and relaxing all go together.

~ shawls ~ around these parts with fall comes some pretty windy days.  And with that wind comes a feeling of the house being colder.  But not enough to turn the heat on.  My son got me a shawl a couple Christmas' ago and I find it's just perfect wrapping that around my shoulders.  Warms me up enough without being too hot like a thick throw or sweater would.  

~ little tiny apples with big flavor ~ when I went to the bank I noticed some trees in the parking lot that were ripe with fruit.  I thought they were plums at first but then realized they were little apples.  The city has a whole bunch of various fruit trees around town for public picking so I picked a bag of them.  And they are so delicious.  They are bigger than a crab apple but way smaller than a regular apple, sweet and tart at the same time.  A nice treat and bonus, the dayhome kids love them, though they are pain to peel because of their size.

What were your favorite blessings from your week?


Barbara Harper said...

It's been a long time since we have eaten at anyone's home besides our kids. Glad you had that opportunity. I love the idea of fruit trees that the public can pick. How wonderful that they tasted so good. I'm sorry about your mom's ER visit--glad to hear she's doing better.

Willow said...

My post was short and sweet, too. I pray your mom recovers quickly and returns to health.
That's a great city policy to allow the public to pick the fruit. And apples are delicious.
I don't think I've had a meal in someone's home who is not a relative since we moved. Maybe I will change that by inviting someone over.
Happy weekend to you!

Faith said...

Yes it's been a LONG time since we ate at another person's house. We have gone out to restaurants of course and had take out and for thanksgiving last Nov we did have my sister and her son here. Glad you got to dine with friends!!

that's great post about the rocks and gratitude, etc. I love the Proverbs 31 ministry stuff.

Sorry to hear about your mom. Hope she is doing better now.

YAY for free yummy little apples :)

Have a wonderful weekend. I plan on mostly just reading and relaxing and maybe raking some leaves now that they are starting to fall.

ellen b. said...

Sorry to hear about your mom and that scare. Hope she can come home soon. Hooray for sitting across from people enjoying a meal and conversation. Hope you have a relaxing weekend!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I know what you mean about the heat. I have blankets all over my couch and chairs for us to cuddle under while we watch TV. So nice you got a chance to have dinner at a friend’s house! It’s the little things like that we miss the most.

Karen said...

That's so neat that your city has fruit trees for citizens to pick from. What a great idea.

I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I remember how draining those hospital visits can be. I'm glad she's doing better.

Having dinner with friends is so uplifting, and I love when we meet at each other's homes.

Hope you had a nice Halloween. Have a good week!

nikkipolani said...

Hope there's been some calm since your mom's rush to the ER. Praying for recovery for all!

So glad you've had some restful tea evenings as well as rousing ones with friends. I love both ;-)