Friday, January 22, 2021

Friday's Fave Five #618

Hi everyone and Happy Friday!  So glad this week is done.  It's been a toughie with my mom getting ill on the weekend and some behavior issues happening in dayhome that drained me.  But there is still blessings to find and be thankful for.  So why don't you join me in sharing 5 of them!

~ surprise me ~   Our library has been closed to the public since they tightened restrictions once again in December 2020.  They do however have curbside holds pick up.  But sometimes, especially with kid's books, it's hard to know what to put on hold and I can't just scroll forever looking.   Usually when I get kid's books I just browse and pull books that I think they would like to look at and books I know I would enjoy reading to them. I can't do that now.  But the library has made a feature during this time called "surprise me".  I just fill out an online form, tell them any themes I would like and for what age group and they put together 10 or so and I pick them up curbside once they inform me it's ready.  So thankful for this feature.  I can keep sharing my love of books and reading with the kids!

~insane wind, no damage ~ Tuesday we were hit with insane winds again.  This time we set a new record for my city:  130 km/hr.  That would be 80.78 mph!  Hurricane and tornado level 1.  Yup it was a bit breezy.  The power went out again on the northside.  We're on the south so weren't affected.  The blessing was there was no damage on our property and even the city trees on the boulevard out front fared ok.  Usually we see tons of broken and fallen limbs lying on the ground all down the street when we have a huge wind but nothing that I know of this time around.  

~ Faith's post on praying for our leaders ~ Faith wrote a very timely post this week on praying for your country's leaders.  It was a good reminder of something most Christians know in the back of their minds but how many actually practice it on a regular basis?  It was convicting and encouraging at the same time.  

~  speedy plumber ~  the other night our drain got clogged way down in the basement pipes where drain opener just wouldn't work on it.  It was a huge blessing to have a nephew in the business and after we called first thing in the morning he had someone here in short order to get us unclogged.  Thank God all the toilets and bathroom sinks were farther down the line from the clog so were still able to be used by the dayhome kids otherwise I would have had to close until it could be fixed.  But I'm thankful for such good and quick service.

~ new slippers ~  Funny how you don't notice how old and uncomfortable your slippers have gotten until you actually get new ones.  Feels so padded, comfortable and warm.  Why do I wait so long before replacing this kind of stuff?

What were your favorite blessings from the week?


Ingrid said...

That's a good idea of the library !We also had 80 to 90km wind ! My room is just at the corner of the building and it made a lot of noise ! But at least I was not worried at all that the roof would been blown away, as we are not in a house anymore !

Deb J. in Utah said...

Aren't libraries wonderful places? That is such a nice service your library has. I remember bringing home stacks of books from the library when my kids were little, and we would read every one. Again and again. So glad you got your drain unclogged. We had some high winds here as well last week, but fortunately our area was not impacted which is good because we have many large, old trees around here. I love comfy slippers - especially in the winter when it is cold. Amen to praying for national leaders of every nation. So important. Have a good weekend. See you again sson!

Barbara Harper said...

What a neat service from the library, especially when you can't browse through books yourself. Wow, that was some wind--glad it didn't affect your area. That's wonderful that you have a nephew in the plumbing business and he could get you taken care of so soon. The slippers sound comfy!

Wendy said...

We had a big storm blow through this week too but thankfully it didn't affect us too much. Many areas have been subject to flooding which must be awful. Our libraries do a similar scheme but I haven't used it as our local branch doesn't do it. My DIL has done it for Grandson Rory as he loves to have books read to him. Unfortunately sometimes he gets some that he loves but Mummy doesn't like at all lol. Enjoy your weekend Susanne and hope your Mum improves.

Faith said...

Omgoodness. I'm honored you listed my convicted to pray post as one of your faves!!! I'm slowly learning to do this daily.

I do hopemyour mom is starting to feel better.

Yay for good plumbers. Been there done that FOUR times since 1994 when we built this house. 2 of those times completely flooded our basement. So i know what you mean about a speedy plumber.

I love getting new slippers!!! I'm almost due for some myself! I love them in the winter.

What a wonderful service your library is doing for children!! And their caregivers!! I wish ours did that!!

Enjoy the weekend!!

ellen b. said...

That wind storm passed a lot of us. I just noticed my door wreath blown into a planter. Must retrieve it and put it back up. New slippers! I need to pull out my new ones. Glad you got that plumbing issue taken care of.

Willow said...

Oh, wow! That is insane wind! I heard from my CA friends that they got blasted with high winds too. I'm glad everyone is safe.
That is a great idea to do 'surprise me' for kids' books. Have you found new favorites?
Yes, we should pray for our leaders. I have been doing that.
Have a good weekend and thank you as always for hosting this very important group.

Anonymous said...

I posted about new slippers also. :-) The Surprise Me feature sounds great for choosing kids' books!!! -- Ann

Karen said...

The library service sounds wonderful. Ours is open again, but there are very few places to sit and read. They close every afternoon for an hour to clean. They used to have 'senior hour' in mornings, before the general public was allowed in, but they've stopped that. I soooo miss the freedom of just going to the library and browsing for a while.

My slippers are so threadbare! It's like walking on thin cardboard, LOL! I really need to get a new pair. I'm glad you are enjoying yours:)

nikkipolani said...

Wow, those are scary mph numbers! We had a couple of wind events as well, but my weather app said we had maaaaybe 25mph. Glad to hear you all survived it.

I've loved having the electronic options for reading/listening on my phone. But I do miss browsing and can appreciate that great feature at your local library!